With the lure of your choice (try a 3/8 oz. spinnerbait),hold your rod about 2 o'clock. With the mag. on 0, set the tension so the lure falls slowly to the ground. The spool should not overrun. Then set your Mag. on 10. This should be a "safe" setting. This won't cast real far, but it won't birdnest either. When casting, don't "snap" the rod like you might with a spincaster, let the rod load and do the work. After you get confidence, you can lower the mag. 1 click at a time. As the lure hits the water, have your thumb ready to apply pressure. The more your thumb gets educated the more you can lower the mag. and spool tension. Stay away from wind resistant cranks, and real light baits for awhile. Buy some 12 lb. test Berkley Trilene, or Stren mono until you are comfortable with the casting, then spend money on more expensive line. Practice and don't get discouraged.