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Everything posted by AF_Fisherman

  1. I thought i had it but I was wrong...... too confusing for my little brain....LOL
  2. I got coal in my stocking....LOL actually it felt like that's what i got when the wind blew me off of the lake after my 8 hour drive..... :'(
  3. That's Ok, Last I heard they'll be out of oil by 2010 and trying to make it off of the tourist business...It's nice there but how nice will it be when they run out of slush money....
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone...
  5. Well I was told in my first post this is where i should introduce myself so here goes... I'm in the Air Force and getting ready to retire to Lake Fork... I try and fish about once every other week when I'm in the states....Anyway Hello everyone
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