Take the positive post off, hold it to a ground (any good ground will do) for 1 min. This will reset the computer. It will take about 50 restarts to reset values on the computer. It will also clear any codes.
Sometimes what is easy to do, is hard to explain. People going from spin-casters or spinning reels have a tendency to snap with their cast. We all know what happens next.
Back in the day, most things were "home made". If you were lucky you had a friend with a stick welder. A visit to the junkyard got you some materials to make most anything. Nobody ever heard of Home Depot.
I'm jealous you have open water. Going to be 25 below with the wc factor. Did you set up the PVC pipe specifically for the test? Give it a try with a Bomber square A. Thanks for sharing
All you need now is a cooler, and a shade umbrella ;D
Nah, a John Deere cap and a proper mullet will keep your head/neck from getting burnt.
Yeah, buddy
I use both canoe and kayak. I have an OldTown K140 that was made for hunting and fishing. I also have a Grummen canoe. What kind and length is the canoe in the picture? I could do w/o the TM and outrigging, but otherwise it looks sweet.
Good advice all around, talk to them straight up, if you can manage to work out an arrangement, go for it. Either way talk to them. If you can't agree on the hours, some day down the road things may change for you or them. Good luck
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