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Everything posted by GobbleDog

  1. Dang, I was looking forward to throwing my Fat Ika's all week. Then I pulled up to the boat ramp Sunday morning and I realized I forgot to pack em when I geared up. The christening of the almighty Ika will have to wait. :-/ err trout bait
  2. They seem like a time saver so I tried em once, but didn't like 'em. I didn't trust them on a big fish and I thought the snap might mess up the bait's action. So I dumped 'em.
  3. Bitter's Bait and Tackle along 17-92 just north of 434 in Longwood is one of the most popular tackle shops in the Orlando area. They also have the greatest rod selection in town. Better than any store I've seen including Bass Pro Shop, Gander Mountain, and every other tackle store. Just thought I'd add that to a thread titled "Bait and tackle shops in Orlando area"
  4. West Lake Toho - Sunday March 16, 2008 - tournament day! We immediately went to the off-shore hydrilla I was talking about in my last report. The wind was unusually strong yesterday morning, but we did our best fishing the grass. After 2 hours or so, we only had a 2 lber in the boat off a Trick Worm. So we headed out to my partner's fishing spot in the southern end of the lake near the lock. After two hours of nothing we hooked into 3 legal bass in a matter of 30 minutes, all of which came on C-rigged senkos. By 1:00 the sun was beating down, the wind died and the bite got slow again. So I decided to run back to the open water hydrilla and give it that our last couple hours. This time, the bite was on! Fish were schooling up EVERYWHERE. We must have hooked into a total of 15+ bass or so. Most of which were dink schoolies caught on husky jerks ripped through the feeding frenzy, but we also managed to hook into some solid keepers with Trick Worms in the open grass (biggest was 3.5 lbs). I kept hoping my giant swim bait would nab a big fish while they were schooling up, but it never happened. They kept schooling up like that even while we were leaving at 2:45. By the time it was over, we'd caught 9 legal fish. Our best 5 weighed 11.5 lbs, which was surprisingly good enough for 2nd place out of the 15 boats in my club. (I think we have the stingiest scale in the world, but whatever). Most anglers I talked to also reported getting most of their bites later in the day in the open water grass. I have a feeling that a lot of people wasted time trying to pick beds like the pros have been doing all week. Unfortunately for them, Sunday was too windy for that and the water had gotten somewhat murky. On a cool side note, while we were in the southern end of Toho we eventually started fishing around the lock. That's when KEVIN VAN DAM drove up next to us on his way to lock through heading back down to Kissimmee. And I mean he drove up RIGHT NEXT TO US. I could have literally cast INTO his boat. We'd already seen a few pros go through, but seeing KVD pull up was the coolest thing in the world. Me and my fishing partner just stood there in shock. He was throwing his crank bait around while his camera man filmed behind him. About his 6th cast he missed a bite at the front of lock wall. Then he put his poll down and locked on through. I found out later that we'd also seen his boat (and his crowd followers) earlier in the day when he was fishing the off-shore grass on the western side of Toho. As everyone now knows, he won. One thing that struck me while I was watching him fish was how intense and methodical he is. Not just fishing but everything from the time his engine cut, that trolling motor was in the water and he was making casts. Every-second-counts type of fishing. I'm still waiting for my partner to send me the pictures. Took 2nd place and saw KVD fishing up close. It was a pretty good day. 8-)
  5. I was thinking about buying some Japanese lures recently, but with the American dollar falling so much the prices have gotten outragious. I won't be going overboard on those lures anytime soon.
  6. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for one night. Teach a man to fish and he'll wear a funny hat.
  7. This Sunday I've got a club tourney on Toho and my plan was to fish the scattered off-shore hydrilla grass around the middle of Toho since I caught some solid bass there two weeks ago while practice fishing. I read that Ben Matsubu was going to be fishing that same area (which is where he won last year) so I was very interested to see how he did. Well, out of 109 anglers Ben Matsubu is in 104th place weighing 1 bass for 1.6 lbs. :-/ Pray for GobbleDog.
