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The Bass Guy

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Everything posted by The Bass Guy

  1. well at least you have the right idea.. Fishing fishing fishing... But from what I hear from my relatives it looks like winter will be just a bit longer for you... Hey how is the Apple River doing these days...
  2. welcome aboard and good luck... Hope that your season is long, prosperous, but most of all filled with great company and lots of fun...
  3. oh boy... if I would have known everything was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy I would have quit my job bought a bass boat AGAIN and gone tourney fishing after my divorce... Dag nabit
  4. oh boy.. Can I hear the Crap getting deep these days.. CJ.. YOu better learn to backpeddle quickly.... LMAO... Many welcomes and hope you are here for many more... You never know Cj she might refuse to clean fish one of these days.... LOL>.. Congrats on becoming a bass fisher person and hope to see you here alot..
  5. well at least I can put it on my calandar and hope that that lucky lotto ticket comes in.... Seriously though, looking forward to going next year.... ALthough I wish you folks would come to a warmer place... LMAO.. Have a great day all and we will see you all there...
  6. well there is and has been always a huge discussion on the use of live bait for Bass Fishing... There is a gent I know who is a bass guide that is known for guiding to Big bass for his clients... Most of the folks he guides just want to catch a big bass and he uses Big shiners.. ALthough he does fish artificials as well... He does catch alot of big bass... Truthfully it is determined by the person and what he/she wants to do... As for Bluegills for bait, they can be a good bait, but alot of places won't allow you to use them...
  7. Ho hum... wishing I could go... But Being boatless after my divorce really doesn't help things out... Wish everybody the best of luck.... And the best of times... Speaking of good times... I am still looking to find someone to fish with in Florida (want to get back in tourneys, heck for that matter more fishing..)... Great backseater... Great boat pusher... and yes I can back a trailer up... I can even be a great fisherman once in a while... LOL
  8. For shame for shame for not trying it prior to now... All self respecting fisher people would try... LOL... Even if it is for casting practice and/or technique practice.. By the way... Good Luck..
  9. Over the years I have been a fishing freak... Truthfully for knowledge the Lindners really have had a great impact on fishing... Especially there older shows although they really now do go all over and do alot of different types of fishing... The Bass Pros show is a great thing these days... Bill Dance for his intimate knowledge of fishing (although he does tend to plug things)... Over the years there have been several other shows that were good as well.. Search me I can't remember their names... But yes one that was good in past ages was Roland Martin... Although now he is a huge infomercial about other than bass fishing... For those of us that can remember, remember when Roland fell head first in the water trying to lip a bass and came up with it on Camera... Have a great night all...
  10. You know the funny thing... Over the years all of our "secret" spots were probably someone else's at one time or another.. But I actually have been very forthright with alot of people over the years and let many people "in on the spots"... The problem is not everyone fishes them the same way and technique makes for a whole big percentage of the game and we all know it... I can remember a tournament several years back that I fished in the same spot for a couple of days... after the first day, I told everybody who could care to hear where I came up with the leading bag... A couple of people followed me out there and tried fishing them and called me a liar when they didn't catch anything when I pulled up to the locale... To make things funnier than that, as they were leaving I proceeded to catch a beautiful bass right up on my lure... Again, secret spots are great, but technique really goes a long way... Good luck and great casting...
  11. the pairing deal is for keeping all fair and honest... It used to be that they would send a ride along or an observer unless the fisherman wanted to team up.. Regrettably Pride comes in and the front seat means alot to people... Whether they live up to it or not... And yes, the rules are normally defined prior to entering, make sure you read them thoroughly even though you think something like that may never happen.. In other words Rules are rules...
  12. Regrettably the situation would dictate alot...
  13. Me thinks it is going to be one of the Florida boys... The weather is supposed to turn really cruddy here after having a gorgeous week..
  14. Don't know, they may be a small sponsor.. If you really want to know for sure, go on his website and email him to make sure...
  15. Great idea to send them to the troops overseas... Now if anyone has any other mags they want to get rid of, drop me a note.. I lost many many years in my divorce and recent moving so I am always on the lookout for back issues... Have a great day all..... I do remember though, when I was in the Military how much I appreciated getting mags to read... The military may be updated, but pretty hard to read about bass fishing when you are in the desert....
  16. yes yes.. Congrats on your anniversary.. And even more congratulations on your wife's understnading the important things in life... LMAO... No seriously... now you just have to get her into fishing seriously.. Then you can do tourneys together... Congrats on your going out and congrats on catching fish...
