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Everything posted by Hawghead

  1. I am partial to Storm Wiggle Warts in their various crawdad patterns. I also like Bomber Model A's and Fat A's. They just seem to be very versatile and draw strikes.
  2. I was down there the 18th-20th. We caught everything on Wiggle Warts off of sea wall will boulders in shallow water, or concrete piers or launch ramps. We use crawdad wiggle warts. I caught a limit of keepers on saturday, two of which were right @ 4 lbs. My dad caught a 3.5 and 6.5 on the same bait.
  3. I used to fish with my dad all the time growing up, and he didn't have power trim so I would have to raise and lower the motor by hand, there was a latch i would move to keep the motor tilted up, or release when i would lower it when we need to move to a new spot. One day he turns and says "Put the motor down"... while looking at the motor I replied "YOUR MOTHER WAS AN EGGBEATER".... and turn and look at him for approval, he justed stared and the floor of the boat and shook his head.
  4. Missouri entry 9lbs.
  5. DAAAYUUUMMMMM. That would be cool
  6. I try and get my relatives to give me BPS gift cards for everything, then buy on sale and look for stuff on craigslist that is a good deal. Just recently I struck this deal. I bought a very very very like new Symetre off of craigslist for $45. This thing was a year or two old, but spotless. I had a $40 gift card and a $10 off coupon for BPS. They had their extreme spinning rods on sale for $60, normally $100. I used the coupon and and the gift card which enabled me to get the rod for $10 + tax out of pocket. That is a $180 rig for $55. Made homemade archery targets, cost me $0. I got bulk grass seed bags from local coop, stuffed with old rags, clothes that were destined for giveaway, plastic shopping bags. I made two of them for no $$ out of pocket and they stop the arrows with ease. I can pull my arrows out with two fingers no sweat. I cruise wal-marts clearance isle almost everytime I go in there. Gently used from garage sales and craigslist can save you lots of $$. Make a little extra for dinner and save it for lunch the next day.
  7. Watermelon/Chart zoom lizard. Crawdad pattern cranks bomber model A, Fat A, Wiggle Wart.
  8. Hawghead

    your pb

    Thanks, I like to get good pics of fish and deer. It's a little harder with the fish since I want to get em back into the water ASAP and with deer you have the luxury of picking your location a little more and getting poses and lighting just right. The owners of the place were right there telling me that they hadn't ever seen a bass of that size and that I could keep it to put it on the wall. After a couple of pics and a weighing I walked over and laid her back in the water. They both came over and shook my hand stating how happy they were I put the fish back and that I could fish there anytime I wanted...... ;D It pays to practice C & R
  9. Hawghead

    your pb

    Caught earlier this year on a baby brush hawg. 9lbs on the scale. I bought the scale on a whim just a couple of hours prior to catching her when we ran to walmart for some stuff for the weekend. I tested it on a gallon of milk, measured right on. For reference I am 6' 5"
  10. That's pretty funny right there. For me it's been more of a Bait Tick or possibly a Bait Leech. He gets his hooks into and continues to feed off of me until I am sucked dry. I am always willing to make a Wal-Mart run ;D
  11. I just picked up on older symetre, maybe 2 or so years old for $45, it looks absolutely immaculate.. Its a front drag, I already have a rear drag. They are dandy for sure.
  12. I got mine this year as well, the big one, it's AWESOME. Holds some serious chit.
  13. Wiggle Warts and Bomber Model A/Fat A both in various crawdad patterns for me. Those little Fat A's are murder on Spotted bass at Lake of the Ozarks.
  14. I went to MO Valley for a year. I used to fish at Van Meter fairly often.
  15. I live in St. Charles. Fish Busch CA several times a year. I also have access to a ~6 acre lake that is turning into a lunker lair. LOZ is my favorite place to fish. Grew up fishing up on the Mighty Miss north of Winfield and busch CA. I hope to get some time to try the Gasconade and Meramec this year.
  16. Caught last friday 21st. On a watermelon baby brush hog. Private late here in MO. 9lbs on the scale.
  17. I fished out a Busch several times last year and have fished out there all my life. Lake 35 didnt look too good last year. I fished out there one morning at didnt even get a bite. Maybe it was me or the just that particular day I recommend more than anything just getting out there and figure it out for yourself. That place gets hit hard (to the tune of 125,000 visitors each year for fishing, not sure how much info I would want to give up on a public forum. But because I am a kind hearted person I would recommend the d**n/spillway at lake 33, the rock jetties at lake 28, and the C & R lakes.
  18. Bomber Model A and Fat A's, and Storm Wiggle Warts
  19. No actually I went on Friday afternoon before most folks got off work. THe store was well staffed and well stocked but not crowded at all. It looked about like a typical saturday. I got my select items and got out. There was only one person ahead of me in the checkout line. I can't imagine what that place was like on saturday.
  20. I was at that same store today. Didn't stop to chat with Denny, too busy fending off the BM.
  21. Storm Wiggle Wart, Bomber Model A's and Fat A's in a variety of crawdad colors
  22. Thanks for all the input. The battery, transom mount trolling motor, and charger were a gift from my wife for father's day last year. I fish a lot at a local wildlife area that rents boats. I felt pretty lousy when I realized that I had possibly done. Sounds like I should be OK though.
  23. Just having it on for days doesn't necessarily mean that it is ruined. Did you boil it dry? If not then it is probably ok. A cheap hydrometer can give you the specific gravity of each cell. They should be 12.7v at full charge. You can also have it load tested at most auto parts stores. I popped off the caps and there was still water right up near the top.
  24. Last year I got a BPS brank Deep Crankin 175 trolling motor battery for father's day. One day after i used it I charged and it and got too busy and forgot all about it. It was left on for several days, I dont recall if it was on the 10 amp or 2 amp setting. Whats my best approach at this point, how do determine the amt of damage vesus just going out and hoping for the best. The battery has a 12 month full replacement replacement warranty, but in reality its my stupidity that lead to the issue. Should I attempt to charge it, will it need water (how can I tell for sure? how much to add?). Can a battey tester at autozone type place give me a good assessment. I am a dumb :-X I know
  25. Zoom plastics @ 25% off, Rapala DT's, Bomber Square A's, Model A's, Wiggle Warts, trilene Xl and the reel when you buy 3 spools. 4 370 boxes, maybe a battery
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