There was a pirate and a sailor in a bar. After a few drinks, the sailor notices that the pirate has an eye patch, a peg legg, and a hook for a hand. The sailors curiosity gets to him and he asks, "Sir what happend to your legg"? Pirate replied,"RRRRRR shark bit me legg off!" WOW, the sailor is amazed. A little later the sailor asks, "what happened to your hand"? The pirate says,"rrrrrrr Mutiny!" "Thats incredible", replies the sailor. Finally the sailor says," i gotta know what happened to your eye?" Pirate says, "RRRRR Bird pooped in my eye". The sailor sits there for a second, and finally asks," How did bird poop make you loose your eye?" The pirate replies," RRRRR it was the first day with me hook!"