Me and my dad were fishing in a club tournament over the weekend at Badin lake. Started off the morning with a little topwater while my dad threw a jerkbait. He started catch what I call "pond fish" little 8" fish. If you know anything about Badin, it's grassy. I remember a fishing show done awhile back when KVD was throwing a swim jig over grass and slaying them, so I had one tied and and I thought i'd give it a spin. 30 minutes later, I land my first keeper, around 3lbs. I knew i was gonna fish with it the rest of the day. after awhile, I had my limit. My dad still hasn't caught a keeper and I felt bad for him because he didn't have a swim jig like mine and I only had 1... Well, at around 11:30, I catch this beaut. saw her hit it and gave me chills. 7.01lbs my second biggest bass i've ever caught. I ended the day with 17lbs such an awesome day!!