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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Awesome man. Congrats. I got a little girl on the way that will be here in 2 weeks or so. Im super stoked. But again Congratulations
  2. Angels looked way better than i thought they were. But the Dodgers looked even better. I just hope its a close WS whoever it is.
  3. Im still bragging! Yes im loud and obnoxious. LOL but theres really nothing you can do about it. So enjoy your beat down by the angels or dodgers or whoever. Im sure yall will choke like usual. Hating? the sox? Never. The yankees? Always. Yes my finger is in my nose. Just like you pointed out with your earlier crying rant. Try something original, im sure a intelligent skankees fan like yourself can come up with something if you try hard enough.GO SOX
  4. "When a dudes getting bullied and shoots up your school, and they blame it on Marilyn, and the heroin, but where were the parents at, and look where its at. Middle america, now its a travesty, now its so sad to see." - Eminem Eminem and Marilyn both took alot of heat for there lyrics and there image. Both are extremely talented and intelligent.
  5. Hats off to the Angels. WTG. And thanks again to you Articcat for proving that Yankees fans are more annoying than herpes. 2010 GO SOX!!!
  6. alot of it has to do what your comfortable with. Im 6"6, so im comfortable with a longer rod. If a guy was under 6 foot, i could see where he might have trouble with a longer rod. Practice and being comfortable with your equipment are the 2 key things in my opinion. Get some Denny Brauer dvds or tapes. The man is god with a pitchin/flippin stick.
  7. only thing he killed was a gallon of chocolate mint ice cream and 2 commodes.
  8. absolutely. Ive had killer days with Yozuri Pin Minnows and Yozuri Bean cranks. As far as the retrieve, mostly just a steady retrieve. Works best on Browns and Brooke's for me. Few Bows here and there.
  9. Labs are the best dogs hands down.
  10. DITO!
  11. first of all im not your son, so dont disrespect me. Second, if i had a cookie i would give it too you and your beloved skankees. GO SOX!
  12. With Rodgers and Favre's numbers last night, if the packers would have had a healthy offensive line it could have been a real battle royal. As it was, Rodgers was basically playing with one hand tied behind his back. Him and Favre both had awesome games; if only Rodgers had a little protection last night. The injuries are killing us. If my grandma had nuts she would be my grandpa. All that matters is winning and Favre can still get it done and rodgers, not so much. Im i long time Bears fan and i hate the packers and the vikings.. And as much as i hated that S.O.B. he has always been fun to watch and i hope he has a stellar yearl. Except against the Bears of course. Hands down the greatest QB that has played the game. IMO.
  13. lol excatley 2000. I know the yanks have the best history of winning in baseball. But thats what it is. HISTORY. So to answer my own question of what have they done lately? again, NOTHING! Anways GO SOX!
  14. When was the Yankees last title? Hey maybe bernie williams is available. How many presidents have we had since the yankees bought a title. The only thing more annoying than a red sox fan is a yankees fan bragging on what there team did the past 100 years. What have you done latley. NOTHING! Wicked annoying.
  15. I landed a 50+ incher for Jimzee this year with bare hands and i dont recommend it at all. ID say those big krill nets or a minnow sane would work the best.
  16. yeh i agree Catt. But then again, that's the heavy weights for ya. Always gonna be a better show with the 205 guys and under. Just more talent and athleticism there. But it does seem these heavy weights have an extra bit of suck in them.
  17. dick you cant read. Burleys like herpes. You never really get rid of him.
  18. More than likley id say a boat or boats prop got her. Carp are awesome. I havent caught one on purpose in years.Id like to hook up on a fly rod with a few. I think that would be killer. Nice catch
  19. i cant believe i missed this post. Yuck the Fankees. Sox will be there in October, thats all that matters. Maybe they will let Arod but the ball on a tee so he can do something this playoff year. And you know you dont wanna see us in the playoffs. Anways BOOOO YANKEES. GO SOX!!!
  20. Airborne -- don't ask why I know that. "You think you hate it now, wait till you drive it" National Lampoon's Vacation (to Wally World) ....(i'm not talkin' Walmart. LOL ) Kindergarden cop "Id love to have your peice on me"
  21. Airborne -- don't ask why I know that. "You think you hate it now, wait till you drive it" lol dude me , you, and 5 other people in the world know that movie. lol awesome
  22. looks 7 + to me. Awesome fish regardless. Hooray trick worms.
  23. BASSDeaton/ Happy Gilmore. " A man that does not know how to fish, should not disgrace the fish, by catching it." "You dont think surfing is a sport do ya? ITs not, it badmitten man, its checkers, its gettin a sun tan.You wanna try a real sport, why dont you try hockey. In fact we got a game tonight against the preps. We have never beaten the preps. And im not graduating in may a loser. Were gonna kick the preps butt. Lets win it for Rosenbladt!"
  24. yep that might be a shooter buck.
  25. after much arguing with the mother of my unborn child. Im in yet again. Only had to give up marital rights for the next 2 years and all rights to help name my first child. Hope to see some familiar faces and some new ones.
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