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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. On a shakey head, they were my #1 producer this year. I have used them on a weightless 4/0 EWG hook and have caught alot of fish. Never have fished one Weighted on a t-tig
  2. Supposed to had a Tournament on the Kanawha River this Saturday. Ended up changing it to East Lynn Lake. Jimzee and myself ended up finishing 2nd. dick and Deadjedi won unfortuantley lol. It was a really tough bite for us. I think we caught 7 fish all day. All were on a jig. Probabley going to be my last tournament this year. Wish i could fish more but with me moving and the baby coming , its not looking so good.BUt anyways, congragulations goes to dick and Deadjedi. Im sure yall cheated i just dont know how
  3. yeh i got pics. Ill put them up soon, just been lazy.
  4. i hate all 5 of mine. Ill probably will hate the 2 more that im gonna buy. lol. Its like Ford and Chevy. Some people like them and othere dont. Im sure there are some guys out there who thinks Jessica Alba is hotter than Megan Fox. If you dont like them dont use them. Im sure there are enough people that like them to keep E21 in buisness.
  5. Disturbing yet honest. Gotta appreciate that
  6. i just notcied that i typed Ultra sound. I have no idea if that is even spelled right or worded correctly, but it just looks wrong to me
  7. lol i hope everybody thinks like you. True, winfield does have the largemouth, but im not making that run in a tin boat. A bunch of dinks? Cheylan pool maybe. Or maybe thats all you catch LOL
  8. Dont encourage him. It will just make it worse
  9. Found out this morning that im gonna be having a girl. ;D So you better watch your back Kim Baine Moore. Im gonna need about a 3 foot pitchin stick made.
  10. lol sweet. Like i dont have enough bad influences on my life, now i got wayne. As long as i stay away from his cooking i should be alright.(lol sorry man, i had too). im sure everything will work out. As far as carrying Jimzee the rest of the way, i think this weekend( if we dont get rained out) will be our last tournament this year unfortunaley. I have all the confidence in the world he could fish the rest by himself and win the overall points for us.
  11. lol thanks 5BL. There gonna make the trip. I should have the cleanest reels known to man after im up there for a month. The poor hotel room will be smelling like JJ's in no time.
  12. yes its permanent. Only about 30-45 mins outside WV, but the other end of the state. About 3 1/2 where i live now. Not too bad but still sucks
  13. Well seeing how the Kanawha is my home water and i have a tournament this weekend as well, im not going to tell you anything. ;D Given the rain that we got today and the rain we are supposed to get the rest of the week, the Kanawha should be unfishable. Dangerous to navigate to say the least. If God smiles on us and gives us good weather for the week the rive should be DYNOMITE. Fluke bite should be redunkulous and dont count out cranks for your kicker fish. Personally if you want to find me, your gonna have a long boat ride up river Montgomery pool has the bigger fish. Might only get 5 bites, but should be a good 5 bites. I dont think i know you and i hope your not in my club so ill go ahead and tell you good luck and if this is someone in my club, i hope you forget to put your plug in. ;D Nevermind i see where you said it was your last club tourney. Not in my tourney then, so good luck
  14. Well its sad to say, but this looks like its gonna be the last month i get to fish for a while. Im moving to PA and my wife is staying behind until she has the baby, which isnt supposed to be till Nov. I will be coming back to WV every weekend but ill be with her.So fishing is on the back burner for once in my life. Hopefully i can find some kind of time to fish in PA, but its gonna be a while. The PA boys will be getting phone calls for sure. Im gonna need some numbers. Ill be near the Waynesburg area or washington area, so keep me in mind.
  15. I own 6 of them and number 7 and 8 are right around the corner. They make a killer looking fly rod and a 8'6 crank rod that isnt tournament legal, but will give me the ability to fish Kentucky lake from West Virginia. I cant say enough how much i love these rods. Very affordable and lifetime warranty. They make a sweet looking set of golf clubs too. ;D
  16. Zepplin Pearl Jam Alice in Chains STP Rage against the Machine Wu Tang The Dillards Dropkick Murphys O.A.R. Outkast Anything from Waylon,Johnny, Kris,Haggard, or Willie. I like everything and i cant pick just 5
  17. a perfectly good flappin Hog ruined :'(
  18. lol Maybe burley, you just suck.
  19. I have seen the carp sign numerous times, but i have never seen the trout sign. "Trout, its whats for dinner."
  20. Depends whos asking and how well we are doing. If its another angler and we are killing them, usually say " we caught 1 or 2" In a tournament and talking to another boat and we only got 2 fish. "We got probably 18 lbs."
  21. LOL look like you were checkin too see if something grabbed you by the pocket.
  22. Wh0re off episode. Mr. Slave vs Paris Hilton Butters was dressed up like a little bear and his parents sold him to Paris Hilton. Pretty frickin funny
  23. Bass Pro Actually. My dad got it done for me for Christmas. I caught it earlier that July and took measurements and he kept asking me what they were and to my surprise he ordered the replica mount. Im not sure the cost but i think somewhere between $250 - $300. Thats with a driftwood mount and a little plaque and delivery of course. I was quite pleased with it. The picture really dont do it justice. One of the better replica mounts ive seen.
  24. In my younger and meaner days, i used to shoot Humming birds or try too anyways with my trusty ole Daisy 743. Mom finally caught me and commenced to beat my arse.
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