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Everything posted by bassinchik

  1. A couple of sounds come to mind for me. One is kinda scary but gets the adreneline pumping. RRogue and I are on the water before sun-up, and from time to time we used see a 14 ft. gator swim across in front of us and snap a duck, white feathers fluttering in the early morning light.....sounds really gross, but it definitely is a rush to be so close to such a fantastic animal. He was relocated a year ago, I will miss him swimming beside the boat. Another sound I enjoy is my own voice screaming, "ED! ED!", when I hook a nice bass (or chain pickerel).
  2. Welcome! Indeed! This is a great site! There are three of my family members who participate. Of course, you can tell by my sn that I am a female bass fisherman, Rattlinrogue is my husband and fishing partner, Sorethumb is my brother. Bassin is in our blood and this a a wonderful site to share and gain bassin knowledge. Have fun!
  3. Welcome Ron! This is a great site. Several members of my family are members: Rattlinrogue is my husband and fishing partner, Sorethumb is my brother. We all enjoy this site.
  4. Another idea would be to check your boat, motors, and trailer. Are your tires worn? Do you need a new battery? Are your ropes dry-rotting? Check your knots. Just some thoughts......... As a retired teacher and principal, I know that having models on hand for demonstaration for those non-fishermen always is a plus. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks to all for your input. Rogue will be working during many of the days that they are here and I must be the hostess. I have spent many days "deep cleaning" our home in preparation, but now I am beginning to focus on the entertainment aspect of their visit.
  7. My fav bait/techniques would have to be the spinner bait. I prefer white and chartreuse (bleeding baits at times). Depending upon the structure, I vary my techniques. When in shallow grassy water, I cast and reel/jerk in immediately. If I am in deeper water, I allow my bait to sink a few feet before reeling it in. When nothing else works, I have had luck with my spinnerbaits. Also, depending upon the light conditions and water stain, I select the color to best be seen. Another factor would be the water temp....this would determine which size baits I select. I am sure this is no news for others, but I had to put in my two cents. lol
  8. Jim and Mary live in West Kilbride, Ayrshire, Scotland and he tells me that the Gulf Stream provides them with fairly warm water. But the main things that they are looking forward to is SUNSHINE, seeing the results of Katrina to our area, and staying in an American family's home instead of doing the "tourist" thing. I pray for nice weather while they are here. One of our trips will be to BPS. I believe that they will enjoy that. Obviously, they will use our fishing gear and tackle boxes since it will be difficult to bring their own gear. We are so excited! And we do plan to visit them later.
  9. I am a retired Elementary School Principal and Teacher. Statistically, elementary aged children's attention span will not exceed 20 minutes unless the adult is right there to motivate. This means that you really should not count on wetting a line yourself. Changing locations and even baits will keep the child interested for a longer period of time. Also, make each catch a celebration. Sounds corny, but such is the mind of a child. Hope this helps.
  10. As Rogue said, we have done the same thing here. But what is even better, when I was 7 months pregnant with our first son (23 yrs ago), we walked the drained flat where we prefer to fish. We found the channels threading throughout the flat and recorded it to memory. It has most definitely helped our fishing over the years. Can you imagine a lady 7 months pregnant, bogged up to her knees and thighs fishing the channels and tearing the bass up? lol It surely brings back great memories! Thanks for posting this.
  11. March 2-13, Rogue and I will be entertaining some on-line friends from Scotland who have NEVER been to the United States. The couple will stay in our home to "live the life of an American family" instead of doing the "tourist thing" as they have told us. He is a boat builder and avid fisherman. Jim is a "regular" on the AOL fishing chat rooms. Rogue will take Jim fishing here. Jim wants to hook a few Bass, as bass are not found where they live. What baits and strategies do you suggest we set up for him to use? We live in south Mississippi where we are already seeing beautiful weather. We want to provide a very successful trip for them. Thanks for your input.
