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Everything posted by MyKeyBe

  1. I fish from the shore and like to have something waterproof in case I step in the water. Right now I use a pair of Red Wings Waterproof work boot. They are kind of heavy but very comfortable.
  2. Here is the picture I am currently using.
  3. Thanks! I just sanded it smooth with some fine grit sandpaper, washed it down with water, polished it with polishing compound, and then waxed it with car wax. I really like the way it looks. It has a dull graphite finish to it. I removed the foregrip a a couple of weeks ago. On this rod it was super easy. It had on of those twisting cork forgrips with a thin metal sleeve on the end. Cut the cork, break the sleeve, and that was about it.
  4. Thanks for the inspiration dsaavedra!!! Only took about 3 hours and feels great! Thanks again.
  5. Possibly true. I have read awhile ago in NAFC and maybe Bassin' that all braid was made by Spectra and (?), some other company. That was a while ago and I'm not sure it was true even at the time I read it.
  6. 29 gal freshwater and a red oscar. I have a 55 gal. ready for him when he gets bigger. Also have a 5 gal. for feeder fish. Hey LBH, do you give your oscar toys? Mine gets a new lure every Sunday.
  7. Keep the old truck. It's paid for and fixing the few problems you may have will never equal a new truck payment. Ohh and get the tranny cooler. Every 20 degrees you lower the tranny's temp will double its life!!!
  8. I haven't used mine yet but the video of them looks great. Do a google search for strike king rage tail video and click on the first site that comes up. I'd post the link for ya but I can't as it's another fishing site.
  9. I smoke and am courtious about when and where I light up but if all the smokers quit today the government would go broke in a week and state sales and gas taxes would go through the roof. Oh wait, they already are through the roof. :'( Here comes the fat tax!
  10. Avid, Sean Morrey said it best...
  11. dbrev, Matt 5.0 is a forum member who bought a carrot stix from simmons e-bay store also.
  12. I'll second the Mann's bait kit and the Strike King spinnerbaits. Also a great value for new and unusual lures is the Riverside box at Wal-Mart for .99 cents. Yum baits for less than half the price. Here is a photo of the Mann's kit I posted about a year ago.
  13. Something else to think about... Tank to fish ratio. An oscar is a freshwater tropical fish and a bass is a freshwater coldwater fish. : A tropical fish requires less than half the water per inch of fish than a coldwater fish. Here is a general rule of thumb example. A tank of 24 x 12 x 15 ins. equals 18 gallons. This tank will hold 24 ins. of tropical fish and 10 ins. of coldwater fish. That is out of the book "You and your aquarium" by Dick Mills. The numbers actually seem high to me. I would never keep a single oscar that may get 8-12 ins. in anything less than a 30 gallon and would prefer a 55 gallon.
  14. Now thats funny and on topic.
  15. I'll second the vote for an oscar. I love mine and he acts very "bassy". 30 gallon min. for a single oscar, 55 would be better though.
  16. Never tried it myself but supposedly the normal texas rig would defeat the purpose of this rig. quote from Bassin magazine. "When line comes out the front of the sinker on a punch through texas rig, there can be interference with mat penetration, increased tangles and less efective hook sets. Because the weight is centered below the bait, the Okeechbee Rig can be fished in the thickest weed mats without hanging up... On hooksets, you get a straight line pull to the hook." Hope that helps.
  17. I have a bunch of them. Never used them though. What I do is take the bait keeper off of them and put it on an EWG hook. It works awesome.
  18. What's a Senko? Is it like a Dinger or a Tiki Stick? ;D Is the Horny Toad related to the Bait Monkey? :-?
  19. Sorry about that everyone. After rereading my last post, it came out a lot hasher than I wanted it to. I guess I was bitter yesterday morning. If I offended anyone, again I am sorry. I guess my whole rant was that to a new basser without much dough they may look at some of these threads and say "Wow, I could never afford that!" I was trying to tell them that "Yes, you can." I just took it a little to far. I have way more than I need and still want more than I have. I understand that darn monkey's claws run deep. I have never told anyone anything about their high dollar equipment or how to spend their money. It's yours to spend, do what you like with it but the whole point was that you don't have to.
  20. Bump. Hmm. Nope. No one ever said you need $$$ to catch bass but it sure is implied. I hear a heck of a lot more about G-Loomis than I do Ugly Stick. A lot more about GYBC than all the "knock offs". I hear a lot more about Shimano than Pinnacle. Lucky Craft will have fish jumping in your lap. So maybe I never heard a lot about about "$$$ = fish" but it is implied. So for all you kids on a $10.00 a week allowance and all the hard working people on a $30,000 a year budget, forget it. You might as well take up bluegill fishing. Those gills will bite on a leaf and you can catch them with your low dollar cane pole. And YES! I can get there from here using both but can I afford to drive 40 miles one way to work 5 days a week in a slomaro that get 15 MPG? Gas is $3.00 a gallon. $30.000 for a Camaro that gets 15 MPG and I look cool? $15.000 for the cavalier that gets 30 MPG and I'm not so cool? Hmmm?
  21. Never done it myself but my wife has. Back before I even knew her, a bunch of mutual friends (thanks for hooking me up with the greatest lady and one of the best fish stories ever!) where fishing a tail race below a dam on a local lake. My buddy hooks into a NICE fish and she jumps in to grab it. Well that NICE fish was a rather large muskie. Having been from Texas, she had no idea what a muskie was and just wanted to help. She thought noodling was cool! 8-) Well when everyone on shore kept yelling "NO!" "GET OUT OF THERE!" "LEAVE THAT FISH ALONE!" she got out of the water and let my buddy play the fish out. Being the cocky Texan she is she told my buddy after he caught the muskie "I could of grabbed that and drug it in by it's tail" To this day when she see's a muskie and I tell her "Hey! Wanna go grab that fish for me?" She tell's me "They could of told me it's like a gar (the muskie) and has teeth like a pit bull" and I always tell her "Yep, and it could grab a hold of you and you would have one less hand!" Stupid story I guess but it makes me laugh every time I think about it.
  22. Yep. What goes around comes around. Live and learn. Sounds like you learned the hard way.
  23. Not so sure I would call it ugly... Maybe just kinda small. After catching a new PB I would be expecting something more like Glenn's LM... SMILE! ;D
  24. I think KU has one of the best reports I have ever seen. Much better than the "too many flukes in stock" graph that LBH gave me and the color c-lector I have. Not quite as accurate as the lake is solid (frozen) lake is water (not frozen) report that I use but still quite accurate. Very nice find KU.
  25. Muddy, I wouldn't trust that guy's blessings. Did you see his avatar? I bet he would give Keith Richards a run for his drug money! ;D Kinda like a digruntled ex DJ or something. Scary. LOL Keep it up, Muddy. It'll be 16 years before you know it. That's this time next year, ya Mook!
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