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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. The only time i retie is when i can feel my line has a nick or is ruffed up. Sometimes after i hook a toothy critter like a walleye or sauger. I almost exclusively use trilene 100% flouro on all applications except topwater. IMO its the most abrasion resistant line I've used. But i don't think nobody reties as much as they probably should.
  2. Thats ok booten you can buy me something and ill teach you how to fish.
  3. first of all i'm going to need some pictures of said girl. But this actually happened to my friend this year. One guy married his best friends sister. Things didn't work out and there was an ugly divorce. Some things were said between the two and they no longer talk. I'm sure your not thinking of marrying the girl yet, but things do change when this sort of thing happens. On the other hand, if shes hot enough, you can always find another friend. lol j/k Bros before gardening utensils
  4. yeh i bet ups takes a pounding this time of year.Just think of all the happy little burleys and burlyettes that are going to get there presents on time because of you LBH.
  5. lol that about right. i did answer the phone a minute ago so im on a roll now
  6. Well i got to work today at 7:00 a.m. Got on BR at about 7:30. Have been on all day. A few times had to log off, but was back within 5 minutes. Is there anybody as useless as i have been today?
  7. From a younger guys perspective, the Fast and the Furious probably the best. I don't know how many tractor trailers there are with enough ground clearance for a supra but it was very entertaining. Plus all the idiots in the parking lot after the movie with there moms 88 delta was "amazing" as well.
  8. Awesome fish my man.
  9. Id probaly agree with 99% of that. Only reason it isnt 100% is because i havent broke any yet. P.S. Hybrid striper on river systems love them. lol
  10. Is booten going to be able to make the trip to kentucky?
  11. lol it was a good night. but back to the topic, Kentucky lake will be an awesome trip I'm sure, big lake , very intimidating.
  12. i even looked at that sentence before i posted. awesome
  13. and apparently im still drinkink one. wow spelling is hard
  14. ive been know to finish a few nazi kilolers in my day
  15. I cant wait until the year 2020 when they make them actually fire.
  16. x2 ryan , but i guess some people think they know everthing and expect others to know too.
  17. Alright an E21 man. i hear ya. Nice boat, man im jealous.
  18. I know we alreay had our Super Bowl shot this decade, but DA BEARS are still alive for playoffs. ;D
  19. My wife and I decided to open a few gifts from each other yesterday. Pretty much because im 5 and i cant wait 3 frickin days. The catch was we got to pick witch one the other got to unwrap. So she opened hers first. It was the new New kids on the Block CD. Im sure you are as excited as she was. Im thinkin to myself, i got a quiet evening to myslef of watching Jeremy Starks smack talk KVD and maybe play a little WII before she would be done listening to it. So she hands me mine. I can already tell from the box its a board game.(I got pretty good at guessing what comes in certain boxes during my childhood.)SO as i rip the Charlie Brown christmas paper i can see the words "opoly". My heart sinks, as i already have seen for what the evening has in store for me. A 3 hour game that ends with me getting ticked and throwing little red hotels and calling her a cheat because i have already mortgaged everything except Baltic AVE.And when i say CHEAT, That the nicest thing she gets called during a Monopoly breakedown.
  20. MY best friends are twins and they are cops. There older brother is a cop and there Dad is a cop. There quit possibly the best people in the world. Would do anything for me or anyone in a drop of a hat. I go on a float trip with them and about 12 other cops every year. The comradery and stories they tell makes you want to join the police force right away. The pay is ok, not nearly what they deserve, and as one BR member pointed out, you have to learn to leave the work at work when you come home. I think police have one of if not the highest divorce rates. But IMHO, dont be the MAN.
  21. Sweet lookin jigs my man.
  22. All of the above are good ideas and work, but all i use is a piece of soft plastic worm ,lizard,crawl or whatever i have handy that has gotten torn that day.
  23. should have teabagged the whole table. lol but it sounds like hey actually might like that
  24. I cant believe she got away from Burley. I figure she would be chained to the heater or thrown in the hole. "it puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again!"
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