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The Rooster

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Everything posted by The Rooster

  1. Thanks for the answers. I went ahead and ordered two Lew’s LFS reels though. Found a deal on Ebay for them that I couldn’t pass up. 28% off retail ($72 each) brand new in the box with free shipping. Tax and all I got two of them for $152.
  2. Yesterday I saw two different YouTube videos by two different guys saying that the SLX seems like it’s made more for light presentations than it is for heavier applications like fishing jigs in brush or casting large spinnerbaits or swimbaits. One guy even said the anti-reverse failed in his and Shimano stood behind it and made it right, but that experience convinced him that the SLX was too light for jig fishing for that reason. The first guy also had the same impression based on how it felt in hand, but his didn’t fail. However he recommended the Curado as a step up from the SLX for a more solid feeling reel. My question is, isn’t the Super Stopper bearing in these reels the exact same across the board? If it failed in the SLX, the Curado would be no better based on that alone. I’m asking because I think I’m gonna replace my baitcasters and was considering an SLX. But also was mildly interested in the Lew’s LFS, which the guy in the first video said was more solid than the SLX and was the one he would choose between the two for heavier applications. He saw the Lew’s as a heavy application reel where the SLX was for light duty. But he recommended the Curado for a reel that would do it all, both heavy and light.
  3. Well I think I’ve decided for now not to go exclusively with spinning gear. But I did decide to add more spinning rods to my collection and basically create a spinning combo that covers each range that my baitcasters currently do. I’ll just fish them side by side of the baitcasters and just see which I like best for the baits they’re for. But I just don’t want to let go of my casting rods. However, I did put all those reels up for sale on FB Marketplace. Gonna just accept that I bought the wrong ones and then really focus on what ones are the right ones when I replace them. I’ll try them on a rod in the store and see how they feel. One thing I noticed on these reels that I forgot to mention here, and I noticed it right after I bought them a year ago also, is that when I hold the rod one handed to cast, something about the reel’s shape presses into my trigger finger and it is uncomfortable as can be. I kinda forgot that since I hadn’t fished since September of last year until just last Friday. My Abu Orras never did this. I’ll just have to put more emphasis on ergonomics as I shop this time.
  4. Interesting that you said this. I’m currently using Bass Pro Shops Extremes that I bought new a year ago. Caught them on sale and I bought 4 of them for $60 each, and I also added one new rod to the mix to go along with the other three I already had. The others are all old, one I’ve had for 15 years through 4 different reels. It’s never been uncomfortable until now. I thought it was because I was just getting older. What’s odd to me is these rods and reels are all very comfortable in hand just holding them. And as long as I’m casting a light bait like 1/4oz crankbaits they are just fine. But that 3/8oz spinnerbait (that really weighs 3/4oz) was making my hand hurt to hold the rod and throw it. I have no idea how I’m going to throw all those new 1/2oz (true 7/8-1oz) spinnerbaits I just bought. Just prior to this I had Abu Garcia Orra SX 2 reels and they were comfortable and fantastic, but out of production now. I could throw 1/2oz baits on them just fine. Another reason I’m looking at going with spinning gear is because of a personal hangup of mine. These Extreme baitcast reels have aluminum frames, brass gears, and 7 bearings. They should be fairly nice reels, however they are not smooth. Brand new they seemed fine but within a few months they were making noises and feeling geary and grindy inside and I have no idea why. I know they’re house branded reels, but they should be directly comparable to Lew’s and Abu. The one I use the most I opened up and greased it but it’s still got a constant buzz in the gears and I just cannot stand that! Hate it with a passion! But I also don’t really want to spend $200 on nicer baitcast reels either, and it seems I’ve always had good smooth spinning reels for well under $100. So I figured for me to have the amount of rods I want, and have them all be smooth, the cost factor is just another reason why spinning would be the way to go. Either way, I think I’m done with Bass Pro Shops branded reels. If I don’t go all spinning, then I might try the Lew’s LFS, or possibly the Daiwa Fuego. The Daiwa has a kind of wide frame though so I’m wondering just how comfortable that is going to be. Also looked at the Shimano SLX, but do they make it in more than one gear ratio?
