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Everything posted by MyKeyBe

  1. I agree with speed! tholmes, those look amazing!
  2. One or the other? Kill me now. I love both. but..
  3. I like to keep it simple and cheap. Field and Stream Tec-Spec 6' 8" medium/fast and a Curado 201 B. For $120.00 it looks good, feels great, and gets the job done! For spinning I use an Abu Cardinal 101 and a Fenwick Venture 6' 4" medium. Most amazing $40.00 combo ever! Works for me anyway.
  4. I couldn't understand a word he said.
  5. Not real sure but from what I understand he can just give you a bill of sale and you can get it registered with that. It may have to be notorized, not sure? Kinda in the same boat (pun sorta intended) myself. My stepdad gave me a canoe 2-3 years ago and he also lost the registration. We never got around to finding out 100% about the bill of sale thing and he passed away recently. I guess if nothing else I can sell it to someone in the family and kind of back door the system? Or I could just scrap it. 70 pounds of aluminium has to be worth something! I'm sure if you call or stop at the DMV they will let you know what you need. Something I also need to do.
  6. That's real nice. You should be proud to know you built and own it!
  7. If it's not to late, try cleaning your IAC (idle air control). Jeep has just under 91,000, Catera has just over 92,000. Had a Tbird that had over 250,000 and my last jeep had just under 200,000.
  8. Without a doubt, Pink Floyd in 94. One of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life. It was amazing!
  9. <---- Me. Me broken: and no! Not from a bar fight.
  10. That's pretty much available right now if you really want it. http://www.quadratec.com/products/12503_8000_07.htm JK 8 conversion from Mopar:
  11. The bay hasn't been a good place to sell for a long time. It used to be so easy. Between all the fees and now the crazy shipping prices... I gave it up about 6 years ago, it was starting to get crazy then. I wonder if I collect interest on the $12.00 or $13.00 that were still in my PP account? There is no way I would even try it anymore. CL and forum flea markets seem the way to go for the average person anymore.
  12. Put down the Curado and pick up a spinning reel! I learned to skip with a spinning reel. After that when I tried with a baitcaster I'd get a couple birds nests and just give up trying with the baitcaster. I do like the tape idea. May have to give it another go this year.
  13. Never get the flu shot and hardly ever get the flu. My wife had the flu shot about 15 years ago because it was free through her employer. Made her alergic to eggs for 5-6 years and eggs still give her an upset stomach to this day. Guess where the vaccines are grown? In eggs. Just something else to think about.
  14. My choice would be the outback (always thought those were cool) or a 4.0 liter cherokee. I bought my last cherokee, a 93, in 2005 for just under $2000.00 and other than basic maintence had no problems at all with it. I got rid of it last spring because the body was rusting out bad. Actually the body still looked decent but the holes in the passenger side floor and the holes in the hatch were getting really bad.
  15. I'll be the first to admit I really don't know a whole lot about guns. I do know I had a friend in high school whose stepdad used to beat around his mother. She got drunk and mad one night and got revenge. She shot him in the back of the neck with a .45. The bullet went through his neck, two walls of the house, and went about half an inch into the garage floor. It was a standard round. Not really sure if that makes a huge difference or not? From what I've read and what little I know, I would also suggest a shotgun.
  16. Not fishing but an ex and I went to a local pond in the local park that everyone goes to, to feed the fish and ducks bread. Well we were throwing bread to some bluegills about 3 feet off the shore and a blue heron swooped in, landed, and grabbed one of the gills. It scared the heck out of me but was really cool at the same time.
  17. Always use a trailer, either a split tail or a grub. Never use a trailer hook.
  18. When you rig the bait, make sure the eye of the hook is in the bait. Run the toothpick from the top of the bait down through the hook eye and out the bottom of the bait. Trim the ends of the toothpick flush with the bait.
  19. CH is supposed to be a decent brand. I've never used them much. I have used the ones sold at Wal Mart and it is a total POS. I would guess if you bought one from a good parts house it would be of much better quality. I've used Craftsman with good luck. That Kobalt for around $50.00 with a lifetime warranty sounds like it maybe a pretty good deal.
  20. How did I forget Santana? I also like Steve Miller. His godfather was Les Paul so he must be good!
  21. If I remember correctly, this is the improved version of the wiggle rig. Same concept, just a little more info on how it works. http://www.renosky.c...rang/index.html
  22. Small and Dumb. Small is an American Eskimo named Baby. A.K.A. Foxy Loxy. Dumb is a Newfoundland named Jorge. A year and a half old and almost 150 pounds. A.K.A. Shamoosin.
  23. Just because Acura recomends 93 octane does not mean you have to use it. Here in Ohio where I live it's pretty flat and I would guess I could get away with running 87 or 89. I know your going to have to deal with more hills but 87-89 octane may still work for you. Maybe find an Acura or Honda forum and ask what other owners are using. If you don't get knocking or pinging under load you really don't need a higher octane fuel. As for the Volvo, yeah, it's European. Parts are going to be expensive just like a B.M.W. or a Porsche. Heck I picked up a Cadillac Catera a few months back. Guess what? It was made by Opal and parts are expensive. Good luck with your search.
  24. Clapton and then Hendrix. I also like David Gilmore alot.
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