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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. lol Paul thats the funniest frickin thing ive read in a while. Its sad to say, but that is actually pretty good.lol man thats funny
  2. 1.The slimmer, more desireable Pitchinkid will be awesome once again and remain awesome for years to come. 2. KVD admits that Purple Creme Worms have been his secret all these years. 3. 1,000,000,000,000 fisherman will go buy Purple Creme worms once again. 4. FBL will give me his boat out of the kindess of his heart. 5. Burley and Jimzee will finally move to Vermont and have there commitment ceremony. 6. Todd Faircloth will be your classic champion.
  3. Speaking of the Forrest and Silva fight, what the hell. Something just didnt look right. Why the hell did he take off running out the ring and crying. I guess embarassment. I refuse to read his book now. Shogun should get another shot at Machida. IMHO, i thought Shogun won the first fight. Machida could give Silva a good fight if Silva wants to fight at 205 or Machida wants to drop, but there good friends and reuse to fight each other. Are there any good 145 at WEC that could fight at 155 to challenge Penn? Faber and Penn Would be interesting.
  4. GSP yeh i was thinking that too, but by who? Would have to be a great boxer or striker. Nobodys Grappling with GSP at that weight class. Anderson gets cocky in fights though, i can see him getting caught. But it seems like everything he throws lands. If he keeps messing around at 205, i think somebody will catch him. At 185 though, i cant see it happening.
  5. 5 - 12 year olds and idiots like me
  6. All i know is i saw a movie on SCI-FI called Snakehead terror and they were running down people like cheetahs. Plus there was one at the end of the Movie about the size of Elephant. LOL
  7. lol awesome.
  8. Only thing is Brock is too dam big and strong. The fight card was excellent. Diego got caught early. Yeh his face was a mess. Paul Buentello( prob. spelled wrong) fight was good too. When he caught the 7 ft dude with a straight right when he was throwing the knee, i thought it was over. Looked like Arloski when he got caught by Fedor. But anyways, I dont think there is anybody at 155 that can beat Penn., which raises a good question. Which of the following fighters will lose first? BJ Penn , GSP, or Anderson Silva?
  9. It just wouldnt be a road trip without the illegal transportation of Alcoholic beverages. All we need is Burt reynolds and Pontiac to make it spectacular.
  10. I think we would prefer to have a "poll" if at all possible. Please don't give us the "pole". ;D lol wow. i think cart wants a pole. lol
  11. that hurts man. you cut me deep on that one. you better check the plug on your boat twice before you launch at pickwick.
  12. So i guess im Scott Farcus. Awesome . So is Blaine Grover Gill. This coming from a duo that looks like Master Blaster from MAD MAX
  13. why sugar coat it. you are all jerks. Especially speedbead.
  14. im glad i wasnt 14 or so when i joined this site. I think yall would have made me cry and quit fishing. Some of yall are A$$holes.
  15. But to get back to topic, I always lie at the ramp at first. Sometimes ill come around and tell the truth depending if the guy asking is being a RICHARD or not.Tournaments i'll lie 100% of the time.
  16. Thats alright, you will fall asleep sometime at Pickwick.
  17. you must not know anybody then. lol ha BURN!
  18. thurd grayd. Isn't that a West Virginians senior year? That would have hurt more if it wasnt coming from a guy from Missouri :
  19. Brian, please don't take his lunch money. He needs to eat so he can pay attention in English class. :-X ;D Really? English lessons ? From you? Maybe if i need a new way of cursing at people, then i think you can help. Really Brian ? My lunch money. On a lake you fish 20 times a year and i havent fished since i was 15. What happened at Bluestone? What happened at at R.D. What happened at Burnsville? Oh, thats right you had " soccer games". LOL . Im just kidding man. I think we need to drop the dead weight we fish with and fish together. ( lol j/k Blaine and Rodney). Hope you got to go out this past weekend. Probably the last nice weekend we will have.
  20. The other person is DeadJedi, Rodney IRL. We're going to leave either late Friday, or sometime on Saturday, depending on if I have a soccer game to coach. Either way, we'll be draggin the cat down as soon as we can. We've been talkin about hitting Guntersville later in the week, all depending on how the pickwick action pans out. yeh if i was you i wouldnt want nobody else on the forum watch me fish either. id prob. just spend the whole week at g,ville. i better shut my mouth, i was wanting at least 1 day on the basscat. Oh well , YOU SUCK!
  21. Stop Hating!!! Nope
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