We've got way too many people moving into Florida every year. The lakes are becoming rediculously crowded compared to ten years ago.
The worst are jet skiers. These people have absolutely no business being on the water. They annoy everyone on the lake with the sound of engines contanstly going from full throtle to idle every 2 seconds. They quickly get bored of driving in empty parts of the lake and will drive towards other boaters in order to show you their cool new jet-ski. I keep a 1 oz spinner bait ready as a warning shot over the bow. These people are scum.
2nd worst are the "family boaters". They rarely ever get on the lake, but when they do they want to mindlessly drive around and stare at other boaters to see if they're doing it right. Due to their lack of experience, these people don't know much about lake etiquete. You will also see these morons at the boat ramp. While you're waiting an hour for them to load or unload their boats, you'll notice these people tend to have confused looks on their faces. That's because they're idiots.
Then you have regular ski boats. These people tend to have a little more experience from being on the lake so often, but the boat is often full of drunken teenagers who have little or no respect for anything. These people are never bothered by the presence of bass boats. Of course, if you're lucky enough to have them ski by your boat, you can gaurantee that the skier will fall right next to where you are fishing. It never fails.
Finally, you have the inconsiderate fisherman. These guys are usually found diving their brand new $30K bass boats, even though 90% of them don't know a thing about bass fishing. These guys will often pull up along side your boat, making casts the whole way and ask "so, how's the fishing?". Many fishing clubs have been forced to create the 50' distance rules despite the fact that common courtesy should be sufficient. Unfortunately, it isn't.
I'd also like to mention those wonderful human beings who enjoy hanging out at boat ramps as if it's a family park. Despite their obvious wealth, these people do not own a boat, but they do own about 10 dirt faced kids who can always be found swimming throughout the boat ramp. These people tend to have have a strong grasp of the English language and you will instantly recognize them as the upper class of society when you see their extrodinary appearence and hygene.