  5. Anyone here use spinning rods for everything? I’m on the fence about going that route. I’ve considered the techniques and baits I fish and I think I could use spinning gear for all of it. I don’t do “frogging” so there’s no concern about not having a heavy enough rod, although I think that would be possible to set up also. The main reason I’m considering it is for comfort. Today I was fishing a spinnerbait on a spinning rod and I also had another one on a casting rod and fished them side by side. That casting rod was actually causing pain in my hand to cast that bait, but the way I hold that spinning rod allows me to lob that bait out there with no issues and I found myself loving how it fished on that rod. The rod is a Lew’s Classic SP combo that I got at Walmart for $50. Rated as medium but it feels more like medium heavy, or maybe a mag medium. Whatever it is, it seems to be great with spinnerbaits. I bought one of these combos last year for my son-in-law who is just getting into bass fishing. I normally use more expensive rods, but this one felt so nice and well balanced and the reel was so smooth that I wanted one for myself so I went back and got one more. I’ve fished this $50 combo side by side with my self paired $250 combos for a year and it still impresses me when I use it. Anyway, I got off track. I’m thinking seriously of selling my baitcasters and just replacing them with spinning gear. I’m just wondering who else already does this.
  6. I haven’t tried a Shimano in years. Had a Sedona and a Symetre once and thought they were really nice. I need to check out some of the new models.
  7. Thanks! That’s the answer I needed, and also didn’t need. Cause now, not only do I still need a crappie reel, but now after reading that I also need to sell my current bass fishing Daiwas and upgrade to the new ones, LOL! 😂 They said that change also helps make the handle easier to turn. It’s hard to imagine reels being any freer and smoother than the ones I have now though. Just this morning I was playing with them and noticing how slick they felt.
  8. I’ve been fishing Daiwa Fuego and Exceler spinning reels for a few years now and love the design. Thought I’d get another one for a crappie rod. I knew they had updated the designs some but I’m seeing the new ones don’t have the air bail anymore. They’ve gone back to a wire. This seems like going backwards. Why would they do this? My $40 Pflueger has a wire bail. I would think at $110 for a Fuego it would have something nicer. I love the air bails on my older models. Looks like Sheel’s and Bass Pro Shops housebranded Daiwas still have it so I guess I’ll look at them.
  9. @CoryRobertLowe I’m also getting into panfishing more this year. More crappie specific but I will probably be targeting bluegills and sunfish also. In my time fishing for bass, I have actually bought several crankbaits intended for panfish to have something to downsize to when bass are pressured. They work for bass, but I’ve had a fair amount of success catching gills on them too. I bought the Strike King Bitsy Minnow, and the Arkie Crappie Crank. Both came from Wally World and were very low cost. Another thing that works well is a 1/8oz ballhead jig with a #0 spinnerblade attached. The blades come on a swivel that is on a safety pin type wire frame. You just clip it onto the jig line tie eye, and tie your line onto the wire frame. It makes a small spinnerbait, and you can use a small grub or tube for a body. It’s the same thing as a Johnson’s Beetle Spin. Bass will hit those, but most often I catch good sized bluegills on them. I’m told that crappie prefer a body with less action. Bluegills seem to tear it up with a curly tailed grub on it though.
  10. I have an old Quantum Dance Class IM6 rod from the 90’s that has a crack in one of the guides. I always loved this rod for just casting Roostertails and fishing for white bass, but it’s been 10 years since I could use it cause of that guide. Now I want to either replace just that guide, or maybe remove all of the guides and replace them with Fuji K style guides so it is tangle free. Common sense tells me just to replace the one guide and not mess up what I know is a good feeling rod. But I ain’t never been known for too much of that. I love a project where the chances of a better than average result are possible. So before I grab a razor and cut off all the guides, I want to ask am I getting into trouble doing this? My plan was to cut the guides and weigh them so I had an idea what kind of weight I’d either be adding or removing by going back with something different. Of course I know that thread and epoxy weight counts as well and that is impossible to account for. I don’t want to create a tip heavy rod doing this, messing up the balance. Speaking of that, can I just use standard epoxy off the shelf and brush it on? Or does it need to be fishing rod specific? Same question for the thread wraps, something special or will sewing thread work? I guess cost doesn’t really matter, within reason. If this would cost me $50 or more, I may as well just buy a new rod. The rod itself wasn’t more than $50 new back then. Problem there is they don’t make them like this one very often anymore, handle design that is. Closest rod currently available with a similar design is the St. Croix Triumph or Premier, which are both $110 and $160. Not that I’d mind just paying for one of those, I have a Premier now and LOVE IT. But for white bass fishing on the river where I may drop it in the rocks and damage it, I’d rather have a lesser cost rod.
