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Perfect Hook Set

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Everything posted by Perfect Hook Set

  1. The only hard water around here is from my shower and I think that problem is fixed... Though I went to two near by ponds and the were both frozen over AGAIN! One had a water fall and the current was incredible so that small area which was open wasn't "fishable" can't wait until the ICE THAWS
  2. Was the water clear? If not judging by the color of the bass I would have to guess it was caught very deep... ALSO!!!! "The temperatures dropped to a freezing 41 degrees." Freezing meh this morning as I went to work it was 5º withe a high reaching 30º I wish we had lows in the 40º range! BTW nice fish
  3. yeah and a nice long heavy action rod
  4. someone is rolling in cash... Does look very real though sweet job http://www.tackletour.com/video/ttvideo316realdeal.mov wowzah looks insane on top
  5. Just send it my way if you don't want to use it... If you have never used ironsilk, why listen to every one and go out and try it, especially that you got it for free Though 14lb test meh I like to use there lighter lines which I never had a problem with
  6. Actually for many crank baits especially those that run deep, AT FIRST you need to reel quick to get it deeper fast. Though usually you would reel at a slower speed I would use a buzzbait as something you would reel quick High ratio - quicker slack line will be picked up, reeled in...
  7. On my baitcast reel i can adjust how "fast" it reels Lower ratio would be for slower retrieves
  8. May I suggest a decent size Jansport book bag (backpack) The book bag I use can carry 3, 2-3700 boxes I use the prolatch plano box 2, or 3 depending on what i put in the other areas of the back 2-3600 prolatch plano box will take pics with boxes filled if need be along with pliers nail clippers a spool of line and or a few bags of worms This is the box he is talking about for those who rather not click the link $18 at BPS * Two 3600 series ProLatch utility boxes * Sturdy cattle-guard front door * Spacious bulk storage * Color: Green/Silver * Dimensions: 13-3/4'' x 10'' x 9-3/4''
  9. Cabelas IM7 Tourny Trail rod OR BPS IM6 Graphite series. (spinning rod) In your opinion out of these TWO rod ONLY. Which is all around better
  10. Someone with the players advantage could always just share useful info with us. Though like stated in the post above me I am sure you can find info in other places... I would search what each (more favored) anglers strengths and weaknesses are and compare that to the water/conditions they will be fishing.
  11. I think the government concern about grass carp is their spread to areas they are not know to inhabit. - Which is??? HABITAT Lakes, ponds, pools, and backwaters of large rivers. Prefers large, slow-moving or standing water bodies with vegetation. BEHAVIOR Usually stay in lower depths and are solitary in nature. They mature in lakes and migrate to rivers for reproduction. FEEDING ECOLOGY AND DIET Mainly feeds on aquatic plants and submerged land grasses; also takes detritus, insects, and other invertebrates. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Grass carps usually mature in the fourth year of life. Spawning occurs in late April and early May, when water temperatures reach 64.4°F (18°C), and with the onset of heavy floods. Mature fishes swim upstream. When the water level rises suddenly, males may chase females and push them. The females then lay eggs, and males release sperm. The eggs are semi-pelagic, floating with the currents. Incubation may take 3540 hours when temperature is 66.9270.16°F (19.421.2°C). Fecundity is 306,5781,162,920 eggs, depending on the size of the adult female.
  12. Expensive when they use to cost $5 and I rather pay $3.70 for milk which will last then pay $10 for a lure could break off...
  13. The top 10 listed in that lake, I chose 4 of those anglers
  14. Thats cheap compared to many other places which charge $10 or more
  15. and 29 cents $7.29 http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0053133122448a&navCount=10&podId=0053133&parentId=cat603293&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=catfeatfish&catalogCode=IJ&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat603293
  16. ROFLMAO!!! Grini gotta be the only guy who never had a problem with it!!!it never broke on me and held a palomar knot no problem. Nope I still use it I actually used an 06 spool and an 07 spool on 2 of my reels a month ago and went fishing last week and casted with no problems.. Even snagged a log which I dragged in I use 10lb and 12lb test I had better luck though using it on my 6'6 rod with fuji eyes then I have on other rods with different guides (eyes) TRIED* "I have ever tired" hehe
  17. Berkley Ironsilk which is on sale for $1.99 - 330 yards http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98616_100010001_100000000_100010000_100-10-1 10 Subtotal $19.90 Standard Shipping $4.95 Additional Shipping Charges Total $24.85 *** The sale has no minimum amount to buy, I just wanted to show that you can get a lot of great line for cheap
  18. What section Middletown or Hartford area
  19. Picking between 200 angers with no salary cap would take forever if I put any time and energy into it. I tried for my first two picks then said we are going to roll the dice. If I get B.S. lucky and win the 100gs it will be exactly that. B.S. Luck. I did the same though I forgot to save my team so I think I am out for this tourney http://www.fantasyfishing.com/article.cfm?newsid=148023
  20. My buddy is a master at the technique in the link He doesn't use pliers though
  21. 3in senko or a 3in part of a 5in senko grubs
  22. a long thin tube
  23. sunfish uh oh you may have me beat, I have two lakes I will ned to try to beat you
  24. Some post in this thread may help, skim through ALL posts http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1189202496/0 "without cutting the hook" Cut the line right away to remove all tension from the hook Grab needle nose pliers Press the barb down FLAT Try to slide the hook out "Cutting the hook" Cut the line right away to remove all tension from the hook Cut right under (before) the barb - I also try to cut right under the hooks eye hole Once that is done the hook usually slips out if not at lease there is less hook to hurt the fish The quicker and more gently this is done the better chance the fish as of surviving Never just toss a "hurt" fish or one who fought hard/for a a while. Always lip the fish Set the fish in the water and rock the fish forward and back until it tugs away
  25. Remember the fish must have BOTH minimum weight and length... No worries Tony I will be out fishing you all year so no need to stress on catching "big ens."
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