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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. yeh i can see this taking up alot of my time. pretty darn cool
  2. Are we playing contra?
  3. That does make me feel alot better about my weekend.
  4. he has to be supervised when he has them out. Court ordered.
  5. not to sound to nosey or anything, but how excatley do you decide? Is it a moderator vote or do you just pick one out of a hat. I know you check on accomidations and pricing of course but i just wanted to know what or who gets the final call or is it a democratic vote.
  6. lol whatever they are thats hilarious. My Lab is dumb enough to do the same thing, and unfortunatley his master is also dumb enough to try something like that.
  7. i dont think i have seen any new episodes, but i love the reruns on tbs.What i have seen is really funny
  8. I'm too old and too happily married to go chasing after those sweet young things any more. I'm kind of like a dog chasing a car: I don't know what I would do with one if I caught her anyway. lol thats pretty funny.
  9. yeh i prob took it a little to harshly,my mistake. But jersey still sucks and you can all kiss my @$$. ;D
  10. lol i thought it was my computer. glad its not just me. I was like what did he order
  11. WV hate talkin huh. Unfortunately this site frowns on obscene language or i would definitely have something better to say. Before you say something about someone or the state there in please do us all a favor and educate yourself a little more before degrading several members on this website and the wonderful state they live in. Thanks
  12. i voted wrong. i hit the wrong button. I voted i didnt have no reels. Sorry to screw up your poll. lol screw poll lol i have several of each
  13. I vote skirts thast do. All i use is Eakins.
  14. Was there a shank carved from a toothbrush involved in this exchange? No, but there was a Mook involved
  15. lol it was funny. i think he blamed you at first.
  16. definate hybrid
  17. lol awesome Has seen the Hanna Montana movie 10 times and still cant get her to lift the restraining order
  18. My personal pontoon is from the CreekCompany. I think its class 2 or 3 qualified. Boat has no problem at all navigating from Bluestone dam to take out before Brooks falls. Brooks is about a mile or so before Sandstone. Just be sure to take out before Brooks. The take out is on the left about 1/2 mile or less before the falls. I think you cant actually go over on the far left, but i havent build up enough courage yet to try it. Anywhere near the right is about a 10-15 foot drop so STAY LEFT. I think im going to go this weekend but havent made a decision yet. But like i said your pontoon shouldnt have no trouble at all.
  19. awesome fish man.
  20. is from Jersey. Enough said.
  21. has tickets to New kids on the block reunion tour.
  22. buddy you might as well just kick me in the n***. Awesome fish. im super jealous
  23. We won with a whopping 10.6 lbs. Cold muddy water is not very kind. But anyway a win is a win. 2nd place had 7 something, i think we caught only 10 fish the whole day. Not counting the trash fish that Jimzee caught. Jimzee missed the big fish by 6 ounces. i think his was a 5.2 which was our first fish. Fortunatley i had a pretty sweet dink bite going to fill the rest of the live well. All in all it was a fun day. I think i have created a monster now with Jimzee and tournament fishing. He was like a 5 year old out there he was so excited. Very cool too see. I think the 5 hour energys had something to do with it as well.
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