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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. lol you can tell the old guys from the young guys pretty easy by the movie selections.
  2. Man that freaked me out. i couldnt believe that. I wonder if that would have been a smallmouth or largemouth and you caught it during a tournament would the extra weight have counted? LOL thank Panamoka, it really did keep this idoit in suspense
  3. Shenanigans! The drive down will be an adventure in itself.Im pickin up a hitchhiker to keep me company if we see any.
  4. Please just tell me what happens at the end, I honestly cant take it anymore.
  5. I use a 6'9 E21 carrot w/ Diawa TDA. Spooled with 10# 100% Trilene Flouro. In my opinion its the best fishing line that has came along yet.
  6. ok so it does do something diffrent in the end?
  7. Bachleor party Fast Times at Ridgemont high Weekend at Bernies Spaceballs Ice Pirates Breakin Breakin 2 Electric boogaloo Spinal Tap Clue
  8. Holy cow are you serious. this is the first i heard of it. Man that really sucks.I love the tapout guys. He will defitnatley be missed.
  9. No offense, but this is the dumbest question ever asked on this site EVER! lol thats like askin a hooker if she wants free health care. Any day your not 6 feet under is a good day to go fishing. Sorry for the calling you dumb , but you deserved it. ;D
  10. I hate Lesnar but i dont think Mir can do it twice. The dude is retard orangutan strong.Mir has an advantage in every category except brute strength. Its gonna be an ugly ground and pound win for lesnar. I agree wayne, im not a Machida fan at all, but he looked spectacular in his last fight. Rashad evans , unfortunately is getting better. Theres just something about that guy i cant stand. I wish Arlovski would get another shot at Fedor, but i dont think its gonna happen.
  11. Yes it is on here in WV too. Smallmouth here are hammering the pointers. Also an occasional Walleye as well.
  12. It looks like that thing swallowed a baby. Incredibly fish chris. My longest is Two 22". Both on Jerkbaits.
  13. Stop using jolly ranchers as bait. Nah i have caught Largemouth in small ponds early in the year with the same problem. There was still ice on the ponds. I think it has something to do with the colder water and the amount of oxygen in the water. Im no scientist though, but i am a good B.Ser.
  14. i have a tent he could use and an air matress.
  15. huh looks like the same fish. The markings around the tail look identical. WTG though
  16. About 1.5 million in eakins jigs and flappin hogs
  17. Ive glanced at a map a few times, there is so much area its mind boggling. Im hoping the water is really high when we get there. I cant wait , its gonna be awesome.
  18. lol Only under diffrent circumstances do i agree. Fishing related, i prefer tubes for smallmouth more and beavers for Largemouth. Though i have caught both species on both baits. Beaver is just a bigger profile bait and largemouths seem to eat bigger meals. I mostly use an exposed jighead on my tubes while Skin hook or t-rig my beavers.
  19. I just want to see good football games. Give them steroids, let Poindexter and Louis do all the academics. As much money as a University makes from the football programs, they should be paying them anyways.
  20. Honestly, i have never tried it, so i dont know if i would like it or not.I can see that there is alot of pros and cons. It would seem like your missing something with them on. But i can see where it would increase your feel or concentration of what your lure is doing and how you are fishing.I guess it would be like Daredevil. take away one of your senses and the others are heightened. maybe earplugs with no music would be better than. Oh well, i guess ill just leave the Ipod at home.
  21. Still depends on water tempature. 45-55 it would be hard to get a jerkbait and a jig out of my hand. Traps and spinnerbaits would be my second choices. Just let the fish tell you what they want.My bet is that they will still be tight to structure.
  22. I cant wait. Luckily we are going to have some higher tempatures this weeked so maybe ill get to calm down a bit and actually fish for something that doesnt require waders and a fly rod.
  23. I like the cover craws pretty well. A little too thick in the body in my opinion but still an overalll good T-rig bait.Pretty good colors as well.
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