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Everything posted by B-Dozer

  1. So how many yards are you putting in the spool? I use half a spool of a 150 yd. PP. That's 75 yds. 225 ft. You are not likely to cast more than that, if you get a fish that will run more than that, you have the mono backing.
  2. My thoughts exactly. Braid will last a long time, no need to flip it around in the Spring. Good or bad, I have a lot of set ups. Half a spool with mono backing works for me.
  3. Backing (mono or tape) is used to keep the braid from slipping around the spool. Leaders can be used, but a lot of people don't feel it necessary especially in water that is not crystal clear. You should try it, bet you will like it.
  4. local weather has nothing to do with the so called "Global Warming"... Sorry to offend you with a joke! Want to see a joke? Watch the news with Southerners driving on ice ;D
  5. No such animal in Tupelo!
  6. Yes it will work. But I find it easier to use mono, here's why. I use half a spool of braid, say 75 yards. I know my reel holds say 140 yards (both 12 lb. diam.) I measure off 65 yards mono to give me a full load. If I were to use tape it would be guess work as to how much to use. Of coarse if you use all braid it would be different, but I don't see the need to use braid as backing.
  7. Consider yourself lucky. I live on a lake, great right? Not if it's frozen If I had some open water at least I could make a few casts. Now a foot of snow is on the way, and I'll be "casting" snow off the end of a shovel :
  8. Great idea, I enjoy that myself. If space is tight a rollcast usually will work.
  9. With the lure of your choice (try a 3/8 oz. spinnerbait),hold your rod about 2 o'clock. With the mag. on 0, set the tension so the lure falls slowly to the ground. The spool should not overrun. Then set your Mag. on 10. This should be a "safe" setting. This won't cast real far, but it won't birdnest either. When casting, don't "snap" the rod like you might with a spincaster, let the rod load and do the work. After you get confidence, you can lower the mag. 1 click at a time. As the lure hits the water, have your thumb ready to apply pressure. The more your thumb gets educated the more you can lower the mag. and spool tension. Stay away from wind resistant cranks, and real light baits for awhile. Buy some 12 lb. test Berkley Trilene, or Stren mono until you are comfortable with the casting, then spend money on more expensive line. Practice and don't get discouraged.
  10. I have three Extremes, I find it hard to make them birdnest, even into the wind. Not to be a smarta*+, but do you understand how to set spool tension and the mag. ? Also how low is low quantities of line?
  11. I'm with you on that. Why pay for Spanish and Chinese news channels if you can't speak the language? Same thing for golf and 100 religious channels. :-?
  12. Engaged? That's a new word for it ;D
  13. She's a JRT mix, about 3 years young. She was dumped Christmas Eve. Guess that was her present >:(We had her spayed,vet checked,heart-worm tested (-). Happy girl, loves to play.
  14. Oh yeah, he knows. He's training YOU!
  15. No---YOU will need to change you're underware from laughing so hard ;D Just got a JRT in at our shelter that can dance on her rear legs, sweet girl can't understand why she was dumped
  16. Neither does mine , Lil Raul caught over 300 bass last year. But, ask me how many times I went fishing for me ----> 2, all the rest of the time I went fishing for him ............ actually his mom don 't want him near me, she says I teach her kid bad manners ( like burping, cussing, farting n ' stuff like that ;D ) and that I spoil him ...... who, me ? :-? "good" kids don't burp and fart, they explode! ;D
  17. He's probably just wanting to show he's different than his big brother. Hang in there, bet he'll mature and be grateful you had patients with him. Bring a couple sodas or snacks next time, or tell him you'll stop at McD's. Catching some more big uns can't hurt either.
  18. Sounds like you guy ain't gonna make it til Spring
  19. I use white. Most people use a sharpie color of their choice anyway because of color fade.
  20. Awesome! If you ever need them to be tested----
  21. Reels as all things mechanical, experience break in. Did you ever notice how much better you can cast after you have used your reel awhile? Parts are wearing and becoming friends As far as new reels, I plan to keep my equipment as long as possible. I want to make sure my new reel is clean and lubed from the start. Besides, I kind of enjoy taking care of my stuff.
  22. Great to have the knowledge and opinion of a professional. Thank you.
  23. I'm with you on this one Chris. So many good reels in the sub $150 range that work great, even store brand reels from BPS and Cabela's. But if you have the money and it makes you feel better, go for it. After all a heavy wallet just hurts your back.
  24. One of the leading causes of heart attack and stroke is seeing the Dentist's bill! ;D
  25. I rest my case
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