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Everything posted by MyKeyBe

  1. I have never kept a bass but... :-? If I caught a record, state or world, that bass may never see the water again. :-? Lake record would go back unless it was the state or world record. State record would be kind of hard. It's only the state record but still, it's the state record. State is a 50/50 for me. I'm not real sure what I would do. World record fish? It's coming home with me. Sorry. It's only one, on it's last fin, old, might have 6 months to live, WORLD RECORD BASS! That bass would go directly to the closest tackle shop, post office, meat market, grocery store and anywhere else I could think of that might possibly have a certified scale. ;D I'm from Ohio. If I can catch a 23 pound bass that can be certified and beat Perry's record (Yeah, I know :), that fish is coming home with me.
  2. Don't forget that cable length also affects voltage drop. This is borrowed directly from Powermaster's website: Recommended Cable Gauge Size: AMPS Up to 4' 4'-7' 7'-10' 10'-13' 13'-16' 16'-19' 19'-22' 22'-28' 35-50 12ga. 12ga. 10ga. 10ga. 10ga. 8ga. 8ga. 8ga. 50-65 10ga. 8ga. 8ga. 6ga. 6ga. 6ga. 6ga. 4ga. 65-85 10ga. 8ga. 8ga. 6ga. 6ga. 4ga. 4ga. 4ga. 85-105 8ga. 8ga. 6ga. 4ga. 4ga. 4ga. 4ga. 2ga. 105-125 6ga. 6ga. 4ga. 4ga. 2ga. 2ga. 2ga. 0ga. 125-150 6ga. 6ga. 4ga. 2ga. 2ga. 2ga. 2ga. 0ga. 150-175 4ga. 4ga. 4ga. 2ga. 2ga. 0ga. 0ga. 0ga. 175-200 4ga. 4ga. 2ga. 2ga. 0ga. 0ga. 0ga. 00ga. Keep in mind that you cannot go to large but you can go to small and to use quality oxgen free cable.
  3. I ain't sayin nuthin. Nice boat, chevy.
  4. Along the same lines a bad ground will do the same thing as will any bad connections. Any acid/gunk on top of the battery will slowly allow the battery to short itself out and create heat. Also too small a cable will create heat. It all comes down to resistance. You want the power to flow as freely as possible. Bad/loose connections, corrosion, too small a wire, air gaps, etc. all create resistance and heat.
  5. What??? :-? Someone asked so they must care. : From what I have read someone just caught the fishing bug and is worried about what they will do this winter when the ice is 2 foot thick on their home lake? Did I read that right? I know I don't like to freeze my /\zz off fishing in the freezing cold winter. I practice pitching to my sun room, drives the cat's nuts (remember to remove your hooks). I play a lot of Mark Davis Pro Fishing on the PS2. I also spend a lot more time here, as do others. I hope for ice out everyday and I load up on all the fishing stuff that is on winter mark down. I dream about the day ice out happens and I can use my discounted stuff to catch a lunker like I did on the PS2! :-? Yep, winter sucks.
  6. N.E. Oh Hi, Oh, are you new here? ;D You can always add your location to your signature and then everyone will know where you are from. \/ \/ \/
  7. I fish a pool in a small creek with very good results, but here is the catch. The pool I fish is about 150 yards above a small dammed lake. This creek never goes below 1.5 feet deep and the pool is at least 3-4 deep (maybe 5-6 in some places?) all year round. If I showed you this spot you would tell me there is no way any bass are in there. While some of the time you may be right, try it at 7:00 pm in the fall when the bass are coming up into the shallows to feed. Nonstop action and some decent fish, too. This pool is filled with rocks/boulders and the bass engorge themselves on crayfish. Oddly enough though, I have never caught one on a craw type lure. Maybe it has something to do with all the rocks and snags, I cannot drag any lure across the bottom without getting hung up. ;D Good thing that when the bass are in a feeding frenzy and cruising for food, anything that moves in the water will catch them. My best two spots in the pool are an underwater tree branch and under a pine tree that hangs out over the water but I have caught them in the middle of the pool too. I have no idea what is in the middle of the pool, though. Maybe a big rock, another tree branch, maybe a lot of smaller rocks, maybe nothing. I don't know.
