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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Complety forgot that this thread is about posting something about the person above you and not about yourself ;D
  2. sad to see him go. I hope this dont mean no more Madden football video games. I just dont think Collinsworth 10 sounds like a very good video game.
  3. x2 I think you would like Yozuri hybrid. Its a copolymer. Not very expensive either. Treat it with some KVD line conditioner and you got you some fine, limp, non-memory line.
  4. If you get a chance, try floating the New in May. From the Bluestone dam down to the take out before Brooks falls is some awesome fishing. Flukes, senkos and tubes are fantastic at this time. 4 gates open on the dam is ideal for this time of year. but anything from 1.5 up to 6 gates can be safely navigated. Anything over is one hell of a ride. Greenbrier is fun. A ton of fish, but have caught better quality on the New. Awesome baitshop up on the Greenbrier in Talcot. Its called Lowells Market i think. His back room looks like somebody threw a grenade in Bass Pro. Pretty well priced too.
  5. Does not plunder or pillage. Makes me wonder what kind of Pirate he really is? pirate lol
  6. yeh if any of you have some poker chips you wanna get rid of or the King of spades , hook a brother up
  7. Sandberg is the man, next to Grace, hes my favorite cub of all time
  8. one lure for all seasons and all water temps for anywhere in the world? Id have to say a spoon. I hate using them but every fresh and saltwater game fish can be caught on a spoon.
  9. Ok. Most of us have seen this movie. But how many have seen it on cable TV. You know how they clean up the language on movies. Well on this Cinematic masterpeice Samuel L Jackson has a line and i quote; "Im tired of these Mother F****** snakes on this Mother F****** plane," Well the fine folks at FX have cleaned up that garbage for us and gave us this gem. " Im tired of these Monkey Fighting snakes on this Monday Friday plane. It may not be funny to yall, but when i heard it i laughed until my sides hurt.
  10. i know. i went back over to the lodge but you were already long gone.
  11. I own both and i think that both rods preform the same. THe gold is a little easier on eyes. It actually kind of changes color in the sun. You wont be disappointed in either one. Some of the lightest rods on the market. My biggest beef with them is the guides. Id like to see a betterand smaller guide on them. I own 5 carrots and i am tickled pink with everyone of them. Lifetime warrinty too.
  12. man that is truly a bitter sweet story.
  13. First of all, this new crap aint country. Its Pop Country, Dont get it wrong, Jason Aldean is good , but he aint no Johnny Cash or Waylon Jennings. Even a freak like LBH can aprreciate them ;D. I think you should use some old WU-Tang on the video. CREAM! dollar dollar bills yall
  14. thinks that 2 jokes about his flannel is enough, when its clearly not. ;D
  15. Growing up in southern WV, we had Black Bears in our yard on the regular. One time fishing in the creek behind my parents house, there were 2 cubs splitting the creek and running up the side of the hill. If you know anything about Black bears, you know that where there is cubs, the mother isnt far behind.In the corner of my eye i caught something moving and sure enough it was her. She ran a short distance at me and stopped. I was so scared i couldnt move. She looked me over and went down stream from me and kept looking back. Once on the other side her and the cubs took off like somebody shot them out of a cannon. Pretty intense
  16. She-mano over Quantum but Daiwa over both ;D 8-) ;D 8-) ;D 8-)
  17. really? i guess i didnt even notice this morning. Now i wont be able to stop looking at it.
  18. Awesome setup your friend has there 502. I own 5 Carrots and i love very one. Daiwa reels are simply the best in my opinion. Shimano makes really good reels but there not near as pretty as Daiwa's are. ;D But yeh your right, you get what you pay for.
  19. why cant i have them all
  20. Wouldn't this work a lot better on those WV women? :running: Nah , they only like guys who catch Big Bass ;D
  21. A stacey King jig is a big jig. Not going to get bit a whole bunch, but when you do, it will be a good one.Try starting out with a smaller jig with a small trailer. Strike king Bitsy Bugs and Eakins jigs with small Zoom swimming chunks or 3" Powerbait Chigger Craw as your trailers.Ive always done well with Green Pumpkin and Black/blue. Smaller jig you will get alot more bites. Some smaller fish but something you can build confidence in. Shake it, drag it, hop it, swim it, just let the fish tell you what it wants. Hope this helps
  22. Word x3 X4 x ALOT secrets out. Nobody else is allowed to use them.
  23. lol sounds more like 5bass. LOL sry Scott, im just jealous, i have the voice of a 13 year old girl.
  24. Biggest fish or biggest bass. Because your gonna get about 3-4 diffrent answers
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