Sounds good to me. I'll let you have second, as long as I get first this time! hehe I had actually just joined the club less than a week before this tournnament! I was very nervous not knowing anyone and then jumping right into a two day travel tournament, but it turned out to be great. I fished with Lance Tillotson (day 1 leader) the first day, and he was awesome. I only caught three fish, but I should have easily had a limit. I was a little rusty to say the least, having had not fished for quite a while. We were pitching and flipping soft plastics, and it was a subtle pressure bite, that I kept missing. I also had a four pounder come off right at the boat. Lance caught like 15 keepers that day, and I should have had near the same. I wasn't too disappointed in the day since I was well back in the pack after day 1.
Day two, I fished with Curt Stowers, who was in second after day 1. So I figured I would try to stay out of his way since he had a chance to win. It actually worked well, as he was fishing light spinning tackle and small finesse stuff, so I just kept pitching the big stuff on twenty pound line. The weather had changed that day, and everyone struggled. I didn't get a bite until after about noon, but when I did, it was the big fish of the tournament, and about fifteen minutes later, I caught another over four. Needless to say, Curt wasn't happy, and I wasn't sure if he would talk to me again! haha (he's probably my travel partner for the federation tournament, so I guess he's ok with me now!) After those two, I figured I needed one more fish to maybe move up into fourth (the last paying spot), and was working furiously to do it. I broke off a fish with about 20 minutes to go, and was broken hearted! Little did I know, that noone caught much and I would just miss winning by a small amount!
All in all, a great intro to the club fishing with some great guys!
P.S. The guy who won happens to be one of the best fisherman in the club. He used to fish BASS, and for the last couple of years, fishes as a non-boater on the FLW Tour and this year the series. So the good news is that he won't be fishing many of our tournaments this year since he is on the road so much. The bad news is not being able to learn as much from him.