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Perfect Hook Set

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Everything posted by Perfect Hook Set

  1. Just in case there was confusion... I was talking about baits and lures rarely or never seen in the US Same thing goes for techniques
  2. Too much bass and not enough pray... When I fish over populated (small bass) ponds, I do one of two things: Catch X amount and transport them to other locations or Bring them home and eat them (rare)
  3. Flashy jerkbaits yo-zuri I have use these m36 m37 2 3/4"
  4. I have two programs that are for editing colors and distortions but, to crop out an object neither do that... I would like to test the waters with other programs
  5. Call your local town(city) hall or baitshops
  6. Has anyone of you thought about looking into what Japanese anglers fishing in Japan are using? A lot of HOT newer baits are coming from Japan
  7. Some info I found which may help One trend in largemouth bass management is the stocking of Florida-strain largemouth bass. When conditions are appropriate, Florida bass grow larger and faster than do northern-strain bass. According to some scientists, "Florida bass" (as they're commonly called) are a separate species, but **their appearance is so similar to that of the northern-strain bass is so close** With the appearance in the 1970s of bass approaching and exceeding 20 pounds, California proved what Florida bass stocking can do under the proper conditions. The state soon started stocking Florida bass in lakes and rivers all over California. Texas soon followed suit. Lake Fork was impounded in 1980 and stocked with Florida bass. The lake had completely filled in 1985, and by the late '80s was one of the hottest largemouth fisheries on the planet, with double-digit largemouths being caught on a daily basis and anglers from around the world flocking to the lake with the expectation of catching the fish of a lifetime. Texas officials then started stocking Florida bass around their state. Now all the Gulf Coast states have stocked Florida bass to some degree, and other states, from Arizona to Oklahoma to South Carolina to Arkansas, also have active Florida bass stocking programs. Florida-strain Largemouth Bass In southern United States reservoirs this genetic strain of largemouth bass has produced record-sized fish. Pond results have not been as productive. Florida-strain largemouth bass are less temperature tolerant than our native, northern-strain largemouth. Since temperature effects in ponds can occur quicker and last longer, the effect of winter temperatures can wipe out a pond owner's attemp to produce trophy Floridastrain largemouth bass. It is much more productive to stock northern-strain largemouth bass and manage your pond for big bass There are 2 subspecies of largemouth bass: the Florida largemouth and the northern largemouth. The Florida strain of largemouth existed in Florida originally, but with stocking programs, they are now found in most of the south and they are very prevalent in California and Texas. Florida strain largemouth don't live as long as northern strain largemouths, but they grow much faster and bigger. The typical florida strain largemouth should get up to 10 to 12 pounds compared to 6 to 8 pounds for the northern strain largemouth. If the waters provide good structure, with a good food supply and a long growing season, florida strain largemouth bass can weigh over 20 pounds whereas, the northern strain largemouth rarely exceeds 10 pounds.
  8. Does anyone know of any good FREE photo enhancing editing cropping etc program I could download?? Please include some detail about the program and the site I can find it at.
  9. Candlewood Lake Smallmouth Largemouth and plenty of spots for people to catch 'em I vote CT
  10. Trail Mix a fruit and a big bottle of Vitamin water (any brand) Some times I will bring a double decker pb & j Though for the most part I forget to bring something and end up hungry half way through the outing
  11. $1200 hm You could enter a few tourneys with that cash and learn more from your co-angler... $1200 I could buy a lot of Bass mags, books, and videos with that... $1200 I could pay a or some very knowledgeable local anglers to take me out for a full week if not more...
  12. Because, feeling up a fish is just wrong!!! Stealing food from a fish and I thought taking candy from a baby was wrong sheesh! Imagine that ;D
  13. hmm no goodies found in the cars? "can I have that a track player please"
  14. A drum which have much smaller scales then a carp I never caught a carp on any thing but, food baits though I believe I have had hits on other things... I wish I had seen the fish!!!
  15. This should be stickied
  16. I thought it was a Heron Please do not mind my what is this threads (animals birds insects.) Though I will try to searh the web much harder I like taking pictures when I go hiking fishing etc so there will probably be more threads like this one lol
  17. I always thought this was a kingfisher until I looked it up and found that it was a much smaller bird... What is the name of this bird
  18. I was waiting for that comment. Not all sponsors that are shown or talked about pay for the show and it gets annoying to watch some anglers (no names needed) repeating how great this specific brand of bait is this month or how great this reel is even if they dont normally use it,
  19. You and or your boat become a billboard. In exchange for advertisement you can be givin money, fishing gear free hotels stays and things such as that. Different levels, I would say yes. An amateur angler may be sponsored by local companies where pro anglers are sponsored by well know big companies such as Dodge etc.. Are there anglers who are "sponsored", but do not fish tournaments? **Yes and I wish I was one of them Sponsors ruin watching fishing on TV!!!
  20. How much is in it for me if I help?
  21. For some reason I havn't been able to convince the insurance company nor my doctor I am in need of an epi pen... Benadryl and Prednisone is what I took and would need to be kept with me. Tony come this way and I will show you some green grass lol That fish was just under 7lbs Missed 7 by 1 freaking ounce!! I wish I could say I caught it this year, that was caught around the 4th of July. I remember going to watch some fireworks at Candlewood and made sure i kept my shades and my hat on all night!
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