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About secretlakes

  • Birthday 01/21/1983

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    south jersey
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  2. now that is a nice cow.
  3. i like to catch white perch in the lagoons around my town since i live near barnegat bay. you never know what you'll pull up when you fish brackish water. the pic is a stock photo, my pics are stored in my laptop and can't get a connection right now. they are little but they fight hard, and if u find one you've found them all.
  4. my craziest day didn't even involve catching anything but a seagull. he flew right into my line as i cast a spinner out. now i had a seagull kite attached to my rod until he plummetted into the lake. i reeled him in against the warnings of my girlfriend to try and help free him. at about five feet from my boat my girlfriend was almost in tears telling me to look up... seagulls i now know travel in packs. about 30 gulls were a few feet above my head cawing and getting all crazy like they were going to attck me. alfred hitchcock would have loved it. i had no choice but to cut the line and jet outta there. i watched the trapped bird get up and fly away with my spinner hanging about two feet below him.
  5. beautiful fish everyone. makes me wish i got out more this year. here's a pot belly porker yellow bullhead. not huge but i don't think there's even a state record for them here in jersey yet.
  6. the original comment was not directed towards anyone person, it was just a comment referring to a situation that one member was having a problem with. the only reason that i felt the need to say something was that my comment was removed for no reason. it contained no profanity, didn't insult anyone, and was ten times more tame than anything you could put on your television. if this is a place for us to post our thoughts and coments, our "two cents", then why if something falls within your parameters would you delete it? i apologize for hurting anyones feelings. :'( and i am not an internet tough guy or a soprano. don't you know the fat mobsters don't come down here? just so everyone knows, it's the NOrth jOIsey people that are obnoxious. don't here in the south were BASS fisherman.
  7. guess this guy has never heard of catch and release? do you eat cat too?
  8. beautiful. good yob
  9. randall , if that is your real name, you look alot like this guy troy...? nice fish.
  10. thanks for all the quick responses everyone. and yes that thing is fugly
  11. my buddies and i went out at 4 am the other day for some striper fishing under the causeway gridge on LBI nj. we actually caught a few sea bass, but no stripers, and then this thing.? can anyone help me out? i beleive it's an oyster cracker?
  12. nice dinks everyone! hee's the hog i got a pic of, but the smallest one i have ever caught was about four inches long on a tad-fry lure. i popped him in a bucket and put him in my fish tank. best pet ever. the one in the pic i caught on a green senko.
  13. not possible. full of crap. i fish striper off of LBI every year and there is no way he landed a fifty pounder on 2lb test. they are just too hard of a fight. and with that light of line, the drag setting would have to be so light that the fish would have just swam away not even knowing it was hooked. he prob couldnt even have set the hook. look at my post in other fish species and tell me u could have pulled that in on 2 lb test, and then add 10 lbs to the fish i am holding.
  14. a seagull flew into a spinnerbait i had just cast out in mid air and became antangled up in it. it was like flying a kite with a fishing rod. i pulled him in to untangle him but all the other gulls started to come to his aid by attacking me and my girlfriend. i had to just cut the line for fear of my own life!! there were like fifty something seagulls swooping at us.
  15. and lots of these guys. u can see the LBI causeway in the background. bass in the salty marshes of nj.
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