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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. We have a Sportmart here. it has catered to the anglers in Central WV for more than 15 years if not longer. It sponsors our local tournament trail. They have always taken care of the fisherman that are loyal to there store. Every year they hand out discount cards to local anglers that have been good customers in the past. It really works out great. There is an Older guy that has worked there since Lauren Rapala carved his first Rapala. He cant get out and fish like he used too but he still gets out and fishes. Listening to his stories is well worth going . About 2 years ago we got a Gander Mountian. They really did have an amazing amount of fishing tackle and some things at better pricing than Sportmart. I might spend $100 dollars at Gander and be in there less than hour. But ill spend the same $100 dollars at Sportmart and be there for 3 hours talking to him about fishing. Hands down my favorite tackle store,
  2. yeh im a HUGE jack white fan. I Like just about everything he puts out. I think he is defitnatley under aprreciated. Im not saying hes the next Robert Plant but there is for sure some serious Led Zep influence.
  3. Yeh i understand that RW. I think the Tenn. river is alot like the Kanawha River in WV, just bigger.
  4. Alright, another WV brotha. i have a few buddies that do a trip or two to canada from WV every year. I will be sure to ask them when i see them. I dont think ill get to talk to them until next thursday though. but i will let you know what i find out. Welcome aboard as well.
  5. How many diffrent species of freshwater fish have you caught in one outing and what were they. 1. Smallmouth 2. Spot 3. Rock bass 4. White bass 5. Hybrid Striper 6. Sauger 7. Walleye 8. Drum
  6. Any of the Kentucky Lake guys know how much Precipatation KY and Barkley Lake got in the past 6 months.
  7. lol im not going to sugar coat it. That is the ugliest thing ive ever seen,which means it will prob catch you your PB and make me look like an idiot arsehole. But it does looks worse than 2 boys kissin. LIke a monkey with 4 arse's. Just plain wrong
  8. very nice! ;D
  9. AWESOME PIC AND FISH DREWSTER!. I catch alot of hybrid's on my home water fishing for smallmouth. They are a blast to hook. Sometimes can be a real pain in the butt during a tournament. 5 and 6 pounders are extremely common on the Kanawha river Catch one seems like you will hook up with 3 or 4 more on the next few casts. Fun none the less.
  10. That is indeed terrible. I have seen and used one and have always wanted one, but seems like yours was nothing but a hassle.I hate to hear that. Kind of makes me wanna stay away from it
  11. A great fisherman will and can consistenly catch fish anywhere,anytime,any situation. Always on the water somewhere. Routinley out fishes friends, partners, others on the same water. Embraces every moment hes on the water. Truly loves the hunt of the fish and the success of catching. pretty much KVD and myself. ;D
  12. lol ha, acetone is so 90's. Hes just not that into you Notebook Legends of the Fall Sisterhood of the traveling pants(Very hot Blonde in it.) How to lose a guy in 10 days
  13. lol A-Roid, man thats awesome. Dean you better get that patent right away
  14. I think its awesome, but im a red sox fan. I liked to see everybody on roids for a few years. Home run numbers would be awesome.Maddux could pitch until he was 73. pitchers would throw in the triple digits consitenley. lol maybe there can be a league seperate from the mlb like the XFL and the NFL. Charging the mound would be manditory. I could see John Rocker coming back and killing someone. BUt all jokes aside, this is just another tanted athlete for the struggling MLB. Maybe just start kicking everyone out and placing a life time ban on anyone that has and are using. Random urine test at every game. Could have a bring your own cup night. One mucky fan will get his/her cup used by Jason Varitek in the bottom of the 7th. lol
  15. I never liked reading when i was younger. Hell i did a book report on Jack Londons "Call of the wild" from 7th grade to 10th grade. I do find myself reading alot more. LOL i really like Harry Potter and i love the movies. But they leave out so much in the movies from the books.I am usually on the road alot so i was wanting to get some books on tape or cd. I know the Library now has certain books on mp3 players. I have read a few Dean Koontz, its my wifes favorite author.
  16. i thought you were a gitzit man
  17. yeh i was scared to go see this movie with my wife after reading the title.I was thinkin to myself ,"great,chick flick, maybe she will let me sleep." It was actually pretty d**n good. Plus Scarlet Johanson looks insanely hot in it. When Jennifer Aniston is the 3rd hottest chick in the movie, it defitnatley helps. Jennifer Connley is also in it. But its actually really funny and alot of stuff the mopvie talks about is pretty real life stuff. There was also a Harry Potter trailer. OMG i cant wait. Star trek looks awesome too. Just My 2 cents
  18. lol yall are killing me. Let me try and get this point across one more time. I am not doubting that there are better rappers with better flow with low or no radio play and small followings, im not. Im saying that right now, album sells, popularity, exposure , lyrically, talent, wayne is the best. Alot of the rappers yall named write alot ,if not all of there lyrics down before they go into the studio and thats fine. Wayne does not, its all off the top of his head. Yes he is mainstream now or pop, whatever you wanna call it, and if everybody else was as good as he was they would be too, but right now there not. Anyways tired of arguing about this. Hanna Montana is on. peace
  19. Only because he is still alive. And even then don't forget about LL (Just go listen to "I'm the type of guy" lol) members of NWA, The Game, Brother Ali is climbing in status, and Eminem is still great. Ever, no way and never will be. And a good show? New England concert goers can't stand him. He has been at two events for 94.5 and both times didn;t perform because "he couldnt get through security". :[/quote didn't say he was the best ever. He is the best that is putting out albums right now. The Game is awesome but he is west coast and there hasn't been nobody since snoop worth a darn from the west coast. All i am saying is finiacially,lyrically, and popularity wise, nobody is better than little Wayne right now.lol Come on New England fans are the hardest people on the planet to please. dont get me wrong , im a huge sox and celtics fan. You know thats not a hip hop area anyways
  20. Hes the best rapper alive period. Dude puts on a great show. His energy level is unmatched. Carter III was the fastest selling rap record of all time. Every track hes on goes to number 1. Its ridiculous. Plus the guy is only in his 20's.Hes the face of hip-hop and is going to be around for a while.
  21. LOL man that was funny. LOL sorry TOM
  22. yes 10 points is correct
  23. Sure sets are a love hate relationship. Yeh they hook up better on fish and i think its hard for fish to throw them, but they hook everything!!!!!Rocks, wood, muscles, ducks, beavers ETC...
  24. ;DI had no intention whatsoever to hook a musky. I would have had a leader or something on, but i really didn't think about. I have seen 4 muskies hooked there in the past 2 years so i probably knew better but didn't really think to much about it. Anyways the 5 seconds he was hooked was a blast. yeah I'm so glad i didn't take the tru-tungsten down there.
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