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Everything posted by B-Dozer

  1. It sounds like you were joking, but I think it's a good idea.
  2. That is what I was trying to say. I mainly fish from my yak, and since you can move closer to your target you don't need to force your casts.
  3. You are less likely to "snap" cast in a yak. You'll do fine.
  4. You are also setting an example for your son. Don't let that perv screw up your life,ain't worth it.
  5. I hope you know I was just kidding with you! You're right there are worse ways to spend your money. I tried some of them.
  6. I'm sure you're just joking,right? rowyourboat had the best advice. You don't need to spend a great deal of money to fish. I bet most of us started out using "junk" and had a lot of fun. My advice, read the articles in this forum. Just you wait my friend. I'm not just talking about the bait monkey. One day you will buy your first boat. Then realize you need a truck to pull the boat. Then you realize the boat is not exactly what you wanted so you buy a bigger boat. Then you need a bigger truck to pull the bigger boat. Then you need a place to park the boat. Then you have to maintain the boat. Then you have to pay money and enter into tournaments. Then you have to upgrade your equiptment because "all the other tourney guys have expensive stuff", and well, expensive stuff catches fish. Then you're going to want to travel cross country to fish the lakes you see the pros fish. Then next year I have to buy another boat because I've grown out of my second boat. Oh why won't it just stop? And so on, and so on. Before you know it you have spent tens of thousands of $$$ to catch a stupid little fish. I should have taken up soccer. All you need for that is a ball, a pair of shoes, and a pair of shorts. 8-) You look WAAAy to fat for that!!! Did buying all that stuff make it more fun? Don't scare the guy.
  7. I'm sure you're just joking,right? rowyourboat had the best advice. You don't need to spend a great deal of money to fish. I bet most of us started out using "junk" and had a lot of fun. My advice, read the articles in this forum.
  8. Not the answer I was hoping for, seems like there is an overload of LP, with only Abu-Garcia and Shimano making round reels. But thanks for answering my question.
  9. fishingcop 640 here's a pdf file on tohatsu 25 horse outboards. www.tohatsu.com/tech_info/own_man_pdfs/Toh25c2_30A3.pdf might have to type it in. Good luck
  10. You have three carbs. on a two cyl. 25 horse? The repair book I have says one carb. It also shows premix, not the best thing to put in your truck. If you read my post I have a 2004 30hp 4-stroke. So no premix and the 30hp 4-stroke is a 3 cylinder. If you read HIS question it's a 25 horse 2 stroke
  11. You have three carbs. on a two cyl. 25 horse? The repair book I have says one carb. It also shows premix, not the best thing to put in your truck.
  12. It should have a single carb. Like it was mentioned you should clean it for starters. How's the gas? Mixture correct? If you look in the gastank w/o shaking it, see if there are any "blobs" on bottom. That would be water. If it's the ignition (it has a CD ignition) it might not act up until it's warm. You said you checked the plugs, what did you see? Don't waist your money on higher octane, not necessary. But it has to be clean. Lets see what you can find. Good luck.
  13. Me too! Must be trying out that new baitcaster
  14. Looks like my latest rescue, Yogi
  15. Any chance of Pinnacle making a round reel, similar to Cabala's now discontinued Prodigy? Seems like after they stopped making them everybody wants one. Pinnacle is really stepping up with their new rods and reels, this might cover all the bases!
  16. No NYS more than doubled, as did Ct. So instead of going to Vt.,Mass., and NYS. I stay and fish in one state. I don't take long vacations in other states, or spend my money there, I do those things locally. You could still opt to buy a home state only license, as far as poaching, people that poach will do it regardless. Same as people that drive w/o a drivers license.
  17. Do you consider yourself a redneck considering you live in Maryland? I thought that would be a hillbilly! ;D
  18. The states would actually get more money as a result of price increase for a regional license. How they spend their increased revenue would still be up to them. Each state would benefit from money spent on tourism. States rules would not change. No state would loose anything, but would gain by fishermen spending money on their trips.
  19. Yeah Mat, I was one of those that bought a license early. The town hall recently told me the price difference will be credited next year when I renew. Not holding my breath on that one.
  20. Sounds like my words, I'd like to go back with the way things were, simple. Now I sound like an old fart!
  21. Curious as to why you wouldn't want a national, or regional license. Your address is on the license, funds would go to that state. It would promot tourism, and bring money into the economy. When you travel to fish, you are buying food,tackle,lodging, etc. Even if the price were double a resident license, all would make out. You wouldn't get a driver's license for each state you drive in, why a fishing license. Not trying to be a S****A**, just didn't like the jump to $70 for a NYS non-resident tag.
  22. I guess you think every state should have their own driver's license? :
  23. I would like to see a "national" or at least a "regional" fishing license. I think it would promote tourism and all states would benefit. I used to get three licenses every year, but then the prices jumped. Now I don't fish out of state. everybody looses. The price could be higher that a resident license, but not ridiculously high. How many states can you fish at the same time? :-?
  24. I feel the same way. Most of my fishing is in weedy areas, and adding a leader will only make it weaker. I know some will say "correctly tied knot" but any knot, swivel, whatever is a weakness. It might seem strange to some I use white braid, but I tried black marker thing, never could notice a difference. If a leader gives you more confidence, you will catch more fish. Not intended to insult anyone, maybe I'm FOS, who knows.
  25. I prefer round reels like Cabelas discontinued Prodigy round reel. I like the feel, and with the right rod, will cast as good (or better) than anything I have tried.
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