  8. Most memorable dink I ever caught was about 10 years ago casting at the shoreline in front of some house when I hooked into a really small bass. The old man who lived there walked out on his porch and yelled down - "whatcha got there, boy? ... crappy?" I don't know if he really couldn't tell or if he was just messing with me but I replied "no sir, it's a bass." He kinda squinted his eyes and in a thick southern accent he says "big-un's are deep!" and walked away. My fishing parter loved that story and ever since the old man's statements have been standard catch phrases on my boat.
  9. What would being sponsored mean to me? It would mean angrily throwing my rod in the lake everytime I missed a fish, banging my lures off other fisherman's boats, and acting like the greatest gift to fishing since the plastic worm! I'd be the Rodney Dangerfield of fishing. j/k
  10. How's the bass fishing in Winston Salem these days?
  11. I don't know exactly what my club rule is, but it's probably a lot closer than I'd ever go. As a general rule I try to stay at least 2 to 3 cast lengths away from ALL boats. Meaning if I cast as far as I can at him and he casts as far as he can at me, the lures should never pass each other. I've seen a lot of boats (tourny and non) who don't mind getting a lot closer than that, but I won't do it. Since I anchor up more than most boats in my club I'm usually the one getting intruded upon, but I don't make an issue about it with fellow club boats. With non-club boaters I'm more prone to speak my mind if they get too close. "It's a big lake dude. Ya mind backing off?" That usually works. Over the years I have seen a couple of fights occur at the boat ramp after a tournament because of that kind of thing. Grown men fighting over a fishing spot in a low stakes tourney... idiots. ;D
  12. What lake?
  13. I have a couple of topwater lures that I caught my first few bass on and hold a special memory, but as for fishing luck... these three objects are ALWAYS in my tacklebox. Left to right: SURF KING - Plastic toy that for some stupid reason I kept on my thumb while surfing monster waves in Hurricane Hugo when I was 16 years old (about 20 years ago). Looking back I was lucky I didn't die considering how young and inexperienced I was, but Surf King was there. Four Leaf Clover Coin - My finance's parents gave it to me a couple years ago as one of my Christmas gifts. On the paper that came with it said something about "fishing luck" among other things, so it immediately went in my tackle box. Laughing Duck - Finance gave it to me a few years ago. Press the button and it quacks. Anytime I take a newbie fishing and they do something stupid, I press the duck. Good times.
  14. If the definition of pro is someone who's majority of income comes from fishing, then does that mean if I quit my job and keep fishing cheasy little club tournaments, I can technically call myself a pro? Pro GobbleDog!!! I like it!
  15. I'm a weighless senko/fluke/trick worm kind of fisherman, so this seems to be right up my alley. I still say the Ika looks like trout bait.
  16. Alright Road Warrior. I gots my Fat Ikas. Sunday on West Lake Toho we'll find out if they really catch largemouth bass or if you're on Garry Yamamato's payroll.
  17. This is basically the setup of every newbie I've ever taken fishing. After I get a few Snoopy jokes in, they usually give in and switch over to one of my rods.
  18. Funny, in over 20 years of t-rigging, I never heard that. Me neither. I thought beeds were only for C-rigging and even then I never use 'em.
  19. What kind of cover were they generally fishing - flipping into tight cover or off-shore grass?
  20. Yep. Funny thing is not all Florida anglers know the 22" rule. I haven't personally seen it, but I've heard of people being DQ'd for bringing too many 22" fish to the scales. DOH! ;D
  21. I've never fished it, but I've heard that anglers should be careful crossing the invisible state line between GA and FL on Lake Semionle. They say marine patrol love to hand out tickets to boaters who get caught in a state with the wrong fishing license. :
  22. My advice on normal ramps is to back the trailer down until the water level almost reaches the tops of the trailer wheels, then drive the boat on. For steep ramps, don't back down quite as far (otherwise the nose of the boat can get caught under the front roller). For shallow ramps, you might need to back in a little further. Putting the boat in is the easy part.
  23. Cool looking larvae. I initially thought it was some kind of "River2Sea" lure, but I'm pretty certain it ain't. I'm interested to hear what it is because it would make a fine addition to my "bug lure" collection.
  24. We got a winner!
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