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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Native Brookes around here will hit a turd wrapped in more turd. Not the most picky fish in my opinion. Though a ninja lisence or being chuck norris helps. There are very aware of anything approaching the stream. I like any bright colored wooly burger or clowser minnow. Just helps me see the fly better. But yellow is my favorite. When i fish with a spinning rod i like bass pro bitsy tubes, 1 1/2'.and a royal coachman joes flie.
  2. Bear still has a show. Les's got cancelled. Enough said. I guess survivor man couldnt "survive" the ratings.LOL BURN
  3. i might go ahead and be at Jimzees the night before wayne. And i will have room for your stuff as well.
  4. The Strike King red eyes are probably my favorite now. I have always been loyal to bill lewis, but they do not have the action of a Strike King when it falls.If i was straight ripping through grass or burning them i dont think it would matter on any lipless crank. But if you are Yo-Yoing i think the Strike King wins hands down
  5. Ii flip alot of jigs at the wiener dog. He just grabs the trailer though.He is getting harder and harder to hook. lol j/k ;D
  6. Good point fourbizz
  7. Personally i like a spinning outfit when drop shotting. Mainly because smaller diameter line and more control and feel of what the plastic is doing. I think a fast action rod helps on subtle and quick hits in deeper water. I'm sure there are some that use a bait cast setup for drop shotting. Just use whatever your comfortable with.A Pixie is a small low profile bait caster that you might want to check out. JMHO
  8. Is it not possible that diffrent retrieves or presentation all together(I.E 4" finesse worm on drop shot, 4"worm on jighead,4" worm on mojo rig) are catching the same fish. Sure its the same bait but its action is diffrent. I dont think know 2 fisherman fish a bait excatlley the same.I think this can be applied to all baits, cranks, jigs, spinners, etc.
  9. I just looked at who has registered for the trip so far. 13 people from 13 diffrent states. I thought that was neat.
  10. I like the Rapala Flat DT7 and DT3. I caught a whole bunch of fish on them these past 2 years
  11. lol that would suck
  12. Only on BR can a topic start about a fishermans health condition and be turned into wether or not you should have your dog inside or outside. lol i love it
  13. lol well i was kinda of wantin to get the ok first. But it looks like the "pawn" off worked perfectley.
  14. Largemouth sea kitten. Sounds kind of scary really.
  15. If the pop-up is a rockin, dont come a knockin. ;D seriously dont knock we might tip over.lol
  16. I don't know if it has already been done. but we need to have a Moderators "roast "or at least a weekly member roast. I would enjoy emmencely. For those who do not know what a roast is. It is were you honor someone for there accomplishments with a bit of teasing and making fun of. All in good fun
  17. You sure? i thought it was supposed to be a new episode. Anyway i never seen it. Yeh the Boa he ate was huge. I think i would be more freaked out by the insects at night rather than the snakes.
  18. Yes i trust the Brit. I guess Les survived Canada. lol Im sure it was tuff with all them French and free health care. lol j/k Tom and Sorry to any Frenchmen. lol
  19. Man that boat is awesome. I cant wait to wim the lottery and buy me one.
  20. yeh ive watched him. Les is his name i think. Its good. There just something about that guy i dont trust. lol but its a good show.
  21. Im sure alot of you have seen this guy on the discovery channel. I really do like the show. I thought he was supposed to show you what to do if your ever lost in these places. Last night he was swinging of a vine over a 50 ft drop into rocks at the head of this cave in Belize. Then once on the other side of the rock cliff he climbs down. Ive never been lost in places like this and i probably never will. But i thought that you might want to keep yourself free of injury when lost. I know its for the entertainment value, but it seems he makes things harder than they should be. After the tarzan swing and the Stalone cliff hanger scene, he went through an underground river. He came upon a spot he could see a little bit of light ahead but the rest was under water. He didnt have a clue how far it was he had to swim to get to the opening. The guy is nuts. im sure hes never in real danger with his film crew there but all im saying is that some of the extremes he goes through are a bit far fetched. I do love the show though. Bear Grils i solute you.
  22. Hello and Welcome.
  23. For what? Turds & whey? You look like you need a fruit cup.
  24. Coors Light makes an excellent side dish
  25. LOL awesome. Man , nothing better than a damnation of one soul by burley. God Bless that guy
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