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Everything posted by MyKeyBe

  1. OMG! Too funny. πŸ˜‚ I kinda want to buy some BR merch now and watch a bunch of videos. Something about that Glenn guy seems so trustworthy!
  2. If @Glenn doesn't change "You" to "I" and add this to his signature... Missed opportunity. πŸ˜‚
  3. I would and actually have. I ordered a Falcon Lowrider that no one had in stock at the time from Amazon and they "lost" it. The next day it showed up even though the status still said lost. I actually thought about keeping it and not saying anything for a day or two. The whole time the rod was "lost" and I could have gotten a refund. I did the right thing and let them know the rod was delivered and to keep the charge on my account. The person I spoke to actually seemed pretty surprised I called and let them know. I try and have some decency and integrity in my life, karma and all that. Not that I agree with Amazon's business practices, I don't believe they use forced labor in their warehouses. I tend to think the drivers could make an easy escape if they needed to and could probably bring a few "slaves" with them. πŸ˜‚ Then again a troll is going to do troll things so I believe you probably would keep it. Next time I cross a bridge, I'll drop a nickel over the side for you. πŸ‘
  4. Nah, I drive to Shenzhen from Ohio once or twice a year and buy direct. πŸ˜†
  5. I'm guessing from the pictures and dk mentioning he might want to trade it in, he already has the rod. I just suggested Carolina rig because its called the lizard dragger and it was as far as I know, designed to be a Carolina rig rod. I said it 3 times for comedic effect because dk2429 asked about it eleventeen times. πŸ˜‚ Oddly enough, apparently not dragging lizards. πŸ˜† You can go back to casts_by_flys first post when he started this thread and start reading from there to get some other ideas of what the rod might be good for. I believe it's been talked about previously. For $50.00 I doubt you'll find a better rod in the Falcon line up for whatever technique. If you can't find a use for it, I'm sure you can sell it and make a few bucks for what you have in it. If you really want to trade it in/up and Falcon won't work with you, you might be able to see if someone would work out a deal on an already broken Falcon rod and some cash or whatever before you break a perfectly good rod to trade in. I had to cut an already broken rod once for warranty and it just felt wrong. I'm not sure I could break a new, unbroken rod and not just because I'm a 98 pound weakling. I'd also feel bad about doing it. 😁. I guess you could always Bill Dance ceiling fan it if you had to.
  6. This has nothing to do with me but my wife is ambidextrous. She's actually left handed but in the past being left handed was a sin, so she learned to write with her correct hand and not her dominant wrong hand. πŸ˜† Her writing is actually about the same using either hand today and she can do most things equally well with both hands. As for me and this topic, with casting reels I cast with the correct hand, switch to the wrong hand to hold the rod and reel and retrieve with my correct hand. I do this for the same reason my wife learned to write the way she does. Back in the day (a Thursday if I remember correctly) it was a sin to do it any other way. πŸ˜‚ Spinning rods are cast with the correct hand and stay there for the retrieve which is performed by the wrong hand βœ‹. All kidding aside it wasn't that long ago that left handed casting reels where a lot harder to find. Most fisher people around 45-50 and older probably do this as well. It makes no sense but it's what we had to use and learn on and once you learn/do something for so long it's hard to relearn/change. Even if it wasn't that hard to relearn (I'm pretty sure I could) all the reels I have now are right handed. It would be an investment to switch them all out. So I just continue to do what I do.
  7. Might make a good Carolina rig rod. Might make a good Carolina rig rod. Might make a good Carolina rig rod. Might make a decent shorter frog rod. πŸ˜‚ With braid I actually like a little slower rod even for frogs.
  8. If you need a couple of rods then yes, that is a fantastic deal. I don't own any evos but I do have an hd and it's a very nice rod for what it is. $20.00 might end up being the best fishing deal of the century.
  9. At least 30# for a bait caster. Larger diameter lines handle better on casting gear. Make sure you use a layer of tape on the spool or tie to mono backing to keep the line from slipping on the spool. Most people are probably going to recommend sufix 832 but all the sufix lines are pretty good. Power pro and yozuri are also pretty good. Most braids now a days are pretty decent as far as that goes. If you haven't used braid since forever ago, 832 will probably seem pretty amazing.
  10. I'm starting to wonder if the Evo/HD price point is too high for Walmart and the Evo will be going away, at least from Walmart? I just noticed the other day Falcon has a new line of Altrax rods on their website for $50.00. I wonder if those are going to be the new Walmart/low price point rods? EVA and no mention of components or warranty. It would kind of make sense if your trying to sell rods at a big box retailer like Walmart.
  11. Could an average joe compete and dominate on their home lake? Absolutely. Could they do it in their home area? Sure. Nationwide? Maybe. Nationwide for years on end? Not likely. Nationwide for years on end at the top levels? Probably not. Could it be done? Sure but it is very unlikely. I think most everyone is overlooking the pure grit and determination it takes to fish at the pro level. Money aside, it's an extremely taxing and demanding lifestyle to live. These guys eat, sleep, and live to fish. Everyday. They want it. The average joe doesn't have "that" in them. I believe an above average joe could certainly tour across the country and catch fish at a pro level. I just think most people don't have what it takes in them to live that lifestyle nonstop for a year yet alone multiple years in a row.