  17. I have to tell you, I do honestly like the format early... Let me tell you, I have fished it... Toho early like a couple years back is brutal... It could be cold, windy or hot and nasty or a mix of everything including rain... The early spring is great for all... It inspires the Southeners and gives the Northeners a bit of want for fishing weather... And I am not tlaking Ice fishing... It also helps the sales for the companies...
  18. Well... I was fortunate, my Dad introduced me to fishing young.. Of course, being related to the folks that started St. Croix Rods helped out.. I fell in love with fishing.... My only problem is that my dad was a bobber and worm kinda guy... I read everything possible about fishing and learned the hard way, by doing it... LOL... When I was twelve, I talked my dad into entering a local fishing tournament, I had to figure out how to rig our boat to be tournament legal... (a 1960 something 14' Alumacraft with a 45 hp merc... with a steering wheel in the middle...) You had to have a kill switch.. I finagled it and we entered... I had to pay the whole entry fee for both of us with money I earned because my dad wasn't into tournaments... But hey, we went, had fun... did pretty well... That was 25+ years ago... I was hooked.. I read everything... I fished every second I could... LOL.. In fact I worked on that boat for a good many years and made it out to be pretty neat... Put floors in, put a livewell in.. A Better kill switch... Did alot of tourneys with that boat, did well, it was ugly and not as fast as the "fancy" boats were, but it did the job just grand... Tell you the truth I would love to have that boat now... Even with that big ugly, heavy and I mean heavy monster of a red topped, silver sided mercury... Since I lost my beautiful Bass boat and everything else in my divorce a year or two ago... Over the years, I moved up, bought an old Ranger that was trashed and fixed it up... bought a bass tracker.. hmm d**n those were fine boats at that time... and stayed hooked on Fishing and tourney fishing... To this day, I may not be on the lake much, but that will change sometime soon, I still read everything possible and still practice Flipping and casting in the yard into a bucket and around the trees to the bucket, etc.... Sorry to get off the track, but do me a favor all.. Introduce your children to the sport fishing and teach them good and ethical practices... No matter if you can only take them "banking" or out on a little ole' alumacraft, you will find that those will be the best of times... and you never know who might be a future KVD or Clunn or Brauer or Roland Martin (yes I remember him)...
  19. When I fished tourneys (wishing I could these days even as a back seater) I always tried to pre fish if I could possibly do it... But when i couldn't I would do as much studying as possible... Lake maps, Talking to the local sports shops, etc. etc...
  20. I just pulled up his website http://www.jasonquinnbasspro.com/ and it doesn't look like it...
  21. They may be short but they are doing well... LOL.. I have met a couple and I feel like a giant to some of them...
  22. Hey all... It is really too bad that your friend experienced that on his first time out... But I hope that that doesn't discourage you or him to go for it again... Over the years, I have had experiences and success in tourneys in the Midwest, Michigan, and the South as both a boater and a non-boater... Regrettably, I have had not so pleasant experiences in both positions... But I never let it discourage me... If a person has to be a poor sport or other things that is just too bad for him/her... If it is bad enough like being late on purpose, you might want to mention it too the club heads... Now all of that said, I haven't been fishing tournaments for a few years due to a couple of things, one a divorce (yes she got the boat and all of the rest of my fishing stuff), I moved, and I just can't swing enough to buy another boat... I would love to do it again no matter what type of experience I may have because I do know that almost all of the time, the experience will be great... So if anybody is looking for a co-Angler, a non-boater, or just a great back seater drop me a note... By the way... Good luck to all.... Maybe I will run over to Leesburg for the BASS weigh=in this weekend...
  23. Hey Hester... It is nice too see that fishing is becoming acceptable in schools, but... The only question I have is how will the school teams be able to compete.. I.e. Boats, tackle, etc. etc.. I know alot of people that love to fish, but can't afford it... Hmmm I wish they would have had fishing when I went to school...
  24. Boy oh boy.. I wish the box gods would drop me a couple of boxes in the mail.. Not even brand specific.... a 3' x 4' box with lots of slim green pieces of paper marked with a 100 on them would be awesome.. LMAO... Seriously though let us know what you think of it when you try it...
  25. hmm it really depends upon the time of year, but NOISE and COLOR do really help when having problems with that d**n muddy stuff... Good luck and keep the snarls out of your reel..
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