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Perfect Hook Set

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Everything posted by Perfect Hook Set

  1. Last night I picked two lmb up 1 - 5in pink senko 2nd 5in cream white senko We fished from about 8:30-9:15pm which by that time it wasn't pitch black but, was dark enough imo to consider "night fishing" I too will take every ones advise and suggestions and try to implement them into my night fishing game
  2. Unfortunately I only read the 1st few posts... too lazy... Though I have had many pet bass from 3in bass up to almost 3lbers... The main thing is to keep the tank clean full of oxygen and roomy. I would feed the bass almost on a set schedule. I had a spare tank that I would fill with lake water (from the lake they came from) I would toss in some gold fish, craw fish, and of course some suckers... This tank would sit for 24-48 hours before I would add it to the half filled tank that the bass were in.. (half filled only when ready to change water) I never had a fish die they were all eventually released and I believe still alive... Its a great idea for the kids teens and adults. My bigger tank was used for testing out lures/soft plastics (without hooks) I learned many things from having these tanks.
  3. That happens a lot I would suggest fishing about you 20 yards from/to the baby bass/bluegills. A lot of times bass wil leave there young to chase out predators or even find food for there self... Also depending on the size of the fish they may be on there own now.
  4. wooohooo I was just going to post asking about night fishing Whats baits/lures What Techniques No light or some light I too am appreciative of all of you who help me become a better night time angler
  5. I believe candlewood lake and lilly are much further away from you then the res.... I am not sure if you can fish with minnows Though there are plenty of LMB and Huge SMB white perch and wallleyes. Though I believe you need a permit to fish the saugy res. I only fished there once my self and used a jerkbait and spinnerbait.. Both lures worked well What town/city do you live in?
  6. not sure what it is isnt a carp though
  7. This was my 1st Cabelas I have ever gone to... It was an hour long ride with the family. Pretty big though I believe there was MUCH more hunting then fishing. So if a bass pro shop was in the area I would have probably went there instead... Plenty of reels A lot!!! of rods more rods then reel and lures I believe... They didn't have as much varieties of lure/soft plastics as I thought they would. I was looking for bags of northland slurpie dip sticks (senkos) but, unfortunately they didn't have any. An employee helped me out quickly even though I had 2 questions: 1 - if the head any northland slurpies 2 - If the had the pfl. president combo in a bigger size reel with a medium action rod Most of them seemed like they had at least the basic knowledge of fishing and fishing gear. Unless I go in that direction for more then just Cabelas I don't see my self going back... or Unless I plan to buy a lot of items To me I could save the time traveling along with gas and just spend the money on shipping costs... I took some pics of the Aquariums and will post them in a couple of minutes... If you have any questions please ask. If you have been to a bass pro shop and or another Cabelas (along with this one) please compare it to the Cabelas here in CT. Just a few Animals of EH Cabelas
  8. I never really thought that fished wouldn't hit a bait because, of human scent. Our hands carry many scents, from touching the cork of hour rods to the buttons on a gps. I never use scent but, I do believe, especially when fishing is slow and the bass are not as aggressively hitting the bait/lure, certain scents will have them lock jaw on your bait/lure.
  9. I was thinking the same thing... Yesterday I was using a swimbait with one treble hook and caught a lmb right on the side of his mouth.
  10. I caught a colander once... Cleaned it up and used it
  11. I kept the reel Cleaned it very well Re-lubed it with a little lithium type grease and some parts with oil... Reels pretty smooth The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't have the quick anti-reverse May keep it as a spare or put it on a rod for my wife... She likes dropping the reel/rod onto the rocks cramming it into the trunk etc... I rather have her beat that one up then one a payed for
  12. No wood that I know of... He wasn't very shy and let us get close... When I usually see a rodent (in my state at least) that is wondering around without being scared of a human they usually have rabies!!!
  13. What do you do with left over fishing line... Fact mono line takes up to 600 years dissolve I end up throwing mine away though, I rather recycle it.
  14. (pond) After a few casts and a leaf or two I got caught up in some line... Since the line that I was stuck on was so far out I figured someone had got stock on some brush or a rock. Thats never good because, at least for me, I end up breaking my line as well. Slowly I reel the line in and try to figure out what I was dragging in. I eventually get my lure to shore, look down into the water and from the looks of it I thought I was dragging in a stick. I untangle the line from my hook and pull a broken rod and reel from the water... I am thinking someone, some how broke their rod, got pi$$ed and threw the rod and reel into the water.
  15. I went to the cemetery last week and noticed this woodchuck coming out of the woods...
  16. Which would you suggest from the two for a 4in *.6 oz* swim bait 10lb spiderwire or 12lb mono
  17. *What would you suggest* I am looking for some type of liquid or spray on clear coat for a few types of lures... hard plastic deep diver/jerkbait wooden/hard plastic swim bait medium/soft plastic swim biat Mainly looking for some thing that will protect the colors on the baits from flaking or getting scraped (by fish teeth) off. The soft swim baits I have, have multiple slits and don't want a clear coat that will clog or stiffen the slits..
  18. amos from the dep site Public access Type: Trailered Season: Year round Directions: Turn east onto narrow road off Route 164 approximately 1.5 miles south of junction with Route 165. Lake Area: 113 Acres Regulations: 8 MPH limit, no water-skiing except for period June 15 to first Sunday after Labor Day, when speeds in excess of 8 MPH and water-skiing are permitted between 11 am and 6 pm. Docks: None Toilets: Chemical (Seasonal) Parking Spaces: 25 Parking Surface: Recycled Pavement Access Road Surface: Paved Ramp Surface: Concrete Plank
  19. When are you going? Latins Cove is a good area to hit 1st but, can be a pain to launch from?
  20. I was wondering the same but, from about 6 posts I have read, I heard they weren't so great...
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