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Everything posted by wowyo

  1. I'm pretty much a catch and release guy, but I see nothing wrong with keeping a nice fish to eat. As long as what you're taking is within the boundries of the legal code laid down by fish and wildlife dept.... there should never be any shame.
  2. actually, the move was something discussed the other night between the little lady and myself and it just got me in a funk. I look forward to new opportunities and new surroundings however it hit me while I was taking a few pics of the boat for my classified and messing with some tackle that I've been fishing for 9 years(something I took a liking to my freshman year of college) and never met someone through fishing....all my fishing buds are guys I've known for quite a while. too answer a prior post... I've fished my fair share by myself. However the past two years... have been trying to say the least. Especially since a guy's gotta work crazy hours to keep up, but I find that I really enjoy fishing with other people. Whether it's cracking jokes or a serious chat... just my two cents... I didn't know if there were some fishing clubs that weren't tourney oriented.
  3. flat broke = single income for two people... one is in graduate school and those bills from the loans start coming in next summer... it also means that so she can find employment a move will be a necessity and I'll be grossing less than we'll be spending until we both secure employment. that is flat broke.. i'm selling the boat and then the truck and getting a small car coping with the move.... where to find people to fish with? .. where I come from Bass Club is synonomous with tournament fishing, which is something I don't do... I prefer the "just for fun" mantra.
  4. hello bassers, it's official, my boat is for sale. I took it out a grand total of 3 times this season and spent most of my time on the banks of small impoundments. Oh, its also for sale b/c I will be relocating to a yet to be determined locale(WA, TX, or IN) just depends on several things.... Anyways, how do you seasoned anglers cope with a move in terms of fishing buds and potential boat rides?? Though my boat has served me well, it's unlikely that I'll be getting another one. I'm rather broke now and anticipate being flat broke in about 11 months.
  5. Learned how to on my own...helps to ask a lot of questions.
  6. Dale Hollow and Lake Cumberland aren't an hour from Lexington... not by a long shot. However... though I'm not familiar with Lexington, being much further away.... you could try Guist Creek Lake... its tiny and you definately wouldn't need a guide... and Taylorsville lake. but I'm guessing at an 1 1/2 hours to GCL and 2 maybe to Taylorsville.
  7. wowyo

    10 times!

    Congrats on the great day on the lake.
  8. x2 I love this website, makes keeping a log very easy, and i love the calender showing me my poor vs good fishing days, as well as the fish count for the month and year. what website is this?
  9. I'd try a florida rig.
  10. I'm still relatively new to the board, but that trip looked like an absolute riot. It's also about 4 hours away too.... wish I could have made that one. Ky lake is definately a possibility. Hope I can work it out.
  11. My boat has left the garage for the first time this year... it's in the front yard. maybe someone will offer up some money for a low priced aluminum bass boat. I may not catch the big ones like I caught off that thing.. but fishing off the bank is closer to the house is a whole lot cheaper. Whether it's a 1.5 ounce bluegill or a 7 lb hybrid striper, the whole area knows I have a fish on the end of my line!!!!
  12. Beamish Young's Double Chocolate Stone's Imperial Russian Murphy's Guinness But my everyday is an ice cold High Life.
  13. water temps in the mid 60s preferably and the weather. Last year I was hammering the nights in late April. Last year was very mild where I'm located (So. KY). However this year has been quite cool.
  14. BRL is one of my favorite lakes to fish... however I haven't been out on that body of water this year(I've been hitting smaller water). All my sources have stated how slow the fishing has been. Last year the lake level was left relatively low for some reason (ramp construction?). Then of course some drought maintained the low level. From what I understand when the lake turnedover there had been a significant fish kill. I don't know how it's affected LMB, but the Hybrids haven't been there so far this year. Give a review of your tourney and any info you get whilst there.
  15. Late February through October 31st.
  16. I have a 17' lowe aluminum bass boat w/ 70 hp johnson, just looking to increase my days on the water with hitting some smaller spots and possibly save some money on the transport to a few of the larger lakes. Using the bigger boat when my fishing buddies can go and foot some of the GAS. To me, I may go the jon boat route, but I've never been fond of jon boats. Well, another trailered vehicle parked at the house mmmm the little woman might eyeball me hard. But I could hang a canoe/kayak/pirouge/duckboat and the pontoon could be tucked away... as far a a trailered boat... how do gheenoes compare to jon boats? I've only heard but never known anyone around my parts to have one.
  17. My home waters are Barren River Lake and Lake Malone.
  18. The majority of the time I fish alone... therefore I'm looking at a small craft that doesn't require a trailer. It must be light in weight and able to be used on creeks, rivers, and moderately sized lakes. Also throw in decent for night fishing. Canoe, Kayak, Pontoon, Pirouge???
  19. not a fan of the flippin' switch.
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