  8. I guess it could be worse. There is "reservoir" by me that is used for drinking water. It was created sometime around the 40's and ever since they built the dam, no recreation what so ever has been allowed on this lake. I have always wondered "What's down there?" I've never heard anything about bass but the rumor mill has it that divers have gone down to inspect the dam and seen catfish that were almost as big as the divers. : The point being, if they ever open this lake to fishing, the dam would be the last place I would ever look for a bass. ;D
  9. I think it could go either way. Are you dedicated to your sport or did you join for other reason's? If you could run a 5:00 minute mile and are dedicated enough to turn that into a 4:30 mile, that might look good. If you join cheerleading because you know that they will place you at the base of the pyramid and you can "look up"... : That might not look so good. (To the sponsor, not you, perv! )
  10. Come on, LBH! Two out of five ain't bad. Is it? :-/ "Granted a snapping turtle or muskie may get one every now and then, but it is generally not a real threat." I wish to retract and rephrase my original statement to reply # 4 as it seems we have nittpicker's here. ;D Soo... This is just for LBH. New #4. 4: If a big fish has teeth, a bird has a large beak, or you have snapping turtles, they may put a hurting on your bass population. Carp may still be a problem and so is disease. ;D
  11. Avid, Maybe one of these would work for you. http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc1200t.htm Just don't charge them to fast. Wear them down and get a trickle charger to recharge if this seems like a good battery for you. I had 2 of a very similar type (Reactor) that I killed pretty quick in a car using alternator (200 amp). Pretty much no discharge rate and a super fast recharge rate. I can say though, I had one that was new in a car that I was driving. The alternator died in this car on my way to work. I drove 30 minutes to work and 45 minutes home on just the battery. Not bad, huh? Here is the rest of the story. The car was an 87 Nissan 300Z. Computer controlled and fuel injected. It used a little power to get to work. Well when I left work it was dark, raining, and the windows quite fogged. So I had the headlights on, wipers on, and the blower motor running. The car made it home and after I stopped it in the garage, I figured I would try to start it for S&G. Fired right back up. No problem. 78 minute reserve at a 25 amp load and only 37 pounds. This maybe the battery you are looking for.
  12. All of my replies are towards largemouth bass but may also apply to smallmouth bass. 1: What is the average life expectancy of both a Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass? In northern waters up to 15 years and in southern waters around 10. They also grow faster in the south than in the north. Females live longer than males. 2: What do Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass do in the winter for food sources when the bodies of water they frequent in some states are frozen solid? Same thing they do in the summer, only slower. Their metabolism slows and they don't eat as much. If the water freezes solid they will die. Also even if just the surface freezes and the body of water is small enough, especially if there is rotting vegetation in the water, all the oxygen in the water will be used and the fish will die. It's called "winter kill". 3: What can a person do to help a Largemouth and Smallmouth Basses habitat in which they live in, are there things you can do maybe cheaply to make em say spawn more or improve their overall health that arent very costly or time consuming? Uh, Good question. I'm not real sure as far as spawning more. As for health, you can provide them with some type of cover. Sunken christmas trees, old tires bolted together, railroad ties piled together to form a "crib shelter", concrete blocks piled together, I hear the like gutted out cars, buses, farm equipment....etc. 4: Do Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass have predators (wether it be birds or other problem fish) that can ruin their numbers in a given body of water? Not really after they get over about 10 inches. Granted a snapping turtle or muskie may get one every now and then, but it is generally not a real threat. Carp can sometimes be a problem as they can root up the bottom of the lake and make the water dirty, which can create a lot of problem for everything that lives in that body of water. Again that is rare. Disease would be the biggest threat I can think of. 5: If yes to the question above do you have any recommendations or solutions on getting rid of these problematic things? Kill the turtles and make some soup! ;D 6: Do you know something about Bass in general that people might be suprised to know, if so what? Bass will relate to anything different. In a study bass where placed in a plain, all white tank. They swam around aimlessly. A board was placed over one edge and all the bass stayed under the shade of the board. The board was removed and rocks where placed on one side of the tank. The bass immediately where attracted to the rocks and hovered over them. The rocks where removed and a black stripe was placed in the tank. Even though it provided no cover, the bass still hovered near the stripe. In another study bass had their eyes covered and where placed in a tank with minnows. Within a few hours the bass had eaten all the minnows. Showing that the bass would use their lateral line to hunt and not even need their eyes. Pretty cool, huh? 7: How long can you keep a Bass out of water before doing damage to the fish itself. I'm not sure if there is a certain time. Get them back in the water as soon as you can. Make sure you handle them with wet hands and try not to let them touch anything like the ground or the deck of a boat. It washes of their slime coat which protects fish from disease and abrasions. If you ever catch a big fish, over maybe 8-10 pounds, try to support it from under it's tail when you pick it up. Just lipping a large bass can break it's jaw. Do you think all Bass should be released back? If yes or no are there certain circumstances aside from legal that would effect your decision? I release all of the bass I catch (I'm a nice guy, though. I even release the ones I haven't caught! ) but I don't have any problems in the waters I fish. One of the problem's I can think of would be a small body of water that is overpopulated with bass. In that case it is wise to remove a few so there is less fish fighting for food and lets a few get big. Hope this helps.