  11. It’s been a long time, but my first boat was just like that back in the 90’s. A 68 model 14’ V-hull, about 5’ wide in the middle. Had a 15HP outboard. I put a deck on the front part and could stand on it and fish. It was tipsy but was doable. Had to stay centered when standing on it. We mostly just stayed seated to fish, or stood down on the “floor”. I also occasionally would sit on a cooler on the front deck and fish. Tried a seat on a pedestal but it was impossible to get out of without nearly falling out of the boat. So I removed it and opted for the cooler instead.
  12. I only kayak on days where the combined air and water temperatures meet or exceed 120°, and the water is at least 60° of that. I just wade out. In colder weather I just use my boat instead.
  13. I have a couple but in the interest of listing just one I’ll go with the one I think most other people wouldn’t have. I can cast a spinning rod with my right or left hand, either one, with equal accuracy. How that happened was I got started fishing by borrowing a rod from a left handed friend, and I didn’t switch his set up, I just used it how he had it, with the handle on the right. I casted left handed all that spring, and when I bought my own rod I set it up the same way and continued using it “left handed”. Then I got a baitcaster but I casted it right handed. So after a number of years I got good at landing baits accurately using either hand. I still don’t cast a baitcaster left handed very well although I can do it, but with a spinning rod I can switch hit. I guess that keeps me from being completely worn out when fishing, since I cast my spinning rod left handed as a rule, and cast my baitcaster right handed.
  14. I won’t allow my kayak to drag on the ground that way and be scratched up. I always turn mine around backward, stern in the water and just barely beach the bow. Then wade out knee deep and sit down on it, which often causes the front end to float up and come loose. If it doesn’t then it takes very little for me to push off. I realize this would put me walking in the mud, but often that isn’t an issue for me.
  15. I’m late to the party and probably underdressed for it considering what these kayaks sound like. Mine is a Pelican Rally 100XP. 10’ long, 30” wide, weighs 41 pounds, and it has no electronics and no power of any kind except for muscle power. But I did buy it brand new in late September and it was a bit of a weight capacity downsize from my old Magellan Pro Angler 10’3” that weighed about 60 pounds. Overall capacity dropped from 325 down to 300. I’m 6’1” and was 265 pounds at the time. I knew if I wanted the Pelican to work I’d have to shed weight. Since then I’ve lost 18 pounds and now sit at 247 with a goal of about 235 by spring. I’ve spent the winter customizing my kayak, adding a Railblaza Rod Holder II in front, changing the grab handles from the dangling rope type to the strap type, added two storage pouches near the seat, added a track and cupholder in front of the seat, two flush mount rod holders behind the seat, and a Yak Attack Pad-Loc paddle clip on one side. Also after having 4 kayaks I’ve now built my first kayak crate. I went with a standard milk crate and added tactical pouches along the outside for soft plastics storage, another pouch made for kayaks on the inside for item storage when not in use (pliers and scale move up front when on the water), and I rigged a bungee system to retain three 3600 size boxes and one 3500 size. The two rod holders are Railblaza Rod Stows, chosen because of the mount fitting perfectly in the recessed area of the crate. I made a bungee system to be able to secure my rods against loss when in the stows. Then I dressed it up with neon accents all around just to make it look good, but also to help with function since often I’ll be feeling behind myself for a zipper pull or rod lash using peripheral vision only. Neon stands out against black. There is also an empty space in the bottom for bulk storage of whatever I want while on the water, and it serves to hold my removable front rod holder, and cup holder, and FRS radio when I am done for the day. All stowed together. I designed this “system” to be a grab and go setup so I don’t need to remember to pack anything and don’t have to pick apart my boat tackle before trips. I’m calling it my “yakklebox”. With the crate, my kayak can hold up to 5 rods, all secured by bungee and hook system, or in the locking front rod holder.
