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Everything posted by Gone_Phishin

  1. I don't see the need for the taser, or the mace in his previous arrest.
  2. A second on the 1/8oz buzzbait. Also, the Tiny Torpedo.
  3. Thanks for the info Raul and J. I've known about the ergonomic TD-X for some time, but have always dreamed about a mirror image lefty. A man can dream... ;D
  4. Very cool. I might have to pull the trigger. As for the regular Giron, I don't know, I'm guess I'm not a big fan. A lot of people love it, maybe I just need to spend some more time fishing this bait. I'm not sold on the action...a little to stiff for me. Again, perhaps some more time.
  5. If that's the case, then you scored the deal of the decade...seriously. On a related note, did Daiwa ever make a mirror image left-handed TD-X? I've always wanted this reel, as everyone loves theirs, and I think they are one of the coolest looking reels ever. I would LOVE to have a mirror image lefty.
  6. I don't know. It seems like the majority of people here are more interested in the warranty than quality of the product. I think some of us just don't think it's a smart buy. The blank MIGHT be better, but at that level, how much better than a GLX or Steez can it be? Marginally. Combine that with no insurance like that offered by other companies...no thanks....but I'd be glad to buy a LTX or LTA! Yup, well said Dan. I love my LTA's, and if I can continue to find them at sale prices, I will continue to buy them and fish the heck outta them. Warranty issues are the sole reason why I do not own a JDM stick. I'd love to, but as a non-boater there's no way: I transport my rods up stairs, into a vehicle, into a boat, and then in the reverse order at day's end. This fosters too many opportunities for a busted rod. I'll continue to buy JDM reels, as I feel much safer protecting a reel from a mishap than a rod.
  7. This again brings attention to the cold weather fishermen. What if I purchase a Z-Bone in November, and can not use it until our WI state opener in May? I've had others say, 'if you knew how great this rod is, you will find a way to fish with it in the first 90 days...' Give me a break. That's almost as bad a 'if you knew what these rods went through in our factory, you can be assures you'll never have a problem with the rod.' GIVE ME A BREAK!
  8. Can't wait to try this one: http://tackletog.com/news/2010/02/21/new-spro-bbz-1-micro-2-5/
  9. A good way to use old scent, rather than tossing it, is mixing it in a batch of dough balls for cats.
  10. of the four ***-exclusive jared lintner powell rods (3 casting and 1 spinning), only the spook/trap rod is glass. the swim jig rod and the square bill rod as well as the wacky rig spinning rod are not listed as glass nor do they have the characteristic fat blank of powell glass rods. if i didn't already have a gazillion rods, i'd pick some of these up myself. my experience with other powell rods has been very good. Thanks. 8-)
  11. I would LOVE a custom Pixy, with one of the two colors in the neighborhood of med-dark green, to be paired with a BCR802. Easy, get the Pixy, dissasemble it completely, send it to Calfish for a Killer paint job, while he 's painting it get the upgrade parts and once you have it back send it to DR for further customization. Not cheap but shure it will look reely nize. That will eventually be the course I take. Unfortunately I've spent this entire year's tackle budget in the past two months.
  12. I still remember when he was defending his Extremes against the Citcas now he has been converted... I went through the same thing though when I went Bass Crazy 3 years ago... BPS -> Citca -> Now I'm buying two Curados, two Daiwa Agresstes and 1 more Citca... Then next year I'll probably make the dive to a Core. At times it seems like I wasted money on the cheaper but really it helped me have more rigs and learn different techniques better. They only reel I really regret buying was the 2008 Quantum PT TE. The only thing that makes me feel better is the fact the Citcas were not out yet so it doesn't seem like a total waist of 99$ Don't forget about the Calcutta TE's and Conquests.
  13. I would LOVE a custom Pixy, with one of the two colors in the neighborhood of med-dark green, to be paired with a BCR802.
  14. Is the rod mentioned in the OP, as well as the rod mentioned by west both glass?
  15. My brother has the large squirt/spray style bottle of Bang shad scent, and it eventually went 'bad.' It simply lost its potency and really thinned out.
  16. Davis really stunk-up the joint. I hope he was assigned to cleaning the troughs in the mens' room after the game. Two bombs and five runs to Nady and Baker??? Come on Davis. We might as well have kept Looper. :
  17. Man this brings me back. Every summer at scout camp, we would save a little Bisquick from breakfast. In the evenings we would use whittled tree branches as gigs, and cook our feast on the sheepherder stove. Mmmm.
  18. Yup. Kinda like the people that order four number 1's at the McD's drive through, and then proceed to cry as they consume everything in the parking lot.
  19. Yup, and after only seven all of last season...if my memory serves me correct.
  20. I'm curious about this stuff as well. Seems quite expensive for .5oz.
  21. It's nice to see the garbage receptacles were properly used. :
  22. If you have the room (storage and casting), get the longest dang rod you can find.
  23. Please keep us updated, they do look intriguing.
  24. Because Detroit needs an OT to protect their expensive new QB...but heck, what am I thinking, their front office makes about as much sense as t%ts on a bull. Detroit will trade down if they get the chance. Detroit News quoted back office types saying that they were looking for bargains this year. Suh might be too expensive for this bunch of tightwads. > Corey Williams isn't getting any younger, and I can't imagine the front office could pass on the most sure thing in this draft. On another note, is there any chance Philly deals Vick, and trades-up to take Clausen...or maybe they take McCoy or even Tebow in the second round.
  25. My brother drinks like a fish, hence he has went through quite a few phone due to drunken shenanigans. He purchased the above phone a month ago, and he has had very high praise for it's durability.
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