  13. Hmm. Tom Bass lives in N.C. Wonder how I figured that out? Oh, he posted it under his avitar. : Yep. I live in O.H. Wonder how you figured that out. Oh, I posted it in my signature. You too can also post where you live if you want to. ;D Back to the original question. As far as I am concerned it is cool, not too sure it is kosher though. :-/ (I'm not jewish) If you want to go fishing with me, just ask. I could stand to learn a thing or two.
  14. Darn, and I liked Ben... ...but, I am glad to see that Glenn could make sense of it all and still keep this the "friendliest" B.R. on the W.W.W.
  15. The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Gordon Lightfoot It's always been. Cause I'm the most boring sonsa birch you ever seen. I dress in blue yes navy blue.
  16. That would be a HUGE list for me. We have how many members? To name a few in no real order: Glenn, the_muddy_man, LBH, JT, Cowie (Oh how I want to fish Italy), Marty, RR (Rouge), all the member's from NE Ohio, KU, and there are so many other's that I can not think of right now. Honestly, I like to fish and would be more than happy to fish with any other member of the BR.
  17. Hangman Jury. Permanent Vacation. Aerosmith. Along the coach roads I did ride. A sword and pistol by my side. Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade.
  18. The bait monkey is the little voice in the back of your head that keeps telling you "Buy that lure, IT WILL CATCH THAT LUNKER!" "Buy that rod, YOU NEED IT TO LAND THAT LUNKER!" "Buy that reel, YOU NEED IT TO LAND THAT LUNKER!" "Buy that extra large, no one in there right mind could fill, tackle bag. AFTER I GET THROUGH WITH YOU IT WILL BE FULL AND YOU WILL STILL NEED MORE TACKLE." That guy is the monkey. Personally, I hate him. : GET OUT OF MY HEAD, MONKEY!
  19. Another reason to solder along with crimping is to get rid of air gaps that create voltage loss. Granted the loss is minimal but why not get the best connection you can. Sounds silly but it is true.
  20. I don't know the rest of the lyrics but the answer is Pinball Wizard by The Who. Good luck with this one. "I am Govenor Jerry Brown. I always smiles and never frowns." Hint: Think California
  21. Ben covered that really well. The only point I will make is to make sure the connector is hot enough to melt the solder and you are not using the heat of the torch. You do not want a "cold joint"
  22. Metalica: One. Dam, now I have to come up with some lyrics, huh? Got my pills "gainst" mosquito death. My buddy's breathing his dying breath...
  23. LBH, e-mail sent. I wanna be in them thar moving pictures! ;D
  24. Hey, langs15. It's cool. I doubt anyone thought you where an @$$, just a normal 14 year old. ;D J/K. Besides, you said "sorry". It takes a (reel) man to say that. You are well on your way, young man. Flyenzo Rodinnelli, You ain't right. : I like it! cowie, Your going to come here and stick your tounge out at me? It's not my fault you can make better gnocchi's than my wife and out fish me. ;D
  25. I wonder what this thread would look like if we where posting on the troutresource.com fishing forums. :-? "I have one rod and one reel, set me back about $150.00 4 years ago. I tie my own fly's. Spent maybe $30.00 this year. Had to buy a new vest last year though. Set me back another $40.00. Fishing permit. $20.00. No boat because I fish streams from the shore. $0.00. So in the last 4 years I have spent about $240.00. Glad I don't fish for bass. I hear some of those guys spend that in a week!" ;D
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