  16. From left to right: 1. Cheap Lew’s Classic 6’8” M/F combo, paid $50 at Walmart. Original reel didn’t wind line correctly onto the spool unless under a load. It worked well for spinnerbaits for that reason, but most other baits not so much. I removed the reel and put a Pflueger Trion 30 in its place to make it usable but this rod doesn’t get much use. It’s kind of a spare. Combo is 1 year old. 2. St. Croix Mojo 6’8” M/XF “wacky” rod. Daiwa Fuego LT 2500 reel with 10# Yo-Zuri Hybrid line. I use it for wacky rigs, but also topwaters and jerkbaits. Combo is 4 years old. This rod is in my hand the second most often of all of them. 3. St. Croix Premier 6’6” ML/F rod. Daiwa Exceler LT 2500 reel with 8# Trilene mono line. I use this rod for light crankbaits, inline spinners, and weightless plastics. Also makes a wonderful crappie rod. I’ve been told it might be a good drop shot rod too. Haven’t tried that yet. Combo is 4 years old. 4. Shimano Convergence 6’6” M/F rod. BPS Extreme 6.8:1 reel with 12# Yo-Zuri Hybrid line. This is my main crankbait rod. It is in my hand more often than any other rod. Rated at M/F but feels more like a M/M. It has a soft tip with a lot of flex deep into the blank. The rod is about 6 years old now. It’s had two different reels so far. Wore out an Abu Garcia Orra 2 SX on it. Current reel is one year old. Lost this combo in the bottom of the lake last year off the kayak but the bait floated back to the top so I was able to retrieve it. 5. BPS Fish Eagle 6’6” MH/F rod. BPS Extreme 7.5:1 reel with 15# Yo-Zuri Hybrid line. This is my spinnerbait, jig, and worm rod. I love the tapered hour glass shaped handle of this rod! Bought the rod and reel new last year. I didn’t use it much though so it has yet to land a fish. Rod blank is stiffer than my other MH. 6. Shimano Compre 6’6” MH/F rod. BPS Extreme 6.8:1 reel with 15# Yo-Zuri Hybrid line. I use it for spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, lipless crankbaits, and plastics rigs. This rod once landed a large catfish on a 1/2oz spinnerbait where the fight was so intense that the bait was mangled and the hook was opened up and twisted sideways. The rod blank held firm but it was bent U shaped during the fight and the fish dragged my plastic bass boat around with us two guys along for the ride. Ever since then this rod has felt “softened” to me. So I originally was going to replace it with the Fish Eagle rod above, but once I got the new one I began to just want to keep and use them both. The Compre rod was actually posted to this thread back when this thread was new 16 years ago. It was also new back then. I still have it after all this time and it’s been through 4 different reels. Current reel is one year old. Reels this rod has seen: 1. BPS Extreme ETX10HD (old green/gold model) 2. Shimano Curado 200E7 3. Abu Garcia Orra 2 SX HS 4. BPS Extreme EMX10HA (current silver model) The rod rack was made from a pine 1x4 in my wood shop. I didn’t finish stain it, just left it natural.
  17. Latest BPS order came in. $112 doesn’t go very far anymore.
  18. I got one once that a friend had ordered for me. My first name is Duane but he had it sent to me addressed to “Dink”.
  19. Haven’t bought it yet but the one I want is a St. Croix Premier 6’6” M/F, purely for the foregrip on the rod. For comfort, that’s where I hold the rod. Probably will put a Bass Pro Shops Carbonlite 2.0 reel on it, or some other similar Daiwa 2500 spinning reel.
  20. I always have at least one rod with a 5” Yum Dinger wacky rigged on a 3/0 EWG hook. Either Watermelon Pearl Laminate or Black/Blue Flake colors. Also fish a variety of crankbaits, but the Bandit 200 and 300 are fished more than most. Those have been responsible for most of my bass catches for the last several years. I fished from an 8.5’ Sundolphin Sportsman for about 5 years. After I modified the heck out of it, it turned out to be a pretty nice little boat. But eventually I went back to a larger vessel with an outboard again.
  21. I got a catalog last week. I figure it is because I ordered twice from the site last year, as well as made a several hundred dollar purchase at one of the stores and may have given them my name and address at that time. I’ve noticed during years I don’t order from them that I don’t automatically get a catalog. Usually have to call and ask for one. I miss the old catalog layout from years ago that had product information charts showing all the specs of each rod, reel, and lure model. All the color and size options. Now it’s just a generic reminder that they still have these items with a single photo of just one of the available options, the retail price of it, and then you are directed to the website to see other colors and sizes available. So you have to use the site regardless. Can’t simply shop from the catalog only.
