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Everything posted by GobbleDog

  1. Around here, I'm known as.... "The Greatest Fisherman to Ever Walk the Face of the Earth". TGFTEWTFOTE for short.
  2. Thanks for your help. So, is that where you buy em too? On-line?
  3. Ok, after a little bit of net surfing, I've found the following: Gary Yamamoto Fat Boy Ika Gary Yamamoto Ika Gary Yamamoto Tiny Ika I take it yall were referring to Yamamoto's "fat boy ika".... ? :-?
  4. 1. Plastic Worms 2. Platic Worms 3. Plastic Worms If I'm feeling froggy, I'll throw a topwater, minnow or crankbait.
  5. For lunch today, I went by my local bait shop (bitter's bait and tackle). I wasn't too surprised to see that he didn't carry the Fat Ika. When I got back to work, I checked Bass Pro Shops on-line to see if they have it. I live in Orlando and figured I'd just stop by later this week. But they don't offer it either. So it looks as though I'm going to have to order them on-line if I want any Ika's. >
  6. I don't know nutin about making worms, but I wanted to ask... What else can yall throw in them worms? Do/can yall put in garlic seasoning and stuff like that?
  7. Gotcha. "Fat Ika". Honestly, I haven't discovered a consistent new worm setup in well over a year. I just get so used to using what I already know. But it would be nice to add another rig to my arsenal. What has sold me so far is the "rigged skirt up" part. I like that trick.
  8. Rigged skirt up and weightless, eh?.... it does sound interesting. I'm going to give it a try this weekend. I'll report back with my results. I have a hard time believing it can out-fish my mojo rig or typical Trick Worm, especially in the off-shore hydrilla that I usually fish, but I'm going to give it a fair shot. Something tells me this bait probably works best in tight cover, especially bed fishing and such. In any case, do the Ikas come in different sizes? If so, whatchall recomend?
  9. Seems like a pretty good flippin bait. Unfortunately, I suck at flippin. :-/
  10. Whatcha got there? Looks like a little minnow to me. : j/k nice fish.
  11. There's gotta be a release somewhere. It's usually on the front, but I spose it could somewhere on the back or side of the engine. :-?
  12. I've heard that as a general rule of thumb, the water temperature is usually within a degree or two of the average daily high and low. I've never actually tested that theory, but it does seem about right.
  13. Ok, I've read enough. I'll check out some Fat Ika's on my next trip to the bait shop. Anyone have a picture handy that they could post?
  14. Or you could put it in your livewell for a while. Illegal livewell fish.... :-? BREAKIN THE LAW!!!
  15. Seriously, I've always wanted a Triten or a Stratus or something really nice like that. In about 2 years, I'll finally buy a used one for about $15,000. My current bass boat is a flaming POS compared to most of the boats in my club. My only solice is when I kick their rich butts at the weigh-in with a bag full of bass.
  16. pfff, that's nuthin. I've caught bigger bass than that. :-/
  17. So, you're saying if sombody catches a schooling bass, they should wind up and throw it as far away from the school as they possibly can!?!?!? FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (actually, i've heard of people unethically doing that after catching a bedding male bass)
  18. A lot of bass pretend to be blind when my worm swims by. > Crafty little suckers.
  19. Nobody here BS's about fishing.
  20. I'm going to give it another try. When I first hooked my depth finder up (many many years ago), I tried it with the fish symbols off for about a half hour. I remember it displaying a mixture of gray and dark gray and I just couldn't read it. I thought maybe it was too sentive or not sensitive enough or something needed adjusting. So I just changed it to the fish symbols on mode and it cleared up the screen and made the bottom profile/vegetation a lot easier to read. I ain't switched it since. But I spose I'll give it another try. I'd like to see boomarangs down there. I never pay any attention to the fish symbols anyway. I usually just assume it's floating grass or bubbles or whatever.
  21. "I turned on NOrth American Fisherman and a woman was fishing..." :D
  22. What's the second thing? (insert joke)
  23. Cold water - green pumpkin Warm water - green pumpkin I'm feeling froggy - green pumpkin/red flake Nothing else is working - camo, june bug, jet black, watermelon seed, etc.....
  24. My cheap ($115) Eagle depth finder can be set to display the boomarangs or fish symbols. When I first got it, I wanted to see boomarangs and whatnot. But when it's set to that boomarang mode, the whole display gets pretty dark and it's nearly impossible to read. I never bothered to figure it out, so I just keep it on the fish symbol mode. All I'm really looking for is to see if there's any grass down there anyway. Now, if I had a $1,000 depth finder, then I'd probably put in the time to figure the dang thing out.
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