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Everything posted by mja900

  1. What size trolling motor do I need to push two people on a 14 ft jon boat? And what is the biggest size (acres) lake I should take it on as a beginner? I have fished private lakes a thousand times but nothing bigger.
  2. Im wanting to get into kayak fishing since its a more cheaper alternative to buying a boat. I know nothing about them yet so can someone tell me what features I need to be looking for before I buy one. Trying to stay under $500. Thanks.
  3. Ive read when handling fish when you use gloves instead of your hand the glove will pull off certain slimy parts of their skin off and sometimes it will affect them to where when you return them back to the water they can die later. How much of this is true and if so do they make any gloves that are made of certain materials so it doesnt pull off their slimy coat?
  4. How do you know if a jon boat is safe for the size of the lake, as in being worried about getting tipped over by waves from other boats and stuff like that? Is a 14 ft ok, or does it need to be like 16 ft or larger?
  5. Hey I was wanting to know what size boat I should get if I wanted to pull a tube. Do they make any jon boats that are large enough and can have a big enough motor to pull a tube or do you have to buy something bigger than a bass boat to pull a tube?
  6. anybody have some tips on how to tie down and hold down a jon boat in a short bed pickup (01 F150 extended cab)? I dont have the money to buy a trailer and Ive seen some people carrying it in the bed of the truck.
  7. Oh ok, I was a little confused. I thought you meant to type 1/16 oz in the previous message. I see what you are saying now.
  8. And Goose52, your baitcaster throws the 1/16 oz with no problems?
  9. Can somebody tell me a good rod that is a ML casting rod, with lure weight 1/8 oz-1/2 oz or something close to that?
  10. For panfishing. I dont think I could cast light baits very far, like 1/16 oz, with a 6 ft spinning reel.
  11. As in distance, for throwing light baits like 1/16 oz, between a 5ft UL or 5'6ft UL rod, which one would cast the bait the farthest?
  12. I guess I will just take it to the local shop and have them clean it because I took out the 3 screws on the handle side to pull the reel apart and it wouldnt budge.
  13. Its an abu garcia and thanks for the link to the knots.
  14. If the baitcaster is really noisy when I cast, what could be the main cause of that? And, does anybody have a video or web page to a great strong tieing knot that is pretty simple to do?
  15. Could someone who has done this already with their jon boat, give me a rough estimate on how much it would cost to convert a standard jon boat to the one like in the picture. Stuff like carpet and the wood using average ply wood. http://www.secretweaponlures.com/odf/images/odfquarter.jpg
  16. So baitcasters will cast better with the smaller guides than the larger guides? And, it would be better to have a 6.5 ft rod instead of a 6 ft on a baitcaster reel?
  17. Well not thumb,I didnt think before i typed that, but the little black piece at the bottom of the handle. Is what I am asking is does it matter if you have a baitcaster reel on a rod that does not that have that black piece on the handle? Meaning, without the black piece on the rod, does that make it just for spinning reels?
  18. If a rod does not have the plastic thumb piece and its 6-7 ft does that mean it is just for spinning reels? Or are the rods without the plastic thumb piece used for baitcaster reels also? And, if two rods are the use the same ratio of line and lure weight and action, is the length of the rod (either 6 or 6.5 ft) just your own personal preference?
  19. its brand new still in the package and when I ordered it and got it before I opened it, I noticed it does a rumble/tick sound as you reel. should i return it or is it normal and just needs some grease. its a abu garcia ambassadeur black max
  20. does lighter pound test line make it easier to throw lighter baits like using 8 pound instead of 12 pound, and size rod should i get to throw like 1/8 oz and 1/4 oz lures. thanks.
  21. I can cast it good from sidearm, but how do you keep it from darting towards the ground and get more of the arch cast like you get from sidearm when throwing overhead?
  22. What would you say would be the lightest baits you can get a good distance with a decent baitcaster. not the over one hundred bucks baitcasters but just a decent one. I throw 1/16oz jigs on my UL but im wondering if 1/8 oz or 1/4 oz would be too light to throw on a baitcaster?
  23. Would getting a 6 ft rod throw lighter baits better than a 6.5 ft and 7 ft rod?
  24. If I am buying around $50 baitcaster with 4-6 bearings what size rod should I buy? 6 ft or 6.5 ft or 7 ft?
  25. What is the best way to clean a spinning reel? And is it safe to run sink water over the reel?
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