I agree with those who said, that bass will attack any size bait / lure etc.
I have seen bass eat live small mice (not used as bait)
Small birds (not used as baits)
If a bass attempts to eat something too big but, it can not fully swallow the prey, the bass may die.
Big largemouth "dead" after attempting to eat a fish it could not swallow
There is an exception in my opinion which is that there are parts of the year (winter especially) where bigger bass may not expend as much energy chasing something big.
Bigger bait bigger fish never stuck with me because, I have caught 6in bass on a 6in spook and a 5lb lmb on a 3in rapala jerk bait.
Bass eats mouse (tank too small for mouse)
Good studies one being distance of prey / size
This was taken from
"Bass also choose their food based on their size. The bigger the bass, the bigger the meal. Largemouth in California often eat rainbow trout 10 to 12 inches long, and Cross once found a 12-inch gizzard shad in the stomach of a 10-pound largemouth. He has, however, examined stomachs of big largemouth that were crammed full of tiny grass shrimp, proof that bass will eat whatever is easy to catch."
"Largemouth bass switch from a diet of mostly insects to a diet of fish and other larger prey when they reach about 8 inches," says Cross."
This info was found here
"Any prey having a body depth less than the diameter of the bass' mouth may be consumed."