Haha, well practice only makes perfect!!
I also like the name Fred, i've always gave my dogs real names. I think names like Sugar, and Cinnamon are stupid.
My dog has nabbed plenty of birds and squirrels in the backyard, and I've have to do alot of digging, his name is Dave. We got him from the pound and man, he loves to point. I lucked out !
He has Lime's disease, which is why he's so skinny.
Nice looking pup, BCxE. I'm sure you brought him to a vet right? If blood tests for Lyme and Anaplasmosis are positive, they should give you some Doxycycline. Some dogs aren't bothered as much as others. One of my dogs (85 pound Boxer) cries like a baby, my hound just looses his appetite. One mo. supply of Dox. and he should be good to go. Ticks are nasty round here. Good luck with him.