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Bass Meister

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About Bass Meister

  • Birthday 08/21/1945

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    New River,Trent River,Nuese River,Lake Sutton
  • Other Interests
    Didnt know that there were any others.

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  • About Me
    I am 65 yrs of age,with 60 yrs of bass fishing enjoyment. I am retired and fish 6 & 1/2 days a week(Sunday is after church). I fish from Raleigh to Wilmington & in between here in N.C. I have had many boats over the years but am now fishing out of a Bass Raider 10E,which I enjoy tremendously. My favorite way to fish is wacky, top water frog & devil horse type lures.</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I have tried looking on the internet on how to DIY a simple cart like carrier with wheels to carry my Bass Raider from truck to water. I have patched the bottom twice from dragging over rough terrain. I did see one with galvanized retractable wheels but can't figure out how it was done. Any ideas? I need to make something that I can put inside the truck because a lot of the places I fish are hard to get to in a big boat. If the "carrier" is left in truck bed,it might be gone when I return.
  2. Can I put a live well in my Bass Raider 10E? If so,would you be kind enough to explain or diagram? I cast net for my own shiners, put em a large rubber type container with a bilge pump to circulate the water. When the water tends to warm up in container, shiners begin to die. Also, changing the water so often becomes very tedious Thanks in advance. BassMeister
  3. Looking for ideas on putting a live well in my Bass raider 10E
  4. I used to guide out of Lake Thonotosassa in Hillsborough County for freshwater & Hudson marina for Salt water fishing. I also had my own 57' commercial grouper boat. All of this was over a span of 10 yrs. I'm truly happy about your 10 lbers. I hope someday I can get back into catching small ones like that. My arms and back are beginning to show signs of fatigue catchin' the big bass. hahahahahahahahaha
  5. Love the gallery. I lived in Fla for 10 yrs & was a guide out of Tampa. Okeechobee is known for its "Pigs". I'm sorry to see, though, that you caught a few puny ones inder 9lbs. Hope you gain knowledge that will lead to the truth: bragging rights begin @ 10 lbs and end @ 25.
  6. I'm over it now. I really dont think it was fear, more startled than anything....and seeing one that close was amazing but unexpected just the same.
  7. Cut the line?? Stand up for your rage toad man. To enrage,then engage with the RAGE is a worthy feat to deafeat the gator meat
  8. Yep,you gotta get a boat. Better yet, lets capture one o' these gators here in NC & ship it to CT. Feed it flavored bear meat & when the Big mama makes an appearance, start recording. Post it on youtube.
  9. Cant say I was freaked out...more startled due to the fact that I didnt see him until I got almost on top of him. I honestly fish with the gators on the river quite often. I didnt see any of them today. Will be back out 2moro
  10. I always carry a 20 gauge and I probably would shoot if I feel threatened,but at this point,it was my fault on the second gator. The first one was on bank minding its own biz. I scared the 2nd one when I rounded the bend.
  11. I have given that some thought,but clearance to get on Camp Lejeune requires red tape,but then again maybe not. Will check into it.
  12. Roger, I am seriously taking my camera 2moro so I can post em here. I lived 10 yrs in Port Richey/Hudson Fla. I had my own grouper boat as well as a fishing guide.
  13. I have taken heed to all of the advice offered here, granted I havent tried the marshmellow thingy yet, and as far as getting close to them to hear them hiss, the one that bounded off along the shoreline was close enuf to see me pi_ _,er,wee wee my pants.If he would have lunged toward my massive 10' Bass Raider, I would have been the topwater Redneck hangin onto a 10foot bobber wishin I had some marshmellows. Anyway,I will be going back to the same loacle Friday (1st). If you dont hear from me, then consider the marshmellows didnt work. Thank you guys. This has been a lotta fun. BassMeister
  14. There is a nest as you go along the river. I hear the little ones making their croaking like sounds. But I tend to think as you, leave em alone= leave me alone
  15. OK here goes: I mostly fish the New River here in J'ville,NC. Very productive. Several days ago while returning back to the ramp from a great day of Bassin' , I rounded a bend when I saw an alligator approx. 10' from me lying on top of the water. Now I'm in a Pelican Bass Raider 10E motoring pretty good with a 40 trolling motor. He just sat there,but I was still looking back to make sure he wasnt in a Pelican eating desireous mood. Unfortunately in doing so, I rounded another bend not paying attn to where I was going & CRAP!!! a gator leaped off the bank parallell,not directly @ me and put up a huge splash & wake. He was every bit of 12feet. After color came back to my face, as well as color added to my underwear ,I realized just how close I came to losing 3 cans of downed Buds and 2 pastrami sandwiches . My question is: how many of you have had any close encounters and is there a need to be concerned?
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