  22. I don’t have a specific brand I seek out. But I do have specific requirements. In baitcast reels, they must always have aluminum frames and brass gears. I won’t settle for less, or “more”, the more being aluminum gears or magnesium frame or whatever else space age material they use. When it comes to aluminum gears I truly believe they are inferior to brass and incapable of remaining smooth. I’ve seen too many expensive reels with them that felt like a coffee grinder while my cheaper reels with brass gears were still smooth even after years of use. Since the specifics of my choices seem to generally align with reels in the $100 range, this makes them very affordable, so I never worry about trying to catch them on sale, although it is nice to catch a sale when I’m looking for a reel, if the timing is right. Last year I replaced my aging Abu Orra SX reels with new Bass Pro Extremes. I bought four of them at once and managed to find them on sale for $60 each so that turned out nice. Also I seem to have a preference for the Doyo manufactured reels (Pflueger, Lew’s, Abu and their knockoffs, and even one Daiwa, the CA80) so that’s why I went with the Bass Pro reels. They fit my hands well and are light weight enough without being too light weight. I like a little weight to feel like I have a substantial tool in my hand instead of something fragile. That’s purely a state of mind, but the feeling is important. Usually these reels are 7.0oz to 7.4oz, which works out well for me. Then there is the cosmetic factor. A reel must appeal to me and these tend to do that. When I’ve settled on one model as my choice, I buy them all the same but in different gear ratios. I DO NOT mix and match baitcaster brands or different models. For spinning reels my wants are much the same. They all need to be from the same brand, and have a similar feel. A brass pinion gear is a must, but as far as I know, nobody makes one with a brass drive gear also, so a zinc drive gear and brass pinion will do. For as long as they are available, I also won’t buy one that does not have the on/off anti-reverse switch. This seems to be a feature they’re starting to remove from reels, but I use it. Also, handle bearings are important to me in both spinning and baitcast reels. I had that hangup years ago but later thought maybe it didn’t matter that much, so I bought two spinning reels without paying any attention to that detail. One was a Daiwa Fuego LT and the other an Exceler LT. Neither has handle bearings, but the Fuego can have them added. The Exceler cannot. After four years of use, the Exceler paddle grip now has some slop in it that can’t be fixed. So I plan to order and replace the handle with a reel handle from a Bass Pro Shops’ Daiwa made Carbonlite 2.0 spinning reel. Should be a direct swap, and I know that handle has bearings in it already. I’ve had one before. I’ll also get some bearings and add in to the Fuego too. Concerning the baitcast handle bearings, I’ve already converted my Extremes to 9 bearing reels by adding bearings to replace the handle bushings. Otherwise, on spinning reels, one crucial requirement is the weight of the reel. The Daiwa 2500 size 7.2oz reels are perfect, and nearly all others of similar size are too heavy by a full ounce. So in that regard, I’d now be brand locked to Daiwa for spinning reels.
  23. I don’t think canoes are uncool, I think they are just unappreciated. Dad had one as I was growing up, a 17’ Grumman. Bought it new in 1969 and it’s still in the family. My sister has it now. Last summer dad fished from it again at age 80 and caught a nice bass in it. Years back in the 90’s, it would be dad, me, and my brother all fishing from it together. I was always up front. My brother sat on a home made seat made from a lawn chair bottom, hanging from the cross bracing in the middle of the canoe. Dad was always in the rear. Dad is an excellent paddler using the J stroke to steer while never removing the paddle from the water at all. Doing this, you can paddle a canoe and remain totally silent! Kayak paddling is noisy! However, for myself, I never wanted to get one of my own. I always thought they were unstable. We never did roll it though, and now that I did finally get into kayaks I realized a canoe is no less stable than kayaks are. Plus I’ve seen some really cool modern canoes that have a lot of kayak like features. Nice high back seats, built in storage, cup holders, and they could even be customized to hold more. Here’s a pic from last summer of dad enjoying his canoe one more time. He and my brother took it out on Blaine Creek in Fallsburg, KY.
  24. I have pain in the next joint up instead of that one, on the other end of that bone. It’s not often but it comes on several times a year. I attribute it to repeated screen tapping on my phone to stuff like replying to this post. If this is you, I would say less typing for posting and responses might help.
  25. This is the year I decided to set up an entirely separate tackle system for my kayak so I don’t have to rifle through my boat tackle to get what I want for each kayaking trip. In the last three weeks I’ve spent about $375 including the Bass Pro order I just placed but haven’t yet received. So this is only part of what I’ve bought. But about half of those spinnerbaits you see there are for the boat, and then I took a bunch from the boat to add to the kayak, as well as some more crankbaits, and a whole lotta plastics. I don’t fish jigs much so I only have a couple just to represent that area. Usually I bottom fish with a T-rig.
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