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Everything posted by BostonMike

  1. Thanks for the input guys, I was hoping this was the case! I've got a new to me boat this year and my first with an SS prop, so I'm trying to be extra cautious. A lot of lakes in New Englad are full of rocks and many aren't marked well so it's a challege at times.
  2. Have a question about my prop, think I'm just being paranoid but figured I'd ask what others thought. I have a stainless prop and last time out at idle speed I felt my skeg bump the bottom real quick. I immediately shifted to neutral and trimmed up. This was at the beginning of a tourney and I had no problems the rest of the day, although I pretty much stayed at headway speed since we were fishing backwater areas and the water level was extremely low. Putted all the way back to the ramp, loaded up, no issue whatsoever. When I got home I noticed my prop had some very minor (and I mean REALLY minor) scratches on the tip of the blades, barely visible and just noticed them by running my hand over them...they could've been there before and I didn't realize it. My skeg was absolutely fine after the bump. My question is could I have done internal damage like bending the shaft in my lower unit? I think I'm OK, but does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!
  3. Umbagog is definitely the place to go, absolutely beautiful lake and great smallie fishing. My parents took me there every year when I was a kid, now I put together a yearly guy's fishing week with my dad and a couple of my uncles. The place has barely changed since I first went up there, almost 25 years ago. You can launch in the magalloway river or at the southern part of the lake at the state ramp. If you're fishing out of a canoe or kayak the river is the way to go. If you've got a bigger boat the ramp is in great shape. The better fishing in my opinion is the northern part of the lake, closer to where the Magalloway and Andrescoggin rivers dump in. If you're in a smaller boat, just keep your eye on the weather, it can change in a instant and can get pretty nasty.
  4. I fished my first tourney last summer out of my 19 foot Carolina Skiff. I modified a giant cooler for a livewell and had three pumps hooked up for it to work right. The tourney I entered consisted mostly of guys in 21 foot rigs...so I looked a little out of place, but ended up catching a limit and finishing 52 out of 67. I was just happy not to come in last. I've since sold it and bought a 19 foot Skeeter, but I'll always remember the first tourney in that boat.
  5. How did they block off 100 acre? There are no open ramps that I know of, but there is a spot on the river between 100 acre and 30 acre that you can get a jon boat, canoe, kayak, etc. into. I put a 10 foot pelican in without a problem. It's a quick paddle into the pond. I have heard some people have claimed that it is a private pond, but in fact it is not. 30 acre is also supposed to have some good fish, I have only ice fished on 30 acre without much luck aside from crappie so can't really speak to it.
  6. I grew up in coventry and fished Carbuncle pond and the pawtuxet river quite a bit, both real easy spots to get a canoe or jon boat in. Used to put in to the river right on the Hope/Coventry line. Also am a big fan of 100 acre in N. Kingston (I think it's in NK) but I don't know if it is stocked with trout. Also as previously mentioned, Breakheart down in Arcadia is a great spot.
  7. Hey CRFisher, where were you fishing the Charles? I'm in Allston so it's right down the road, nothing like a little urban angling, right? Larrys, spare tires, dead bodies, the Charles has so much to offer!
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