I am the founder of the FHU Bass Anglers over at Freed-Hardeman University in West Tennessee. We pretty much did the same things that all of these other guys have said. I will attest to the fact that the CBAA is falling apart. They basically made a whole lot of empty promises as Braden said. They haven't updated the national rankings since October, although there have been 3 or 4 invitational tournaments. They really don't do anything positive for the sport. The guys at Fox College Sports are REALLY stepping up and doing some work for the sport. They have just created the American Collegiate Anglers, which is an offshoot of the Bass Federation I believe. By being a part of the ACA, you are eligible for a whole bunch of discounts and stuff, as well as a membership with the Bass Federation. This association has not been fully kicked off yet, but there will be a formal announcement about it soon. Make sure to watch www.collegiatebasschampionship.com and www.collegebass.com to get the latest updates in Collegiate fishing. Auburn University, along with FHU and UTM and a few other schools has put together what we believe is the first collegiate fishing trail. It has 4 tournaments and each tournament will have about 30 boats in it. So as you can see, there is a lot of growth in Collegiate fishing, and plenty of opportunities to participate!