  12. Going to be hard to find a better rod for $32.00! I don't have any Evo's but my wife has an HD and I have one as well because Amazon sent the wrong rod the first time I ordered hers. I haven't used either of them a whole lot but they both seem like nice rods for what they are. One of my local Walmarts has Evo rods, if they mark them down that much I will for sure pick up at least one or two. Hopefully you picked up a 7'3" heavy casting rod. A $32.00 Evo Amistad would be a very good deal. πŸ˜†
  13. Your not going to find a better reel at that price. Probably be hard to find a better reel for $120.00. At $75.00 I'd buy 2 for sure if I could afford it and needed a reel or two. They are really nice reels. You won't be disappointed.
  14. Your off by about 20 years from what I understand, just about everything after around 1980 was mastered digitally. I collect CDs myself and have close to 700 now. A lot cheaper than vinyl, still easy to find in thrift stores but they are getting harder, and easy to transfer to a computer or flash drive. I have nothing against vinyl it's just too expensive for me. I can find good CDs for $1.50 or less and I really do like the fact that I own it. I rip it to a computer used for nothing but music and into storage they go. I have a bunch of CDs that I've technically never even listened to. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
  15. I've been actively bass fishing for about 25 years now. I've never fished for bass from the water other than ankle or knee deep. No boat, kayak, canoe, float tube... 100% bank beater bunch πŸ˜‚
  16. The Abu suggestion is pretty good. I have an older vendetta 6'6" and it has a fairly stiff tip. My lews hank parker casting rod has a fairly stiff tip as well. Not sure if the spinning rods are similar. Walmart could have both rods and may be on sale as well depending on your area. Check a few and see what you can find. Biggest problem might be the use of eva or winn type grips instead of cork. My vendetta has Eva and a metal lock ring as well but I don't think they still use the metal rings. Flea markets in my area seem to have a lot of the older Berkeley rods in the summer if you can find someone that has a fishing stand. Might be an option as well.
  17. 15-20 pound braid is not that hard to break and it almost always breaks or slips at the knot just like any other line unless it's compromised just like any other line. It can also straighten a hook and you get everything back just like any other line. I think 20 pound braid might actually be easier to break than 12 pound mono because it doesn't stretch. You don't have to walk it back 10 feet before it breaks. If you want to use a leader because abrasion is an issue or it gives you confidence, just know it's another knot/failure point and if you do have to break off there's a good chance it will break at the leader knot leaving the whole leader in the water. Get 15-20# name brand braid. Get a spool of cheap 8-12# mono to use for a leader. Pull 80-100 yards of line off your reel and cut it off. Tie the braid to the old line still on the reel and fill the reel with the new braid. 4 carrier braid will be noisier and cut through vegetation better than an 8 or more carrier line. The fish don't seem to care one way or the other, you might. Fluorocarbon is certainly an option as well but it is more expensive and can have knot issues. It's generally going to be more abrasion resistant and sensitive but for a short length like a leader I don't think it makes any difference for sensitivity. Fluoro also sinks and mono and braid both float. I have never fished for bass from anything but the bank. No boat, no kayak, no canoe, no float tube, not floating on my back, on an elephants back... πŸ˜†
  18. The Ohio largemouth record goes back to 1976 and is 13 pounds and an ounce or two. I don't see this record being broken in my lifetime. It's an almost unobtainable record. The smallmouth record is 10 pounds and a few ounces and I can see that being broken anytime. Erie grows some big smallmouth. On a side note my wife caught a giant green sunfish a few years back. If it was infact a green sunfish it would of easily broken the state record but who cares about a state record green sunfish? We sure didn't and back in the water she went. I do believe I have a picture of two somewhere though.
  19. They all exploded, everyone stopped using them, they couldn't afford to replace a million rods, boyd left to start his own exploding rod company, they went out of business. Or something like that. 🫀
  20. Even a worm that was brand new when this thread was started is old school now. πŸ˜†
  21. I have super braid on a reel. I haven't had any problems with it but I'm not real picky when it comes to braid. I believe 40# and lower is 4 carrier and 50# and up is 8 carrier.
  22. I tried it a couple of years ago in 12 lb for a month or so, I really liked it as well. I actually tried a bunch of mono/copolymer lines that year on a bait cast reel. Pro mix was one of the better ones for me. Then again almost all of the lines were pretty good.
  23. A really extreme version of majong! πŸ˜‚ The most intense version of solitaire ever! πŸ˜† I don't have an answer for you just wise guy replies. casts_by_fly's suggestion would probably work.
  24. Always. Trim the skirt like a jig, and 98% of the time a curly tail grub trailer. 1% split tail trailer and the other 1% a boot tail of some sort. Never a trailer hook. A spinner bait is a good bait by it self and a curly tail is a good bait by it self. Good lure plus good lure equals GREAT lure! Maybe? Probably. πŸ˜‚
  25. Small grub.
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