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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Boy of boy. Talking about setting the bar high. Ill take ronnie as a personal Rep. any day. Im not sure its fair to him to judge the rest of us based off how great of a guy he is.
  2. Bingo
  3. I like to make 72 virgins bathe in the blood immediately following the slaughter of a large bull. Hey whatever works....you and Jimzee are 2 for 2 ;D Well now isn't that great. Where am I going to find 72 virgins at penn state... > LOL try the local TKE frat house. lol Booooo teeks AZO haha
  4. ok theres 2 morons involved in this idea. Jimzee and i were fishing the New river in our personal pontoons. We caught a ton of fish. Next day we decide that if we had anchors we could catch even more. Let me first say that if nobody has heard of or seen the New River,that it is also used for Whitewater rafting and the section we were fishing has some Class III rapids. Well in a deeper swift pool, we throw the anchors overboard. DRAG, DRAG, DRAG, CATCHES! Boat submerges and a slight case of whip lash occurs. Couldnt get my anchor loose. So if anybody needs an anchor, there is one right behind the hotel in Hinton WV. My good ideas usually turns into an " I almost died today story."
  5. nice quote. keep wishing. We have disastrous flooding here the past 2 days. Creeks are really up and a lot of roads are completely shut down. Plum Orchard would be awesome to fish if i could get to it. Lilly pads were really starting to pop up good. I think they took a bunch out though.
  6. lol thats awesome. i like it
  7. Way to go
  8. Its starts with sacraficing a small goat. LOL. Just try and go a week before and fish like normal. Just try and fish where and how i like to catch them and adjust from there. If i dont get a chance to fish prior to the tournament, just find water that i am comfortable with and fish presentations that i have confidence in on tournament day. If i had more time i would probabley do a better pre-fish but i just do what i can.
  9. I just keep my rod down, close my eyes and hope for the best.
  10. Tombstone Goodfellas A River Runs Through It
  11. Heres the deal. Im the best there is. I mean, i wake up in the morning and i spit excellence. Nobody can hang with my stuff. Im just a big, hairy, American winning machine. If you aint first, your last. lol ;D
  12. Scott you defitnatley need to attend that cluster$%@#. I for sure want to make it out to smith mountian at least once this year. The docks are calling my name..
  13. Jimzee and myself fished another tournament this past saturday at RD Bailey Lake in southern WV. We finished 1st again and brought Jimzees career Tournament winning percentage to 66% and mine, well lets just say alot better. Winning weight was only 12.9, but that was good enough. Shakyhead by far was our number 1 bait. One fish (that was later culled) in particular was hooked very deep in the gullet and was bleeding badly. After time spent trying to remove the hook, the fish looked pretty bad and was belly up a few time in the livewell. We have been using the SURELIFE that we had received at the KY trip and put the recommended amount in and mintues later the fish was no were near death. IT was very impressive how that fish turned around. The slim coats on all the fish were outstanding. I cant give thanks to this product enough. We have used it in all of tournaments this year and guys this stuff is amazing. Please use this product. If you dont want it, send it to me. Anyways , another win for the good guys and we are getting pretty cocky lol.
  14. sad to say but yes. It is happening more and more i think. Usually i say something loud enough for them to hear and they usually get the hint. Some profanity and hard looks work wonders.
  15. By the time im in my 50's this place is gonna be like Thunder Dome. Im gonna have to fight Master Blaster to get a medicade card. Loser gets his organs sold on the internet.
  16. Welcome , great another VOL. LOL ;D
  17. When your a Ginger kid like myself, the rays coming off of the Moon can burn you. I have been burnt so bad that i had to miss 2 days of work. Pretty embarasssing phone call that was. So too all my Pale brothers out there. Get the 150 sp just to be safe and remember to actually use it.
  18. If Garnet was playing, this series wouldnt even be close. Vinnie Del ***** a coach? Give me a break. This team is loaded with people that are easy to hate. It is a great series but with Garnet it would be totally different.
  19. i used to love spinnerbaits, last couple of years they have forsaken me though. Big fish bait for me usually. And a big yes on the fish jumping in the boat. Not to me personally , but happened to these guys in a tournament i fished against. Smallmouth were chasing shad and one got a little overzealous and jumped in there boat.
  20. night time, im right with BIg O on this. Day time however, i like a more subtle presentation. Just enough weight to get the worm to the bottom with keeping the wind in mind. I like to thumb my spool on the retrieve. barley moving maybe 1/2 at a time. Takes alot of patience(i usually last about an hour if i get no bites). 1 cast can usually take 5 minutes or so depending on cast and depth. Usually catch bigger bass. But not numbers. I like Berkley and zoom worms. Im sure the big anacondas are great too, just havent had any to try.
  21. take your boat and run about 20 times as close to the bank as you can to muddy up the water. ;D i hate clear water. lol just do what you are comfortable with and have confidence in. Dont waste time with something you think will work, fish hard with what you know the majority of the time. Trust your gut on when to move and what to do.
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