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Everything posted by reconchild

  1. Never used the Daiwa but can vouch for the Symetre. I own a symetre 1500 FI and love it. Great reel for the price in MO you wont find one much better. Very smooth and very little problems. I have heard some people say the get a little rough over time but I have owned mine for a year now and used it 3-4 times a week with no problems, for all applications. I also own a Stradic 2500 but prefer the Symetre over it as well.
  2. Should have stated that different, it was the kreature I was having problems with. On the retrieve it was rolling instead of running straight. As I had stated that seemed to be due to the rubber being twisted during the pouring process. I tried the new packs out and they seem to work fine. I have no problems with the Ika. Ty for all the suggestions.
  3. Ty Gentelmen I will try the backwards approach. As for the running true on the retrive I think I found the problem. The 6 packs of lures that I bought seem to be a bad batch. They seem to have gotten a little twisted during the pouring process. I was able to return 2 packs of each to the store for 2 new packs. The clerk informed me that they had recieved a shipment of a bad batch of soft plastics from GY. Thanks for the info.
  4. 2.4oz all day long adds up but its really no that much. Put it on the same scale as a baitcaster from 10 years ago then you can see a big difference. I like the 200dhsv just in case you get ahold of that elusive Hog. It depends more on what you are going to use it for 100's for finesse, jerks and cranks and 200's for tops/wakes and spinners.
  5. Ok guys fire away and help this board newbie out. Is it really that much better to rig the Ika backwards?? Also Ive been T-rigging my whole life but for some reason with the GY Kreature and Ike for the life of me I can not get them to run true in the water during the retrieve. Im using 4/0 and 5/0 Gam EWG hooks? Any Help Thanks
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