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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Sounds like you are fishing the same lake i am fishing this weekend. Have you fished any transistion banks or points or staging areas on points and dropoffs where the big girls are waiting for warmer water. My opinon and i know it sounds stupid, i think the big girls and the dinks are feeding on the same size bait. I dont think lure size is all that important early in the year. If i was catching fish on a fluke i would stay with the fluke. Change up the action, fish faster or slower.Whats your water clarity? Have you came across any baitfish?
  2. gettin closer. Luckily there is a Tournament this weekend to help me get mind off of it. Supposed to get down to 20 degrees tonight, so im sure that morning boatride is going to be awesome.Kentucky trip is going to be flippin awesome. I hope some people catch some new PB.I dont care if somebody catches a bigger one than me, as long as it takes an 11 or 12 lber to do it.
  4. Eakins jig w/ GY Flappin Hog dragged,hopped,pitch swam,popped, anything to get bit.
  5. That is what i call words of wisdom!
  6. Im just glad to see that Gambit is going to be in the new Wolverine movie. He was always my favorite .
  7. I think your right on. Water temp and Flouro combintation IMO would cause this. Any real cuurent where you are fishing? water movent can also push it around
  8. Call it what you want, Very productive color for me. Thye could call it ********* blue, id still use it.
  9. " You were a boyscout, wasnt you Tom" " No , but i had a brownie once."- Without a Paddle. As much as those dam things are, serves them right, lol maybe a little to harsh.
  10. Wow thats amazing. Glad they got caught. Can you imagine cleaning 1268 fish. That would be worse than the fine.
  11. Pop - R or Soft plastics fished weightless(mostly lizards) ran on top of the water.
  12. Ok Monty, i get the picture. Speedbead is a made man.
  13. Tick , tick, tick. Times ticking away. Almost time to rip some Kentucky Lake lips. Last 2 weeks are going to drag by. The shenanigans and mischief are going to be outrageous to say the least. I just don't want to be the first one to fall asleep in the camper. That's got bad idea written all over it.
  14. It shows my wifes old car in the drive way and we got rid of it in spring of 07. So at least that old
  15. Yeh sometimes the automation isnt enough, and you need that follow up flush or at least the next person going in does. Then there is one in a gas station in Ripley WV that must use 5000 gallons of water when it flushes. Im scared to death of that thing flushing while im on it.
  16. I use a 6'9 MHF E21 Carrot Stick w/ Diawa TDA w/ 10# 100% Trilene Flouro. Im a huge fan of LC Pointers. They have a little wobble when they come to rest on the pause. I think fish really key in on that. Its really hard to beat the Ghost Minnow pattern here on WV waters. But water clarity is a huge factor with jerkbaits in my opinion. The clearer the water the better. I like all sizes of jerkbaits. Baitfish size is my determining factor when it comes to what size to throw. "Match the Hatch" is what im trying to say. As far as candence is concerned, Change it up, to see what they want. But when the jerkbait bite is on, few baits are as fun to fish with.
  17. LOL LETSSSSSSSS GOOOOOOO MOUNTAINEEEEEEEEEERS! Glad to see another Moutnaineer fan. We got Dayton then Kansas. I think we got a good shot at Sweet 16. I dont think this is our year really but next year, when ebanks gains 40 pounds, we will be awesome.
  18. ABU GARCIA REVO -SX 7.1:1 Very smooth reel out of the box. Took it apart and was amazed how well built it was. Retails i think for 169.99( I didnt pay that much however). Defitnaltey worth the money in my opinion. The Linear magnetic brakes are excellent. The things picks up slack line like a fat kid picking up donuts. Awesome black gloss paint finish.Very easy to tune for flipping or casting. I have always been a Diawa man, but there will defitnatley be a spot for this reel on one of my rods. In my opinion its one of the best reels for the best price on the market today.
  19. Stained water- Black/Blue Eakins w/ GY Flappin Hog same color Clear Water- Green Gourd Eakins w/ GY Flappin Hog Green Pumpkin Dirty stained Water-Stanley 1//2 ounce Rattlin jig Black/Blue w/GY Flappin hog same color
  20. Field Representative for National Oilwell Varco. We supply fittings and tools for the Drilling rigs and gas companies. Always on the road, well half the day anyways. Other half im in the office on the phones or on hear acting like im working. Pretty sweet gig.
  21. id be down. i usually fill out about 15 of them in various office pools.
  22. I think i just threw up a little in my mouth. Yep i did. Moving on to brighter and a less disgusting note,19 more days until serenity now. I'm starting to get a little excited.I saw were Kentucky is supposed to get a little rain the next few days , but i think its gonna hit further east.
  23. Just start filleting. They probably wont have much life in them by the time you get them home. I am all for fish conservation and releasing safley.But there nothin wrong with taking a few. Just stick your knife in a go to town, the fish wont scream.
  24. yeh we were watching it at the local Hooters and with 2 minutes left in the 3rd overtime the "manager" or whatever he was turned the TV's off and said we are closed. I was at the very least ticked. Cops were called and we left. It was bull crap. Aynway, we got to listen to the rest of it in the car. Good game
  25. time? network?
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