  12. Sadly, I do let the conditions determine when I fish... But it has nothing to do with "ultimate fishing periods of time". I have so much metal in my back (screws and rods), cold/wet weather makes me hurt too badly. Thankfully here in south Mississippi, the weather is generally mild.
  13. An old pair of jersey knit shorts that have seen better days and an old pair of white Keds tennis shoes. Hubby encouraged me to throw away the shorts just last week due to the ragged edges, but they are still in the dresser!
  14. Welcome back Grubber! I just got back myself after 7 months and it feels good to come back "home". ....Chik....
  15. The crawfish theory makes sense. Due to the hard shells, I can see how the lips would become irritated and tender.
  16. Things should change in this house as far as pics...... Rogue got me a very nice digi cam/cam-corder combo since hurricane Katrina destroyed my other. I am a shutterbug anyway and have several cams, but I treasure the simplicity of using my digital. You will get some from us really soon. I am constantly changing Rattlinrogue's avitar as I take pics. Spring is coming and the hawgs are there waiting on us. We missed out on Fall fishing due to Katrina's damage to the area, but now the lakes are open for boat launch/fishing only. We will be there to take advantage of the sabatical that the bass have enjoyed for far too long.
  17. I am "Rogue's" wife, and we fish often. I love fishing soft bait, but using the C-rig just feels awkward to me....my problem is in casting. It seems to have a "slingshot" feel to it, and I am having troubles getting the rhythm of a smooth cast. Guess I just need to cast it more often and just get used to it. Lately, I have been using spinners and allowing them to drop before retrieving to get my depth instead of using the C-rig. I fish water that is usually 4-9 ft. and the fish are showing up about halfway down, so I am trying to get SOME depth, but not scraping the bottom. I am having some luck with spinners, but of course I want to use worms and lizards. Any helpful hits on casting the C-rig?
  18. Thank you D. Taylor. That explanation makes perfect sense. The only fish that we have taken from the lake in 20 yrs. was the one with yellow eyes and I didn't notice the eyes until we returned home.. I took the pic when we arrived home (forgot my cam on the trip). Thanks for the info.!
  19. Thank you Glenn. I am a very classy lady and do not desire to be put through such. I had hoped that this forum was different from so many others that I have frequented. We have no reason to try to tell tales to impress. We never even take a fish from the lake (no trophies on our walls)...strictly catch and release. The only reason I supplied the link was to give the pic of the eye color, not to be given the 5th degree.
  20. The 12.2 was indeed an accurate weight. The bass was weighed within seconds of leaving the water (I was there and took the pic). The thing that is not apparent in the pic is the thickness of the "shoulders" for lack of a better word. The bass's chest area was as thick as a large roast. The length was 26.5", but the size of the chest was unbelieveable! His/her chest could not be spanned buy a man's two hands. The shape was unusual in that the length did not correspond with the thickness. I am sorry that you felt the need for such sarcasm in questioning the weight.
  21. Not to insult anyone's intelligence, but double click on the bass pics to enlarge.
  22. Thank you for your input guys! If you are interested in seeing the pics of these 2 bass, cut and paste this address. Notice the last 2 pics, pics 3&4. http://www.myfishingpictures.com/showgallery.php?cat=998&thumb=1&si=Rattlinrogue
  23. I have tired to research this, but have not found an answer yet..... My husband, Rattlinrogue, caught 2 bass (12.2 lbs. and 10.5 lbs) on consecutive days, same location, and same time of day. One had YELLOW eyes and the other had BLACK eyes. Why is this? Most of our bass here in south Mississippi have black eyes. Anyone got any ideas? Thx!
  24. When in high school, I was fishing with my dad on an oxbow lake off the Mississippi River when two tornadoes ripped down the lake. Luckily we were able to get out of their paths, but one boat was struck, drowning one fisherman. Very sad circumstances!
  25. Welcome, Josh! You will love this site. The members are serious fishermen and very knowledgeable. I frequent many forums, but this one is by far the best. I am married to Rattlinrogue who also posts on this site. Hope to see you posting often.
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