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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Be sweeter if it came in Carrot stick orange
  2. Im not a big bean or chilli guy. So all boat carpet and boat seats should be safe from any stains or smells. im actually on the jimzee diet plan right now. Thank god for Diet Mt. Dew
  3. Did anybody catch the Heat and Nuggets. Dick Vitale called his first NBA game in 25 years. Dickie V is awesome but hearing him call a pro game was absurd. He kept referring to the college game every other sentence. It just didnt fit. I dont think he wanted to even be there calling the game. I guess it was just weird to me.
  4. Watched it twice in theaters. Picked it up on Dvd the other day. Defitnatley in my top 5 funniest movies of all time. Some pretty sweet behind the scenes stuff on the 2 disc dvd set.
  5. yeh, big fan here. My sister was a huge fan. She crammed it down my throat pretty early. i was one of the only grade school kids that even knew who they were.If it wasnt Floyd , then it better be Zepplin.
  6. Disney. Its awesome. I dont know if you have ever been before, but it was like i was 12 years old again. Plus there is a spot on one of the islands thats has night clubs if you wanna go check out that scene.
  7. Walleye will tide me over until the end of February.
  8. He is going to have all of you saying SHAMWOW. The commercial works . Everybody remembers it.
  9. lol sounds like your trying to turn me on. you would better off with colgate and listerine
  10. We will be fine. I have had 6 in there beofre. You dont mind spooning do ya. Im the big spoon. LOL.
  11. Ok. Three months away now. Just got to make 3 more months.....3 more months......3 more months. How awesome would it be to go there and get skunked. I hope you all are ready to see a 6'6 280 lb man cry. i cant wait
  12. Boondock saints. awesome flick.Charles bronson alwsays got rope. lol
  13. LOL Thats gold Jerry. LOL wow a Kenny Banya reference. Thats pretty funny
  14. how dare you all associate Burley with West Virginia. I know of at least 5 women. 2 men, 2 dogs and a sheep named Fluffy that have a restraining order against him. Thanks but no thanks, VA can keep him. lol j/k man you know i would never file charges against you."again". lol
  15. I loved Click and hate Billy Madison. BM has two or three decent scenes. IMO, Click is the best film Sandler has made to date. I've been saying this for years, but if he wanted to do it, Sandler could be the next Tom Hanks. Hanks started out doing comedy, then transitioned to 'serious' roles. Sandler was the lone bright spot in Spanglish and he was pretty darn good in Punch Drunk Love as well. His role in Click was about half and half and IMO he nailed them both. Are you drunk or special. Billy madison was awesome. Click was a cinematic turd. Except for the Odoul refrences and the slow motion jogger,id rather watch Breakin 2 electric boogaloo
  16. I saw Sandler the other day on an Episode of the Cosby Show. Probably one of his first gigs. That or remote control.
  17. I will be there in June. Awesome
  18. I dunno, I need to shack up with someone if I do. My relocation to Guntersville is still very probable, so if I do move I'm not sure what kind of leave I'll be able to take. I'd love to go though... I understand , i probably wouldnt want another beating from me neither lol
  19. man that does look pretty awesome 8-)
  20. 8-)That sounds like something a Pennsylvania guy would do. 8-)
  21. 1. Faircloth 2. A.Martens 3. Vandam
  22. Probably already heard this one......... A West Virginia hunter was duck hunting when he was confronted by a DNR officer. The officer asked to see the hunters license. The hunter obliged and showed him his WV hunting license. The DNR officer began to inspect the ducks. He picked up a duck, smelled its butt and said "this duck is from Ohio". "Do you have an Ohio license?" The hunter reached back into his wallet and pulled out a Ohio hunting license. The officer picked up the second duck, smelled its butt and said,"this duck is from Kentucky, do you have a Kentucky hunting license?" The hunter once again reached in his wallet and pulled out a Kentucky hunting license.The officer then picked up the last duck, sniffed its butt and said, "this duck is from Georgia, I bet you don't have a license for that!" The hunter once again presented the officer with the correct license. The officer with amazement turned to the hunter and asked," buddy just were are you from anyways?" The hunter dropped his pants, turned around and said" you tell me!"
  23. I like GY Flapping Hogs II. There real balky and tons of legs and appendages and they really fall great on heavy and light jigs.
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