Howdy folks. Been a while since my last post, but I had to post about a new bait I found.
Now I've never had much luck with swimbaits in general, particularly the larger one's. Either they don't swim true or they're just too big and butt-ugly. But the bait monkey recently bit me into buying a bag of smaller sized swimbaits from River-2-Sea. They just looked so dang real I had to try em.
Well, the first time I tried them about a month ago I had a fantastic day of fishing catching some 4-5 lbers. I was fishing small lake which is loaded with bass, so I didn't put too much stock into the new bait until I tried them out on a couple other lakes. And sure enough, the kept on catching fish.
They're incredibly easy to work and despite their small size, you can cast those things a mile. The action on those things was so cool I found myself mesmerized by their tales wiggling as I popped them up and down next to the boat. And as swimbaits, they can be fished at any depth and most types of cover. The only drawback I've found is the smaller bass tend to rip their tails off rendering them useless, but the bigger bass just inhale them in one gulp.
In any case, just passing this along. The River-2-Sea Live Eye Bottom Walkers definately catch fish and get the Official GobbleDog Seal of Approval. I highly recomend them to people who've never had much luck with swimbaits. These baits will change your mind. They certainly did for me.