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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. OK sorry i see where you said he was caught fishing. Brain fart. I dont want to put the homless down or anything, but im sure he couldnt afford the kind of tackle that we use. Im just curious on what he caught it on and how? Give a man a fish, and he will eat for day. Teach a man to fish, and he will be arrested and sentenced to jail in the state of California.
  2. Does anybody know how he even caught the fish? Ive never seen or fished for this kind of fish, but i imagine that catching it bare handed was a bit of a task. I hate to hear that he recieved jail time for it. I understand the fish is endangered, but I don't understand, its a HUMAN BEING living or a fish. I love this sport and I love catch and release and obeying the laws that go with it. Sometimes though, you just have to look the other way.
  3. $219.99 now. Just checked the website
  4. I fish out of a canoe twice a year. Ive always had another person in the boat with me and all of gear including camping gear. We have used plastic and aluminum. I , with out a doubt, prefer plastic. They are more quiet than a aluminum. I am however 6'6 280 and it is hard on my body to fish all day out of one.But to get away from civilization and camp for a few days, it is definitely worth it. I got a personal pontoon last year and it is definitely easier and way more comfortable. Very light and fishes better than a canoe IMHO. Check out CreekCompany.com. Usually get one for around $200. But if i was on a river/stream/creek and was wanting to make good time and stay a few days i would definitely go with the canoe.
  5. lol wow thats all i got to say wow
  6. You better stock up on Brody's worm and flea medicine. I may be living with you a week a month. I want a 5+ on that lake this year. LOL they dont make 5 Lbers on Stonewall. They stop growing at 4.4.
  7. lol really? man that is funny
  8. heck i probably have passed it a hundred times, just never noticed it.Yeh you will defitnatley have to come up Tom and do some fishin. Id like to get you and bobby out on the pontoons at the New river. Yall would have a ball.
  9. lol you can still come. I wished they would cut some of the Lilly pads out. Its kind of ridiculous in June and July.About 70% of the lake is a fortress of pads. Awesome jig/pig water though. I know you want to throw that Rage Shad.
  10. I had a dream last night i was fishing a tournament on some lake .I think it was supposed KY lake. Anyways there are 4 boats in the tournament.I was the only one not familar with the lake. I caught 1 fish on the second day and won.Even in my dreams i cant get a limit.I remember i was fishing out of my ole boat using carolina rigged beavers and xraps. I think there was a bridge were i caught the fish.Anyways, out of nowhere im in a camper. Theres a TV in it and there is Burley, Jimzee,booten,and speedbead playing Star Wars, the clone wars for the Wii.Then i was on a dirt bike going down this path to the lake and i woke up. weird
  11. Just bring it back in one piece, I need something to fish out of on Stonewall this summer. You need to come to Ritchie county at least one time this year too. You wanna talk about some flooded timber.Its ridiculous
  12. My grandgather and my father have always said this, and i find it as true as ever. Havent heard it in a while. thanks for the memories.
  13. you might as well go ahead and make 2 so you can give 1 to me ;D
  14. For novice trout fisherman, id suggest Trout magnets, 1.5" tubes , Powerbait nymphs. But would really like to know what kind of water you are fishing, creek, river, lake, pond mountain stream. Like other said, species is also a factor of what to use. Just give us some more clues and im sure you will get tons of info back.
  15. If anybodys needs a tent or air matress or anything comping related,PM me or let me know sometime. I have around 3 or 4 tents that fit 1-8 people, so anybody camping just give me a shout, P.S. to tent campers, you may want to bring extra tarps, nothing worse than a wet tent.
  16. I used to here alot of people say that they needed to "unthaw" there pipes in the winter time. Didnt quit under stand why they would "thaw" them and felt the need to freeze them again.
  17. 28 days later was pretty good. And the newer Dawn of the dead was pretty awesome. Safe to say that the asian zombie with no arms was the fastest zombie known to man. He ran the 40 in 4.2. lol but he couldnt catch the ball . lol
  18. The Falcon Boxes are awesome, just with they where bigger and held more. But do seperate and protect the cranks very well.
  19. lol haha @sstracker likes me better anyways
  20. Went and saw this cinematic turd yesterday. Picture any steven segal movie and add Leam Neason or however you spell it. One of the most predictable movies ever. The movies plot was plausable, but it takes place in france, which to me isnt that rough of a neighborhood. Probably not worth going to the movies and seeing but you may wanna check it out on DVD
  21. Rebel PoP-R Frog Pat. 2:00 p.m. 7lb 8 0z Plum Orchard Lake,WV 6lb Spiderwire mono All Star rod ABU Spinning reel July 13, 2003
  22. Oh yeh, something bad is comin your way. I got some months of planning to do on this one. But go ahead and book it. Your goin down!
  23. Im guessin you want punched in the face for all that braggin your doin.
  24. I was giving my jigs a pep talk last night. They are super stoked about KY lake. Id love to see some high water. I know im not the only one that talks to my tackle. i frickin cant wait.
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