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Everything posted by B-Dozer

  1. I'd like to fly the plane myself too. Preferably one with pontoons and a full tank. But they would lock me up cause I don't have one.
  2. I live on a lake stocked with 'eyes, fishing off my dock some years ago at night, caught what I thought was a big smallie. There was no light, so I stuck my thumb in his mouth. Hello! was no smallie
  3. Nice 'eye! Watch his teeth!
  4. The alien probe ;D
  5. +2 where do most of these sightings happen? Close to bases. Im not saying I don't believe in life elsewhere, but I feel if they could travel here, we would be dead by now... X2, unless they figure us doing it for them
  6. Its BASSclary. No 'e' lol. And I just went to watch TV instead You watch too much TV. What Independence Day?
  7. Funny how we haven't heard from BassCleary. You don't think he's been abduc---no can't be. There's no such thing as aliens! Right? :-?
  8. Great, now if I see an alien walking around with an armadillo hat and a bottle of Johnnie Walker in his hand I'll know you didn't survive. ;D ;D
  9. I don't mind being the probe-er, just don't want to be the probe-e
  10. Chong: you call THAT a UFO? now THAT'S a UFO!
  11. s'all right he's got a prescription :
  12. Maybe UFO's have parking lights?
  13. Uh huh
  14. How can you tell if something is not moving, when you are moving? I was hoping for some kind of picture. The big foots (big feets?) look like two people with goosedown jackets.
  15. Leave us a link OK?
  16. Do a google search, there have been several sightings in the Richmond/Hampton Va. area in the past two mo.
  17. 2012 isn't that far away
  18. It was the bait monkey following you back from BPS. Saying "Come back, Come back"
  19. The Cherrywood rod is an excellent value. they are fairly sensitive, and the trigger has a good "hook" to it that helps smaller hands. I have a few around for lady friends and others that stop by and want to fish. Whatever you choose, take him often and enjoy.
  20. He may think he hooked that fish, but I think he's hooked-----on fishin'
  21. 1/2" seems a bit much, but maybe you're fish are bigger than mine
  22. Yes sir, I have 4 of them. I'm going to remove the line form one and use the braid on it. I've been using YoZuri Ultra Soft for a couple of years now and have had to 'lighten" the hook set while using it. Transitioning to the braid's lack of stretch will not be that hard. The thing that concerns me the most about using braid is the knot strength/slippage. Use a palomar knot. Strong and very fast to tie.
  23. Those are some really great pics! Love the expressions on the faces.
  24. Thanks
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