No offense, but if that is your logic shouldn't your parents have thought harder about carrying guns and bows to school. I'm not certain that I would of said no son you can't bring your swiss army knife to school. I'm only 30 and certain that when I was in school the country crowd would bring pocket knives to school, the ones where the knife is inside your pocket, but it clips to the outside of the pocket. So it was OBVIOUS that had a little tiny knife in their pocket, but I never once thought about going down to the principles office and saying OMG what are we going to do. I'm not saying that someone shouldn't of but thats clearly worse than a 6 year old with a spoon/fork/knife and that was ok at my school. Tough to blame the parents imo.
No offense takin. My parents brought me up to tell right from wrong and would know that i would never do something stupid. Im not saying that they were at the door in the morning saying ' SON, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF BOW SEASON. DO YOU HAVE YOUR ARROWS, QUIVER, RELEASE, ENGLISH HOMEWORK.. They didnt like it, but i respected them and everything stayed in the truck. Just saying , with these times now and and all the lawsuits, killings, and all around duche baggery , parents have to be more cautious than ever.Im probabley wrong but It makes sence in my head.