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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. BOO! LoL God i hate the Yankees.
  2. Definitely the most fun team to watch this year. Im a huge Bears fan but i can definitely see the saints going all the way.
  3. Good flick. Very slow starting out. Picks up towards the end. Some funny parts s well. would buy the DVD. I give it out of 5.
  4. Fedor by ref. stoppage
  5. LIke " ZOINKS" Scoob. Gettin pretty scary around here. I remember when BR was about fishing. Now i have to walk around with a visual of Uncle Leo dressed as a woman all day. I would cry if i wasnt out in public. That image made my head hurt.
  6. ok. sorry for the delay but i finally have an update.Wife was in labor for 24 hours. She only dialated 4 cin. So they had to do a c-section. Well when they started to cut on her she could feel it. So they had to put her under. Pretty scary for a second. Moments later Bailey Jo Fernatt came into this world. She was 7 lb 15 oz and 19 1/2 long. Mom and baby are fine. Baby had to spend some time in the sun booth because of a high chance of Jaundice. But everything is good and we are getting out of here tomorrow. Pics coming soon. Thanks for all the congrats.
  7. sittim here at the hospital waiting for my first of hopefully many offspring to decide if she wants to come out or not. coming up on hour number 8. wish i had a hamburger or 4. peanut m&ms are not cutting it anymore.
  8. First preseason top 10 ranking. LETS GO MOUNTAINEERS! Always liked the heels too. I think the Big East has had the edge on the ACC the past few years.
  9. lololololololololololololololololol ha
  10. Fishy fishy in the pond, spit PK's hook and he'll break his fishing wand... Edgar Allen Poe I am not. ;D was that necessary. That's a low blow.
  11. Im a WVU fan so its in my genetic make up to hate Notre Dame. Charlie seems like a super nice guy, hes just coaching the wrong team.
  12. wow that smiley is a little more derranged than i thought. lol almost went with a david carradine joke. Ouch too soon?
  14. Is there a husband of the year award im not aware of? lol . Man what did you do so wrong, to write something like that. lol j/k
  15. Fishy Fishy in the river Make PK's pole Quiver. LOL yep ill leave the poems alone.
  16. WOW. Really? Conneticut? WANGO TANGO FOXTROT! Man, in a million years i would have never even thought about conn. being ph'd up.
  17. Can i trade Taylor Swift for Megan Fox. Then the answer would be easy.
  18. Would you rather have Rush Limbaugh or AL Davis.
  19. i agree with you 90%. But i believe the world has drastically changed in the last 10-11 years. Some good but mostly bad.
  20. No offense, but if that is your logic shouldn't your parents have thought harder about carrying guns and bows to school. I'm not certain that I would of said no son you can't bring your swiss army knife to school. I'm only 30 and certain that when I was in school the country crowd would bring pocket knives to school, the ones where the knife is inside your pocket, but it clips to the outside of the pocket. So it was OBVIOUS that had a little tiny knife in their pocket, but I never once thought about going down to the principles office and saying OMG what are we going to do. I'm not saying that someone shouldn't of but thats clearly worse than a 6 year old with a spoon/fork/knife and that was ok at my school. Tough to blame the parents imo. No offense takin. My parents brought me up to tell right from wrong and would know that i would never do something stupid. Im not saying that they were at the door in the morning saying ' SON, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF BOW SEASON. DO YOU HAVE YOUR ARROWS, QUIVER, RELEASE, ENGLISH HOMEWORK.. They didnt like it, but i respected them and everything stayed in the truck. Just saying , with these times now and and all the lawsuits, killings, and all around duche baggery , parents have to be more cautious than ever.Im probabley wrong but It makes sence in my head.
  21. Im only 29 years old, but I can remember taking shotguns, rifles, and bows to school and leaving them in the truck. After school, we would go hunting. A few faculty members did the same thing. To my knowledge nobody said nothin to anyone about it. Just goes to show you how this world has changed in the last 10 -15 years. Im sure there were laws saying it was illeagal for us to have these things on school property but like i said, we never had issues at our school with gangs, hate crimes, or shootings. Todays kids are just scared to take a butt whoopin so they gotta carry guns to make themselves tuff. I know its a far reach from a 6 year old with a eating utensil, but change is what it all comes down too. I disagree with the punishment the little feller got, but his parents should have thought a little harder and smarter on letting him take it.
  22. Yep, hating winter in PA so far. Hell , really im hating fall, we really havent even turned the corner to winter yet. Please somebody in Texas, Alabama, or Florida adopt me. :'(
  23. I know. W T F. The stones on this guy are gargantuan!
  24. yep. Definitely gonna get fired over this thing.
  25. LOL Bitchenkid . Nice. So you dont care if the skanks go any further just as long as they went farther than the SOX . Yet again another reason why most skankee fans suck. Your not cheering your team to the WS, but compairing it to a team that was knocked out of the playoffs. Your indeed special my friend. You and the other 100 billion band wagon yankee fans this year. I wish i had a clever play on words to your screen name, but i think articcat is bad enough.
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