Personally i believe not just anybody can be a pro angler. The determination and commitment are second to none in any sport. Physically demanding? Not as much at mentally, but have you ever threw a jerkbait or a deepdivin crankbait all day. Then multiply that day for 4 straight days of tournaments. Alot more physically demanding than one might believe.Not to mention the practice days leading up too it. 8-12 tournaments ,it adds up. The mind set of the top pros is truly a marvel. Id like think of myself as one hell of a stick. I know i can fish everyday and love it, but to be consistently competitive day in and day out, with the amount of money they fish for on the line, knowing your family is depending on you to catch fish, WOW. They are incredible.I had a melt down myself this past weekend. I lost 2 big fish at the boat. This is a local club tournament with about $600 bucks on the line, i flipped out. It was worthy of Ike himself. But back to the topic,i think there are just some people who have a knack for it, and have the ability to learn and APPLY what they have learned in pressured situations.