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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Ill pay for everything, but you have to strangle at least 2 kittens with your bare hands on video tape.
  2. LOL. its in my top 5 pick up lines of all time
  3. LOL. awesome. Im going to blame that on my phones touch screen.
  4. I'm definitely trying to make it happen. KY Lake is full of bass and a great place to tune your skills. No shortage of bites down there. You better get your butt there.
  5. Why did the Walrus go to the tupperware party? He was looking for a tight seal!
  6. lol nice
  7. Buy more 78sp Ghost Minnow
  8. Ive never used a power pole or installed one or even fished out of a boat that had one. Are they anchored to the boat by compression or with bolts. It seems it would take more than a minute to take one off a boat? Theives must be driving a car with no hitch or they could just cut the trailer lock and steal the whole d**n boat.
  9. WTG man. Congrats
  10. You might need to pitch a tent on Dick's sidewalk tonight just to be sure you beat Blaine in the door tomorrow morning. I dont know what time the one here opens up. I bet if you called the store it would have a recorded message with the hours. Nah, im going to the one in Morgantown. He stays in his territory and ill stay in mine. I hit the Morgantown Dick's up yesterday, they had a better selection than the Clarksburg Dick's. However....are you ready for this? I cleared the rack on Lucky Craft Pointers @ $5.48 a pop. Also cleared the rack on all their LC cranks @ $4.50 a pop. Scored a few Sebile Magic Swimmers for $4.50 as well as Terminater T-1 spinnerbaits for $.98 BTW, I'll not have to buy replacement trebles for my cranks again for about ten years, probably bought 50 packs all together. ;D You @*$%. The only thing i went after and you got them. Had to go to Woodland World in Uniontown to spend money. Got some LC Pointers and Cranks but not for 5.48 though they were on sale. Did pick up a bunch of Sammys at Dicks for 5.48. Didnt have any Dt Flats either.
  11. I used to think the same thing a few years ago. Started paying more attention to the way they fell through the water. Found a few brands that seem to swim down or away and a few that dropped like a rock. Both produced in diffrent situations though.
  12. You might need to pitch a tent on Dick's sidewalk tonight just to be sure you beat Blaine in the door tomorrow morning. I dont know what time the one here opens up. I bet if you called the store it would have a recorded message with the hours. Nah, im going to the one in Morgantown. He stays in his territory and ill stay in mine.
  13. Nevermind, im a moron. i see it.
  14. Anybody know what time Dick's opens on sundays? Couldnt find anything on there site. Might have overlooked it.
  15. Deep Creek, Youghiogheny Res. , Potomac. Deep Creek is probably froze right now though.
  16. Yeh, hes in the top 3 most hated people in WV.
  17. Sounds like there is a link between fishermen and colon problems. Seems like 1 out of 3 BR members have had anus trouble.Must be karma for the ripped lips of fish.
  18. Ego. I'm no Michigan fan at all, but who wouldn't want to go to there Alma Mater and resurrect a program that has been struggling and bring it back to the top. I think Les Miles is a great coach. You don't win in the SEC for that long by pure luck. I don't know how much money Michigan could offer. I'm sure they owe Rich Rod for another year, so who knows how much they can put up. Money and ego always seems the trend. So, to answer your question why would he leave. I think he would just so he could say to the world " look how great i am". I think alot of coaches have done it in the past and there looks to more of it on the way. P.S. Heard on the radio this morning that Rich Rod is being sued by the couple that bought his house from him here in WV. There apparently was a major leak causing damages to the home. The couple said they were never notified of any leaks or water damage by Rich when they purchased the home. Also, the couple said there was also a boat in the agreement. Rich rods lawyer said the house was sold "as is" and that there never was an agreement about the boat. I wonder if Glenville would consider hiring Rich Rod back? LOL. Maybe. But im a Glenville Alum, so i hope not.
  19. Ego. I'm no Michigan fan at all, but who wouldn't want to go to there Alma Mater and resurrect a program that has been struggling and bring it back to the top. I think Les Miles is a great coach. You don't win in the SEC for that long by pure luck. I don't know how much money Michigan could offer. I'm sure they owe Rich Rod for another year, so who knows how much they can put up. Money and ego always seems the trend. So, to answer your question why would he leave. I think he would just so he could say to the world " look how great i am". I think alot of coaches have done it in the past and there looks to more of it on the way. P.S. Heard on the radio this morning that Rich Rod is being sued by the couple that bought his house from him here in WV. There apparently was a major leak causing damages to the home. The couple said they were never notified of any leaks or water damage by Rich when they purchased the home. Also, the couple said there was also a boat in the agreement. Rich rods lawyer said the house was sold "as is" and that there never was an agreement about the boat.
  20. is it April yet. Hell, ill settle for March.
  21. New Basscat or Legend. New house in Charleston, WV. New car for wife and new truck(Tundra prob) for myself. Pay off all families bills and debts Open up a bait shop. Fish and raise family. Would probally own alot more JDM stuff.
  22. Monty python and the holy grail. Awesome flick. I can remember being around 5 or so and sneaking into the living room behind dads recliner and watching Benny Hill. I really didnt know what was going on , but i knew i liked seeing half naked women.
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